I'm looking for webstores that carry unusual and original mordheim friendly models to spicen up my Orc warband as well as a
Bretonnian Scottish Highlander warband a friend of mine has asked me to help him with. They don't carry a whole lot of models at our local shop and with prices on tin models going up, there's all the more reason to get more bang for our buck. Especially sites located in Europe are relevant to our interests.
Here's the ones I've managed to find so far.
Freebooter Miniatures (Bah! Only Gobbos! No Orcs
Forgeworld (Though mostly Terrain for Fantasy)
PS: Sorry if this is the wrong forum. It looked like the most fitting what with the Material sticky in the top
PPS: While I'm at it I'd like to ask for suggestions on models for the Highlander Warband. I've got a couple of models off of Freebooter which are very suiting but two models a warband does not make.