The Greenskin bug has bit me hard, and we're now up to three bands in development at once
The Night Goblin rules though really don't seem quite right to me. I played a few test games on my own using counters and they just seem borked - warband-wide animosity on a single D6 roll shifts it from being a flavour rule that generates some lulz to a 1/6 chance to cripple your warband each turn; sure, as the author intended it saves time, but not being able to move, shoot, cast spells or attack in CC with pretty much every model on the table(since "Goblins only" isn't as big an exception as I think the author intends; moving your Squigs without their babysitters is daft and means, functionally, they don't move either if you roll that 1) for a whole turn with that kind of frequency, a tad too far I think.
Fanatics are included but have so many penalties they're not really worth taking even for a laugh; minimum 35gc(inc. weapon) to hire for a standard Goblin profile that can never gain experience and has to be bought Madcap Mushrooms before every battle at 25gc a pop or they can't be used at all. And of course, the mushrooms also mean they have a 1/6 chance of becoming Stupid after every battle.
Has anyone actually played the rules as-written in a campaign? Did you notice any issues related to the above?
My provisional "solutions" are to revert to the standard Animosity rules from the Orc & Goblin warband, and to implement some or all of the following changes to Fanatics(don't want to push them the other way and make them OP) - change no xp gain to half xp gain(ala Ostlander Ogre) and no TLGT; remove the Stupidity test requirement since they're so addled & resistant to Madcaps already; add a Shaman-only skill called "Shroom Farmer" to the warband's Special skills that lets them buy Madcaps for 15gc rather than 25.
Oh, and additionally add the inexplicably missing DHW to the regular equipment list(perhaps with a Big Boss Only stipulation) so folk can actually use the two-handed axe-wielding GW Big Boss model.