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 Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns

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Friedrich Hetzenauer
Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeThu 11 Jun 2015 - 20:47

this season I began working on my CIRCUS, Carnival warband... (It was my second season,the first one I played with orcs from my WHFB army, but i dislike that these are not original "fuffy" Mordheim gang... Every time I'm more and more interested in the feeling of game, regardless of result...)
I made two Brutes, two Infected and two brothers. Also used my old one sculpted Nurgling, two OOP Plaguebearers (I really love these models). Not decided with the King of Carnaval, using now an old plastic wizard...
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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeThu 11 Jun 2015 - 20:59

Pics or it didn't happen clown
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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeThu 11 Jun 2015 - 21:04

Here is my wip gallery:

(I don't know why, but all my attempts to post an image failed... Grrrr! Mad )
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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeThu 11 Jun 2015 - 21:41

Oh yes, they are cool. The brutes especially. And good use of the old Breton archers. Painted up, they form a nice little bunch!
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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeThu 11 Jun 2015 - 22:12

Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns WIP_-_MH_klauni_023

LOOKIN' GOOD! All your pieces have a lot of potential. GREAT WORK!  thumbsup

Now then as to the photos:
1-click the photo you want to bring it up to full size.
2-right click the photo & chose the Copy Image Location
3-click the icon that looks like a TV screen (fourth block, second icon from the left on the top bar)
4-place the cursor in the bar with the http & enter Ctrl V...that will enter your photos address
5-click insert & the photo will appear like the one above.

I hope that was understandable.  clown
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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeThu 11 Jun 2015 - 22:26

(Oh, Nooo, lost my parts description of Brutes... because of clicking "quote"... Mad)
Brutus (hammer) - marauder legs, orc body and hands, dwarf head with abrased helmet, hammer head from plastic from sprue...
Golemek (flail) - boots and trousers from 1/35 soviet soldier - shortened, orc hands and top of hood, flail head from an banner sprue, other sculpted from putty

Good observation with the old bretonian archers - they are a good source of bodies and legs - I have prepared other one with completely repositioned legs.. (heads and hands are always spare...) The one with clown's hat have gor's head...

The "Joker" and "Drummer" are from Catachan soldiers... (Drummer bag from 1/35 soviet, marauder hands...)

Painting process of all are almost finished during last few days, but I have not camera now (wife with sons are on holidays - I can paint, but without camera Very Happy)
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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeThu 11 Jun 2015 - 22:33

Thanks, DeafNala! thumbsup
All steps seems to be easy and comprehensibles, but I failed before (don't know why...)

Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns WIP_-_MH_klauni_020
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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeThu 11 Jun 2015 - 23:20

SUCCESS! The Jester's Caps look TERRIFIC! VERY WELL DONE!  thumbsup
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeFri 12 Jun 2015 - 4:23

Welcome to the forum! You have done a great job creating the warband out of diverse sources of miniatures. I really like your use of those old plastic archers. I still have around 40 of them in a box somewhere...
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Friedrich Hetzenauer
Friedrich Hetzenauer

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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeFri 12 Jun 2015 - 4:54

With clowns like that I can see why some people might be afraid.

Those old bret archers are a great source of parts (and cheap) and you've done a really nice job with them.
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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeFri 12 Jun 2015 - 22:16

DeafNala wrote:
SUCCESS! The Jester's Caps look TERRIFIC! VERY WELL DONE!  thumbsup

Originally both were bareheaded, but in a game my friend mentioned the idea of pointy clown's caps(hats)... So, I did some work - was satisfying:)

Some proofs of painting progress (photos taken only under afternoon sun...):
Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns WIP_-_CLOWNS_01

Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns WIP_-_CLOWNS_02
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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeFri 12 Jun 2015 - 22:18


Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns WIP_-_CLOWNS_03

Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns WIP_-_CLOWNS_05
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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeFri 12 Jun 2015 - 22:19

And the two small ones...
Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns WIP_-_CLOWNS_06
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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeFri 12 Jun 2015 - 22:24

My actual warband master... (an old plastic OOP wizard)
I'm not sure with him, still waiting for a scratchbuild idea (for this reason is without paint..)

Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns WIP_-_CLOWNS_12

And promised "bretarch's" leg reposition (comparing with the original one..., isn't my painting job...)
Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns WIP_-_CLOWNS_15
Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns WIP_-_CLOWNS_16
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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeFri 12 Jun 2015 - 23:38

COOL & COLORFULLY DONE! Your conversions are TERRIFIC. This is going to be something special when complete.  thumbsup
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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeTue 7 Jul 2015 - 10:39

The Carnival has to be one of my favorite warbands to convert. Great job!
I have a mutant for my possessed that looks a lot like your brute.
Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns <a href=Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Cimg4810" />
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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeTue 7 Jul 2015 - 14:04

COOL! The Orc torso & arms are a couple of very useful conversion pieces...part of my own Ubergoblins. He does look suitably mutated AND WELL DONE!   thumbsup
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Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeFri 10 Jul 2015 - 1:54

Good conversions are always great to look at, and yours are fantastic! It's difficult to notice that there's been alteration at all, as the result is so seamles.

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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jul 2015 - 22:24

D34dB34t wrote:
The Carnival has to be one of my favorite warbands to convert. Great job!
I have a mutant for my possessed that looks a lot like your brute.
" />

Yeap, is the same combination - as wrote DeafNala, is wery useful Wink
btw: should be more possesed, now is only the beggining of chaos process.... Suspect

I had copied the idea from some picture on web, looking for any interesting pics of Carnival...

CARANTUR: thanks a lot! Is a good motivation for me to finish/continue in the process. As painting, as modelling/converting.

Accidentally today I began another clown (again from a poor catachan... Karate ). As I wrote before, I love converting clown , unfortunally our MH playing season terminated by disappearing players, because rules were very free and opened. I try to reanimate the community for next season with greater planning and forming a true campaign..., hopefully scratch
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The Black Flame
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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeFri 7 Aug 2015 - 1:08

The warband looks tremendously colourful but also horrendously terrifying, I mean I'm not scared of clowns myself but i totally get why people find them so creepy! Hope to see more soon.
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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitimeFri 7 Aug 2015 - 1:20


Lord Flasheart: And always remember - if you want something, take it! Bobby!
Bob Parkhurst: [enters] My lord?
Lord Flasheart: I want something.
Bob Parkhurst: Take it!
[she undoes her shirt - exeunt]
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PostSubject: Re: Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns   Pedro's CIRCUS (Carnival of Chaos) - group of clowns Icon_minitime

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