I just read your rules and I must say I really like some of the stuff I read. SOme other stuff I didn't like as much. There are a lot of things in there that I like and some that I don't. I'll try to test your rules as soon as I can. For now I'll give an overview of the stuff I liked an didn't liked. Aso I didn't read everything yet. I mainly kept to the 'core rules' and rules on weapons. I still have to read the campaign system, scenario's, rules on magic and warband rules. I'll try to read them and give feedback on it in the near future.
Also, one question: is this game meant to be played in a Mordheim setting (eg. lot's of scenery) or a Warhammer setting (in the open, lots of hills, streams and woods, not so much cover)?
Stuff I like:
- Random charge moves. But can I ask why you chose to go for 2D6 and chosing the highist (I'm not criticing, I'm just curious for your motivation)
- Striking always at Initiaive value but bonus for chargers.
- I liked how you can ALWAYS intercept, even when the enemy model is not charging.
- new rules and prices for weapons, much more 'honest'
- clear and well written rules!
stuff I like less
- that your armour can crumble.
- that concussion has effects that last an entire game. It seems a bit harsh plus it's yet more to remember.
- Personally I prefer the Mordheim warbands over the fantasy warbands but I appreciate the effort to create your own game. Perhaps I'll find a way to play the Mordheim Warbands with the WYrdwars rulesset.
Overall I really like it! Sorry I didn't read it all yet but I will do so in the near future and keep you informed of my thoughts