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 Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP

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PostSubject: Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP   Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP Icon_minitimeMon 22 Sep 2008 - 13:23

I've finally managed to get some OK pics of my Skaven so I thought I'd post them here. They look somehow 'cleaner' in the flesh than these shots make out and overall I'm quite pleased with the mouldy green look of their clothes. I think it suits both their sewer-dwelling nature as well as the stealthy aspect they bring to Mordheim (because dark green is actually hard to see at night than black is).

First off then, Stepping Razor, albino assassin and leader of the warband with his twin Warplocks:

Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP Aaebff095fe53776b1a895165b8859845g

Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP Aaf31ca8de2eef50bfae69f8c96644455g

Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP 93cf919be862980763ae2df14e5b3bef5g

And now 2 Paws Rending, his Black Skaven 2IC:

Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP 504b017c1826bb873b2887791f57e9ff5g

Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP 04ee0ea5c7b1f1cf0c52eeda7ba246e65g

Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP 33624bd37574bfc9166b4141e19123ee5g

The rest of the team are in various states of undress (well, they've had the green painted on but nothing else) apart from my sorceror. I'd finished the model (including a nice green glow effect on the the runes etched on his dagger) but now can't find him for love nor money. Sad

I'll post more pics as I get more of the vermin finished. I'm planning on using some green stuff to add a cobbled effect to their bases but that will come later.
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PostSubject: Re: Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP   Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP Icon_minitimeMon 22 Sep 2008 - 17:34

NICE STUFF! thumbsup

My ONLY critique would be, that while I REALLY like the green, a couple more colors MIGHT be in order to break up the monochromatic effect. Contrasting colored trousers & leggings would add a bit more interest to the minis.
The planned cobble stones will be a nice touch. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK [or else Suspect ]!
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PostSubject: Re: Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP   Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP Icon_minitimeMon 22 Sep 2008 - 23:23

DeafNala wrote:
NICE STUFF! thumbsup

My ONLY critique would be, that while I REALLY like the green, a couple more colors MIGHT be in order to break up the monochromatic effect. Contrasting colored trousers & leggings would add a bit more interest to the minis.
The planned cobble stones will be a nice touch. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK [or else Suspect ]!

Thanks Nala. I've just looked at the pics again and I'm really not happy wth them; they look much rougher than the models do in the flesh. I'll see if I can cadge some help off someone who can actually operate a camera and retake the shots.

With regards the colour scheme; you're right. Looking at them now they are too flat and one-dimensional. I think I'll take your advice on board and repaint them slightly. I'm thinking now of adding in a deep bilious royal purple to them. It may be a bit too garish though so I'll give it a go and let you know how it turns out.
I think I may invest in some more paints at some point though. Up until now I've only ever used a basic Citadel Starter set, maybe next time I need paint I should look at the Valleyjo stuff as everyone seems to rave about it.

On a positive note I scoured the house and found a bunch of old miniatures, including my
Skaven sorceror which I'd assumed was long gone.
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PostSubject: Re: Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP   Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP Icon_minitimeTue 23 Sep 2008 - 18:32

looking good so far. Some sugeestions from my side:
- paint the base sides black, green or brown. But you said, that there's still work to come for the bases, then do this after your Green Stuff work
- for a rusty look on the weapons: paint the barrels of the pistols with a metallic of your choise and than water down a dark brown and let it like an ink flow over the barrel. When it drys there will be some rust-like stains.
Keep it up!
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PostSubject: Re: Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP   Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP Icon_minitimeWed 24 Sep 2008 - 0:16

Nala: Thanks for the advice on the second colour. I found my sorceror yesterday and decided to try it out on him (seeing as he wasn't finished and had become a bit chipped after the missus hid him with some other minis in an envelope. I know).

I went with the bilious royal purple and it worked really well. I was worried he'd look like something out of the old Batman TV series but instead he looks sort of sinister. A bit of an air of faded glory about him. So thanks again for the advice, I'm going to go throgh and re-do the rest of the band now to add in the new scheme. I'll post pics as I go along.

Rancid, it sounds like a good idea on the weapons but I've never used an ink wash in my life. I only use standard Citadel starter sets and mix up any other colours I need. I'd like to give it a try bt I'm a little nervous about wiping ink over the paint job.

That being said it looks like GW are switching to a foundation/highlight/ink system so I think I'll need to change my strategy sooner or later. Bugger.
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PostSubject: Re: Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP   Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP Icon_minitimeThu 25 Sep 2008 - 0:10

OK, I've managed to get a semi-decent pic of the sorceror:

Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP 5fdd8d862b2eb2e9ba26fa231a88c9973g

I quite like the rnes on his blade and the warpstone staffhead and I think the added purple makes the whole thing stand out more. I just need to finish off the fiddly bits now.

I've also decided that my Assassin is going to strap on a pair of Weeping Blades as soon as he can afford/find them (although I've yet to plaly my first game in the new campaign).
I've decide that rather than strapping them across his back I've going to add some chunky axe blades mounted like bayonets on his pistols. If I paint them up to look like Warpstone it should be quite cool.
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PostSubject: Re: Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP   Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP Icon_minitimeThu 25 Sep 2008 - 8:20

WELL DONE! thumbsup

Well that's quite an improvement over the first Ratty Lads. The purple/violet goes VERY well with the green. I like the way you did the horns on the Grey Seer. Maybe a bit of reddish brown wask over the skin for a bit of deph to the coloration &, viola, you've got it! You're a quick study; in a year there'll be a crescendo of jaws impacting keyboards whenever you post your pics! BRAVO on your latest verminous addition!
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PostSubject: Re: Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP   Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP Icon_minitimeThu 25 Sep 2008 - 10:38

Thanks for the encouragement Nala. Strange thing is, I painted him about a year ago, all I've done recently is add in the purple and retouch some of where it got chipped by my good lady's mistreatment.

I think the first pics I posted are just very bad pics, the models look better when they're not blown up to about 5 times their normal size.

Strange that you liked the horns though; I've got kind of a mental horn block and always dither over what colour to paint them. I think I may drybrush some brown over the top of his to bring them out a bit more. I agree on the skin though, normally I'm quit proud of my skintones (whether Orc, human or otherwise) but these rats are bugging me.

Tonight I plan to put some more detail into his skin and finish off all the little bits and pieces and then start re-touching the others.

I like the idea of making lots of their little trinkets and such warpstone (like the staff-head) as though they display their wealth as a warning to others.
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PostSubject: Re: Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP   Squeeking Death: A Skaven WIP Icon_minitime

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