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 Manorhouse Workshop Indiegogo Campaign

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Manorhouse Workshop Indiegogo Campaign Empty
PostSubject: Manorhouse Workshop Indiegogo Campaign   Manorhouse Workshop Indiegogo Campaign Icon_minitimeSun 19 Jan 2014 - 4:46

I'm not sure if this is the right subforum but I was wondering if anyone else has seen this Indiegogo campaign

I've bought some of Manorhouse Workshop's older stuff (cast in plaster) and it really works great for Mordheim, all playable interiors, good height to the taller buildings, my Mordheim group use it every week.

This is the second attempt at Indiegogo for Manorhouse and they are still struggling to meet their funding goal (even at their more modest amount this time around).

Lorenzo (the owner) was a real pleasure to deal with when i ordered from him and I'd urge everyone with even the vaguest interest to check it out and throw some support his way.

Of particular interest are the 30cm x 30cm cobblestone sheets he's putting as add ons (or so i understand it), they look like they'll do nicely for any mordheim table.

Hopefully he can get this thing off the ground!
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Manorhouse Workshop Indiegogo Campaign Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manorhouse Workshop Indiegogo Campaign   Manorhouse Workshop Indiegogo Campaign Icon_minitimeSun 19 Jan 2014 - 13:58

This is the place for that type of fund raiser.   What a Face 
As some one who enjoys making my own terrain, Manor House has a very limit appeal for moi, but they do make some lovely pieces.
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Manorhouse Workshop Indiegogo Campaign Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manorhouse Workshop Indiegogo Campaign   Manorhouse Workshop Indiegogo Campaign Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jan 2014 - 20:52

They are some of the best out there. Their terrain is insanely good-looking!
Awesome stuff if you can afford it!

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Manorhouse Workshop Indiegogo Campaign Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manorhouse Workshop Indiegogo Campaign   Manorhouse Workshop Indiegogo Campaign Icon_minitime

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Manorhouse Workshop Indiegogo Campaign
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