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 indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set

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Venerable Ancient
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indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Empty
PostSubject: indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set   indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Icon_minitimeFri 27 Jul 2012 - 15:08

First, I want to apologize to Tom and all the Moderators if this post is against the rules or in the wrong place. I Feel free to move or delete. I just want to share the information. I have NOTHING to do with this. Wink

With the apologies out of the way, here is the scoop. One of the guys at the Death Squads Forum found this Crowd Funding project in indiegogo looking for funds to cast some Goblin Pirates. YES, GOBLIN FREAKING PIRATES! pirat

indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Wip9

I think these guys would be a GREAT addition to any Mordheim Player. They could be your Heroes and you still get to make your own Henchmen! The deal is simple; $30 gets you 6 Pirate Gobbos. You can buy more than a set of 6. If the project gets at least $2,500 in orders, you get billed and later get your models. If not, no money is exchanged. Think of it like a pre-order. Check out more information at the site Pirate Goblins Box Set.

At the DS site we are following stuff like this. To our surprise, the guy heading the project stopped by our forum yesterday and answered some questions (LINK) which makes the project a little more real. Seems like a very approachable (and talented) fellow.

Progress report: Pirate Goblins Box Set
$2,006 pledged of $2,500 goal
37 Days to go

Only $494 to go!
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indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Empty
PostSubject: Re: indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set   indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Icon_minitimeFri 27 Jul 2012 - 15:23

Personally, and I stress this : this is a personal opinion, I find the Black Scorpion Gobbo Pirates a lot prettier (read : more in line with how I expect a Gobbo to look) and they're only 9 pounds per 5 Gobbos

And again, don't get me wrong : these are very fine and detailed sculpts and I envie the sculptor's skills a lot
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Venerable Ancient
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indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Empty
PostSubject: Re: indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set   indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Icon_minitimeFri 27 Jul 2012 - 17:51

Pics or it didn't happen! Links would be useful too! Razz

Edit: I found them! LINK

indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set FPI_FPI6_1

I agree they are cheaper... yes. More bang for the buck? Not really. If you look, two sets of the models are fairly similar. On 1st impression they are copy-cats.. minute differences. But you get what you pay for... for $20.50 ($15 + $5.50 for shipping) you get one very distinct goblin and 4 similar ones. It comes down to $4 per gobbo. That shipping is a killer. hehehe...

The indiegogo set has 6 distinct goblins for $30 (free shipping world-wide), or $5 per gobbo. The difference is not much, but you get very different pieces.

What I'm saying... If you want to make a Goblin Pirate Squad, GET THEM BOTH! cheers
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indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Empty
PostSubject: Re: indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set   indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Icon_minitimeFri 27 Jul 2012 - 22:48

This Project works differently then how a Kickstarter works

On KS the money is NOT taken until the project is funded.
The Pirate Goblins on Indiegogo are under this type of funding:

Quote :
Flexible Funding campaign
This campaign will receive all of the funds contributed by Sat Sep 01 at 11:59PM PT.

So your paying upfront NOW not later at the end of the project. But at least you know your going to get the minis.
the $30USD is for the first lot of 5 goblins the 6th one is ONLY added when they reach the $2,500 goal. With 36 days to go and only needing $494USD I am certain we will get the 6th gobbo.

I have joined in on this and looking forward to the range or further minis coming from Bruno.

As for the Black Scorpion Gobbos and I stress this is my own personal view, is they are TOO Napoleonic for my taste. They are not really a pirate theme, make some with muskets and you got a French gobbo crew/gang.

As for the Indiegogo Pirate goblins this is only the start so for $30USD we get 5 goblins but we get the 6th one soon, next we'll get resin bases, after that who knows what we could potentially get its all about the support and funds that become available to this project the more interest the more funders the more we all get back. We also give a guy a chance to have his DREAM come true.

On the note regarding postage for me to New Zealand from any and all suppliers is a killer. From the U.K I have to add anywhere from 20% to 30% of the TOTAL order, the States any were from $20USD to $40USD to post it to me.

So when a project offers FREE worldwide postage I can't refuse it. So get your wallets out, warm up your credit cards, sell of your kidneys, jump on this Goblin ship and get some.

Aka Lord GreyWolf from Deathsquads.
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Venerable Ancient
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indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Empty
PostSubject: Re: indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set   indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jul 2012 - 1:20

From the indiegogo main FAQ site.... learning more every day.

Quote :
What if I don’t reach my funding goal?

If your campaign is set up as Flexible Funding, you will be able to keep the funds you raise, even if you don’t meet your goal. If your campaign is set up as Fixed Funding, all contributions will be returned to your funders if you do not meet your goal. Flexible Funding campaigns that meet their goal are only charged 4% as our platform fee, whereas campaigns that do not meet their goal are charged 9%.
Thanks LGW!
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indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Empty
PostSubject: Re: indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set   indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jul 2012 - 6:42

No probs Mord any time

Its due to Bruno's Pirate Goblins that will most likely get me into Mordheim...

as I have all of the Mordheim resources you'd ever need for the game while I don't have anything for Cutlass.

Also once we get the next target which is $5,000USD we not only get the resin bases, but a set of Green Goblin dice which sounds GREAT to me I love collecting different types of dice.

with 36 days to go this project will not cost you much to get in but will give you lots in return.

I sunk almost $200USD into Zombicide so its great to find something to support that isn't going to cost me an arm and a leg to get it.

So come on jump on board.


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indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Empty
PostSubject: Re: indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set   indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Icon_minitimeSun 29 Jul 2012 - 5:25

I apoloygize for the double posting just updating the project:

Raised of $2,500 Goal

35 days left
Flexible Funding campaign
This campaign will receive all of the funds contributed by Sat Sep 01 at 11:59PM PT.

ok guys just an update.

We need another $486USD to get to the first goal:

indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Goal1
If I manage to receive enough support (the $2,500 goal) then the project will be successfull and I will begin working on some new miniatures to expand the range further. Pirate dwarfs being the next ones.

As this is the minimum for me to cover all the costs of the operation when we will attain this goal I will add a free miniature with each complete set.

At this level of funding each complete set (perk of $30 or more) will have the goblin captain miniature included at no additional cost !

indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Goal2

If I manage to collect $5,000 then each miniature will be provided with a round 25mm resin scenic base instead of a bland plastic slotta base. This will apply to all perks containing miniatures, even the random one. All complete sets will then be in a collectable card box with exclusive art.

From this point the box set wil include your name (or nickname) as a supporter and will be signed by me.

I'll add to this a set of 6 exclusive green 6 sided dice with a pirate goblin head on one side (design to come) !

If he gets funded he'll start on Pirate DWARFS!!!!!! that rocks....

So come on you Mordheim players, WHFB players, Cutlass! players go check out his project and see if could can be tempted to join in. Remember your helping some one reach their dream nothing is more powerful then obtaining a dream.

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indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Empty
PostSubject: Re: indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set   indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Icon_minitimeThu 2 Aug 2012 - 9:38


Raised of $2,500 Goal

31 days left

Congrats to all the supporters so far we have reached the first goal. Now we need to get to $5,000USD so we get the Resin bases and Goblin dice.

Also we got an update from Bruno:
Quote :
Bruno Galice posted an announcement 16 hours ago

Thanks to YOU, all the supporter of this project, the first goal has been reached, every funder getting a full set ($30 or more) will receive 6 figures in each set.

I will update the home page of the project later today and will announce some new stuff by the end of the week !

Stay tuned for more information from me and thank you again !!!

Some art work they are working on:
indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Pierre2

Will update later in the week with the goods on what's going to be added to the offer.

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indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Empty
PostSubject: Re: indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set   indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Icon_minitimeSat 4 Aug 2012 - 9:37

Raised of $2,500 Goal

29 days left

Quote :
based on popular demand the set of dice if now available as a separate purchase for all existing funders. the dice will be green with a pirate goblin head replacing the "1" side. I'm finishing the mockup and will post it today or tommorow on this page.

If you want a set of 6 dice just add $10 to your perk (there is no need to cancel the existing one, just add $10 and it will be fine). The set will be sent with the miniatures post free worldwide !

For those who want more than 6 miniatures you can also choose to add more miniatures to your perk, any funder from the $30 level can add 1 miniature by adding $4 to his order, and of course you can do it as much as you want (you'll be able to choose individually which ones you want at the end of the campaign).

In the same vein if you change your mind and want more miniatures you can adjust your pledge at any time (for example if you opted for 1 set à $30 and finally decide that 2 sets would be better you just have to send the difference, that is $20 and tell me so in the survey at the end of the campaign).

I will send a survey at the end of the campaign so that you can detail what you exactly want based on the amount spent.

There are more stuff in the work but it seems that the summer heat makes all things longer than usual to be done !

Just a reminder what the next goal will offer us:

indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Goal2
If I manage to collect $5,000 then each miniature will be provided with a round 25mm resin scenic base instead of a bland plastic slotta base. This will apply to all perks containing miniatures, even the random one. All complete sets will then be in a collectable card box with exclusive art.
From this point the box set wil include your name (or nickname) as a supporter and will be signed by me.
I'll add to this a set of 6 exclusive green 6 sided dice with a pirate goblin head on one side (design to come) !

So we now need to get $2,007 then we get the new bases and a set of dice [I am going to buy a set regardless, and add at least three more gobbos to my band. one each of the generic looking ones,]

A big thx to those who have supported this project so far. With 29 days still left we will see many more goals and offers come our way. If there is anything anyone wants to let me know and I'll see if I can find out the answer.

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PostSubject: Re: indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set   indiegogo: Pirate Goblins Box Set Icon_minitime

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