This is the first time that I made a little blog about me building something for the game. I want to keep you guys up to date on the building of my new Middenheim warband.
I really like the Middenheim fluff cause they are not the standard follow Sigmar guys but they are a bit of the 'underdogs' wich I always find nice to play. I'm a big Chaos fan but the Possessed are just not doing it for me. The Black Orcs that I play are not official so I decided to make another official warband next to my Dwarfs, wich I'm going to lose to my girlfriend cause she likes the Dwarfs and she is learning to play the game.
Anyway enough rambling it's time for the warband. Lucky me I got all these bits for free from two of my mates so this warband is gonna be pretty nice
I want to give them a certain feel. My Captain and Champions are all warriors of the white wolf who are formers knights and are send by the Count to Mordheim to find the precious stones. Ofcourse they all use hammers and they are getting cloaks and all that other stuff that makes them look more brutal of course.
The middle one is gonna be the Captain the others are Champions.
I also made two Henchmen.
The swordmen got a more fancy look to him then the Heroes cause he is a former Sword of Ulric member and he is really proud of it. When he got asked to accompany the Heroes to Mordheim he immediately said yes but instead of getting his swords he went straight for his former uniform and he wears it with pride
The other guy is just a standard Archer that was recruited from the Drakwald forrest on the way to Mordheim.
This is gonna be a slower project then I normal have cause I want to give all the models a reall individual look. I also will write some fluff that will be posted on this forum when they are done ofcourse. Also when they are done they are going straight into a new campaign my mate is starting up
Hope you guys enjoy this and tips for making them look more individual or some tips on certain bits to use are always welcome