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 Greetings from the Earthquake capitol of the world!!!!!!!

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3 posters


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Join date : 2011-09-06

Greetings from the Earthquake capitol of the world!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Greetings from the Earthquake capitol of the world!!!!!!!   Greetings from the Earthquake capitol of the world!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeTue 6 Sep 2011 - 6:31

Long time viewer, first time joiner! This is a FANTASTIC web site, both informative and inspirational, glad to officially be on board! cheers

Kirk -San Jose, California, USA
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Greetings from the Earthquake capitol of the world!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greetings from the Earthquake capitol of the world!!!!!!!   Greetings from the Earthquake capitol of the world!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeTue 6 Sep 2011 - 12:24

Hey Kirk! WELCOME ABOARD Fearless Leader Tom's Sleep Yet Oh-So-Cool Nonetheless Mordheim Forum. Have a FUN stay! cheers
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Greetings from the Earthquake capitol of the world!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greetings from the Earthquake capitol of the world!!!!!!!   Greetings from the Earthquake capitol of the world!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeTue 6 Sep 2011 - 13:30

Welcome aboard, Kirk - welcome to Tom's!

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Greetings from the Earthquake capitol of the world!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greetings from the Earthquake capitol of the world!!!!!!!   Greetings from the Earthquake capitol of the world!!!!!!! Icon_minitime

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Greetings from the Earthquake capitol of the world!!!!!!!
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