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 The new one from the end of the world

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The new one from the end of the world Empty
PostSubject: The new one from the end of the world   The new one from the end of the world Icon_minitimeTue 6 Mar 2012 - 21:27

My name is Carlos, I'm from Chile (excuse me for my english I'm working there is a work in ).I have seen this page and her amazing meeting for the ideas for the some bands I them have taken given for my band and high army elf, he dedicates me there are conversions with pieces and green putty, I wait to fall them well there are they all
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PostSubject: Re: The new one from the end of the world   The new one from the end of the world Icon_minitimeTue 6 Mar 2012 - 21:52

Hi Carlos! WELCOME to Fearless Leader Tom's Sleep Yet Surprisingly Oh-So-Cool on Rare Occasions Nonetheless Mordheim Forum. Have a FUN stay! cheers
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PostSubject: Re: The new one from the end of the world   The new one from the end of the world Icon_minitimeTue 6 Mar 2012 - 23:15

Bienvenido Carlos! saludos de otro novato hispanohablante Very Happy

For those of us not blessed with the ability to speak Spanish: Welcome Carlos! Greetings from another rookie speaking.
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PostSubject: Re: The new one from the end of the world   The new one from the end of the world Icon_minitimeWed 7 Mar 2012 - 1:27

menos mal que no soy el unico

The translation: thank goodness I'm not the only.
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PostSubject: Re: The new one from the end of the world   The new one from the end of the world Icon_minitimeWed 7 Mar 2012 - 2:33

You are most definitely not alone; we are fortunate enough to have quite a good number of Fellows whose primary language is Spanish. What a Face

Usted es la mayoría definitivamente no es solo, tenemos la suerte de tener un buen número de compañeros cuya lengua materna es el español. What a Face
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PostSubject: Re: The new one from the end of the world   The new one from the end of the world Icon_minitimeFri 9 Mar 2012 - 4:40

Hey, Carlos!

Welcome to the most boring Mordheim-Forum one could possibly imagine. Very Happy

Best regards,
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PostSubject: Re: The new one from the end of the world   The new one from the end of the world Icon_minitimeFri 9 Mar 2012 - 15:07


what's boring?

Bienvenido Carlos!
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PostSubject: Re: The new one from the end of the world   The new one from the end of the world Icon_minitime

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The new one from the end of the world
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