Local Guide v0.2
10-Aug-2011 By Balrog The Buff and Stryofoam King
15 gold crowns to hire +5 gold crowns upkeep
knowledgeable locals are often hired as guides. While often knowledgeable they are not known for bravery, loyalty or often competency.
May be Hired: Any warband may hire a Local Guide. Non human warbands must pay 20 to hire. Rating: A Local Guide increases a warband's rating by +8 points, plus 1 point for each Experience point the has.
Local Guide 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 5
Weapons/Armour: Local Guides have two items chosen from the following list: Club, Dagger, Axe, Javelin, Bow, Shield, Throwing Weapons, Sling, Spear, Light Armor, Helmet. They do not have a free dagger.
Guide: May modify one of your dice for exploration by +/- 1. This may only be used if the Local Guide was not taken OOA in the previous battle.
Contacts: Once per after battle sequence the Local Guide may join a hero as they go off to look for rare items. If the Local Guide does this roll a die and consult the chart below:
1- Miscommunication - The pushy shopkeeper forces you into buying something under duress. You must buy a item worth at least 1D3 x 5, paying DOUBLE the item's normal price. If you cannot pay for the item, you may choose: to sell items equal to the difference in money, or have the hero roll on the Serious Injury roll. If the item you're trying to buy is rare, search with a -1 to your rarity roll.
2-3 Not Impressed - Roll for the item as normal.
4-6 - Contact - You may search and purchase as if the hero had Streetwise and Haggle.
Untrustworthy - If you look for a Local Guide, there's a chance that you may be able to find the same guide that's been helping someone else. If you hire a new guide, roll 1D6: on a roll of 6, you may hire a guide currently owned by another warband. He retains any experience, but increases in Hiring Fee by +2gc per experience point. In addition, during your next game against the HS's former employers, you automatically pick your deployment zone first, and may start first if you wish. Once a guide has betrayed a player, any further attempts to pull that same guide away will succeed on D6 roll of 5+, instead of 6, as his two-faced nature has been revealed.
SKILLS: A Local Guide may learn from Speed skills.