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 Wood Elves from Mordheimer

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elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Empty
PostSubject: Wood Elves from Mordheimer   elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Icon_minitimeThu 17 Feb 2011 - 16:45

Has anyone played this warband before?

any suggestions or tactics. Or even warband building tips.
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Venerable Ancient
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elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wood Elves from Mordheimer   elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Icon_minitimeThu 17 Feb 2011 - 17:33

I've played against the Athel Loren wood elves warband before. That one is good, but does not seem unbalanced to me. In general though most wood elf warbands rely on speed and archery. But do not forget to exploit your high initiative. My orcs would literally kill for inititive 4 or 5. Spears are actually useful for you.

Hide a lot, climb a lot, and diving charge a lot. But in general shoot things until they fall down or are stunned then jump them quick and fall back before they can make melee an even fight.

One last thing: DO NOT charge into a building full of orcs and pit fighters... That was not pretty for my wive's elves...
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elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wood Elves from Mordheimer   elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Icon_minitimeThu 17 Feb 2011 - 19:01

Have not played it. I did hear more than one complaint that the Wood Spirit is was not a Large model... it makes sense if it is treated like a lesser Treekin, towering over the smaller troops.
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elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wood Elves from Mordheimer   elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Icon_minitimeThu 17 Feb 2011 - 22:16

All of the Wood Elve lists I have seen are strait-up shooters. So you want to buy them all bows, and a melee weapon to go with their dagger, then get as many of them as you can. Then place them up high so that they have good sniping spots and people have problems climbing-up to them.
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elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wood Elves from Mordheimer   elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Icon_minitimeFri 18 Feb 2011 - 8:42

i would play them more offensiv. With high initiative and WS 4 they could do very well in melee. The animals are also very good supporting troops for your close combat specialists.

If your snipping a lot, then you wil have problems with finding an enemy, because many players dont like fighting against warbands, which do nothing else than shooting.

I have my Aesanar(Shadow Elves) with only 5 Shooting Modells (one is the elf ranger hired sword) and do very well in melee. I get most of the charges and with the right advances i deal heavily damage to my targets.
My Shooters mainly use their bows to disable lucky charms and enemy shooters/caster.
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elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wood Elves from Mordheimer   elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Icon_minitimeFri 18 Feb 2011 - 15:59

They are not bad close-up. But if you thin the enemy out before they get to you then you can double team, and what not.
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Venerable Ancient
Venerable Ancient

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elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wood Elves from Mordheimer   elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Icon_minitimeSun 20 Feb 2011 - 12:18

Ah some fellow elf fans... I've completed a draft version for the Sea Elf Rangers. This warband is very much not about shooting up the enemy because the warbands in my latest campaign foray are required to be able to compete in a cluttered urban terrain setting and fighting close quarters upon ship decks and bar room tables in certain scenarios. Wink

Saranor & siredge, if yourselves or any others who are already playing with Shadow Warriors or experimental Wood Elf lists in campaigns would like to get in touch in support of test-driving my new troupe then send me a PM.

I'd be pleased to hear from any genuine Mordheim Elf fanboys who wish to know more.


Stuart Half-elven.
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elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wood Elves from Mordheimer   elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Icon_minitimeSun 20 Feb 2011 - 13:58

werekin wrote:
Ah some fellow elf fans... I've completed a draft version for the Sea Elf Rangers. This warband is very much not about shooting up the enemy because the warbands in my latest campaign foray are required to be able to compete in a cluttered urban terrain setting and fighting close quarters upon ship decks and bar room tables in certain scenarios. Wink

Saranor & siredge, if yourselves or any others who are already playing with Shadow Warriors or experimental Wood Elf lists in campaigns would like to get in touch in support of test-driving my new troupe then send me a PM.

I'd be pleased to hear from any genuine Mordheim Elf fanboys who wish to know more.


Stuart Half-elven.

While I don't have a gaming group I could playtest the Elves with, I am pretty excited about this one!
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Venerable Ancient
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elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wood Elves from Mordheimer   elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Icon_minitimeSun 20 Feb 2011 - 18:25

WTF? There must be tons of Mordheimers in Frankfurt! More than there are in Bremen Town anyway. confused

Quote :
While I don't have a gaming group
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elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wood Elves from Mordheimer   elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Icon_minitimeSun 20 Feb 2011 - 19:57

Perhaps, but of course not in the GW store and I dind't find anybody else yet.
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Venerable Ancient
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elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wood Elves from Mordheimer   elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Icon_minitimeWed 23 Feb 2011 - 1:12

Well quite. "WTF is Mordheim?" was a regular remark at my local store in Poole! Even with a sodding great mountain gaming table on display there was a surprising level of ignorance amongst the veterans. Unfortunately some would-be adventurers were just too tied up with their large scale military engagements. The dreaded truth is that it doesn't get any airtime at stores these days. The latest appointed store manager at GW Bournemouth (I have two local stores) has a Sisters warband which is pretty cool I guess.

You might need to pimp it out to newbies as a different way of playing Warhammer. Like Man O' War it was treated as something of a spin-off. To a lot of gamers it will be a new experience. That can be judged as a good thing by some folk. Smile
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Raven Moon

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elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wood Elves from Mordheimer   elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Icon_minitimeFri 21 Sep 2012 - 20:17

Im very new to this and as it is I use D&D miniatures as proxies for a Reiklander army. I have purchased my first wood elves, a Glade Guard set, and a Basic Battle Regiment for the wood elves. I havent painted much but I have built alot of terrain and buildings.
So Im starting my slow process of putting together my wood elves I like the concept of the Wood Elves as a warband.
Its a good way to let me play and build my modles till I have enough for a full army to field.
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Venerable Ancient
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elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wood Elves from Mordheimer   elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Icon_minitimeFri 21 Sep 2012 - 20:38

Welcome to the forum and game Raven Moon!

One of my best friends and my regular opponant is a big Wood Elf fan. They are a good warband but as they are elves many people don't like them.
2 of the most popular "fixes" for this is to reduce them to 4 starting heroes (drop one of the champs... I think the WE set up is Leader, mage, beast master, 2 champions or is the leader also the mage and there are 3 Champions?).
The other fix is Elves have a max toughness of 3.

That all said there a fun warband to see out in the streets. good luck with them.
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elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wood Elves from Mordheimer   elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Icon_minitimeMon 24 Sep 2012 - 10:39

I have a guy in my group who is about to use a wood elf warband at some point, soon as i see how it plays i will have more input.
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elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wood Elves from Mordheimer   elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Icon_minitimeMon 24 Sep 2012 - 23:41

My friend is playing an Athel Loren Wood Elves warband in our BTB campaign and seems to be doing very well with it. Elf Bows, Hunting Arrows and spears are the weapon of choice, with a group of Henchmen with spears to block incoming charges.

The only things that seem to really get in his way are the weather effects like Blizzard or Fog. The real kicker when playing Wood Elves is get that 'Trapper' skill ASAP. Whenever an opponent's model runs they have to roll a D6, on a 1 (or a 1-2 if you have 2 heroes with the Trapper skill) they take a S3 hit immediately. Use that as a terror tactic to scare the enemy into moving slower so you have more time to shoot them to bloody bits.

His warband is currently sitting in 2nd place in the campaign with very few casualties because he uses their fast movement and long range to his advantage which is what I would suggest to you. The only downsides I have seen so far is the low Toughness and lack of armor, so make sure you're never in a position that those stats are important. Get up high, take out enemy archers first and slow their advancing foot troops with a barrage of arrows. Good luck!
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PostSubject: Re: Wood Elves from Mordheimer   elves - Wood Elves from Mordheimer Icon_minitime

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