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 Campaign starting Khaos Games, Exeter, UK on 31st of January

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3 posters

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Location : Exeter, Devon, UK

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Campaign starting Khaos Games, Exeter, UK on 31st of January Empty
PostSubject: Campaign starting Khaos Games, Exeter, UK on 31st of January   Campaign starting Khaos Games, Exeter, UK on 31st of January Icon_minitimeSat 8 Jan 2011 - 13:29

The town of Drakenhof is under threat. Stout hearted warriors are needed to rest control of the area from the forces of evil that have infested this land since the coming of the comet. The warrior band to bring order to this troubled region shall be richly rewarded and honoured through the province regardless of their origins.

The town lies upon the principle road to the damned city of Mordheim and the warband that controls the town shall be expected to control the passage upon the road so that only the righteous shall pass. Once they have triumphed the victors hall be entitled to collect a tithe from the village and travellers upon the road in return for their continued efforts in bringing law and order to this dark corner of the Empire.

This decree set forth by Squatting Mouse, Chief Witch Hunter of Ostermark

Campaign Rules etc

1) Thy models shall be WYSIWG or beyond confusion as to their nature.
2) Thy shall receive a bonus for beginning the campaign with a fully painted warband regardless of the standard of thy painting provided thou hast made an effort.
3) Thy are advised to download a copy of “Empire in Flames” from the GW website (under Mordheim resources in Specialist games) and it’s errata as this campaign takes place outside the city itself.
4) In the interests of clarity the Chief Witch Hunter has the final say on interpretation of rules, legality of unofficial hired swords etc.

List of permitted warbands that are not from the original game and where to get their rules

Averlanders (Mordheim Annual 2002), Ostlanders (Mordheim Annual 2002), Dwarf Treasure Hunters (Mordheim Annual 2002 or on GW website), Kislevites (Mordheim Annual 2002), Orcs and Goblins (Mordheim Annual 2002), Beastmen (Empire in Flames), Carnival of Chaos (Empire in Flames),

I'll be trying to post battle reports and photos of the story specific games as we go along. Anybody in the area who's interested either pop into Khaos Games to sign up (down by St Davids station at the bottom of the hill) or message me. Keep an eye on here for news, secanrios used and hopefully some excellent little stories that crop up during the campaign.
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Posts : 21742
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Age : 77
Location : Sound Beach, NY

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Primary Warband played: Orcs & Goblins Orcs & Goblins
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Campaign starting Khaos Games, Exeter, UK on 31st of January Empty
PostSubject: Re: Campaign starting Khaos Games, Exeter, UK on 31st of January   Campaign starting Khaos Games, Exeter, UK on 31st of January Icon_minitimeSat 8 Jan 2011 - 15:03

GOOD LUCK with the looks EXCELLENT! The bonuses for painted War Bands is a FINE worked well in a W.H.F.B. War Bands League I was briefly involved with. Keep us updated as the Beasty develops. What a Face
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Hadriel Caine
Hadriel Caine

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Campaign starting Khaos Games, Exeter, UK on 31st of January Empty
PostSubject: Re: Campaign starting Khaos Games, Exeter, UK on 31st of January   Campaign starting Khaos Games, Exeter, UK on 31st of January Icon_minitimeSat 8 Jan 2011 - 17:01

Hey mate,

I'm hoping to catch as much of this campaign as possible! How important is WYSIWIG going to be? I have a few more models to paint it seems. Only three for a staring warband.

I'm rather annoyed that I'm going to be in London for the first couple of weeks, but on the other hand I'm going to be working at the Globe so I'm not too upset Smile

looking forward to this- will download the appropriate documents right away!

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Posts : 168
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Location : Exeter, Devon, UK

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Campaign starting Khaos Games, Exeter, UK on 31st of January Empty
PostSubject: Re: Campaign starting Khaos Games, Exeter, UK on 31st of January   Campaign starting Khaos Games, Exeter, UK on 31st of January Icon_minitimeSat 8 Jan 2011 - 20:05

The meaning is this -

Say you've got a group of henchmen - the models have to be carrying what are their main weapons, the same is true of heroes UNLESS they are distinct enough for it to be obvious who they are. The good example is a Vampire in an undead warband - it's the only Vampire there!

As a rule I don't bother with things like pistols or daggers unless the model is holding it - you can assume that's being carried somewhere on their person. But if the model has a sword and shield we can reasonably expect it to be armed with a sword and shield, not a sword and axe.

The rule is intended to stop warbands composed of basecoated models with numbers written on them and the models not bearing any relation to what they are.

Hope that's helped.
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Hadriel Caine
Hadriel Caine

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Join date : 2010-12-24
Age : 35
Location : Exeter UK

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Primary Warband played: Middenheimers Middenheimers
Achievements earned: none

Campaign starting Khaos Games, Exeter, UK on 31st of January Empty
PostSubject: Re: Campaign starting Khaos Games, Exeter, UK on 31st of January   Campaign starting Khaos Games, Exeter, UK on 31st of January Icon_minitimeSat 8 Jan 2011 - 21:50

Yeah thanks mate. I'm planning on painting about 20 different guys by the start of the campaign so it shouldn't be a problem. I might have to switch people's roles around a bit so they better represent WYSIWIG. THanks for the clarification.
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PostSubject: Re: Campaign starting Khaos Games, Exeter, UK on 31st of January   Campaign starting Khaos Games, Exeter, UK on 31st of January Icon_minitime

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Campaign starting Khaos Games, Exeter, UK on 31st of January
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