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 Hard green stuff and making fire?

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Forum Engineer
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Hard green stuff and making fire? Empty
PostSubject: Hard green stuff and making fire?   Hard green stuff and making fire? Icon_minitimeSat 7 Jun 2008 - 22:17

Hi guys,

I need some help again...

Part 1: My green stuff is Really hard. It takes a lot of effort to mix, etc... I read somewhere that green stuff starts out Really soft....

My GS came in a tube like this:

And I guess it's not air tight...

Any ideas?

Part 2: Making fire?

but here's a couple campfire's I'm trying to create... I am going to come back over this with a knife to add details to the "fire spikes"

Hard green stuff and making fire? 101
I think they are too huge/tall..

Any ideas to make it better? anyone do anything like this before?
Thanks for ur help

Last edited by Ashton on Sat 7 Jun 2008 - 22:30; edited 1 time in total
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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: Hard green stuff and making fire?   Hard green stuff and making fire? Icon_minitimeSat 7 Jun 2008 - 22:25

I believe once the green stuff has suffered too much air there's not much you can do about it. I also had some rests of a green stuff stripe which required a lot of water and kneading.. a real pain. I guess you'll have to buy new stuff and keep that in a better container.

@fire: I think I with the 'skeleton' of the fire done I'd now try to add fresh layers of green stuff and make sure they have a finer structure (same as making fur). This would probably look quite okay. And I don't think the fires are too big, by the way.

PS: Can you please move the link adress inside the URL-tag (url=...) and then give the link some name - this will make the entire link shorter and not mess with the page's width.
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PostSubject: Re: Hard green stuff and making fire?   Hard green stuff and making fire? Icon_minitimeSat 7 Jun 2008 - 22:30


Thanks. I'll try that.

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PostSubject: Re: Hard green stuff and making fire?   Hard green stuff and making fire? Icon_minitimeSun 8 Jun 2008 - 13:28

Don't throw away your Green Stuff. Air exposure is not necessarily THAT horrible for green stuff.

Instead, try changing the mixing ratio, e.g. use less blue compound than yellow compound. The Blue is the hardener, so if you use less you will have a softer putty that hardens more slowly (and will also not get as hard).

See if that works.

It's better to buy the GS in tubes than in strips. The main and obvious problem with strips is that the blue and yellow compounds are kept in contact with each other. So the strips harden in the middle and form clumps when the GS gets older.

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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: Hard green stuff and making fire?   Hard green stuff and making fire? Icon_minitimeSun 8 Jun 2008 - 13:41

Listen to Master Tom. He surely knows what he's talking about. I don't have any of my older GS left but I'll try changing the ratio when my current one gets hard.
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Forum Engineer
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PostSubject: Re: Hard green stuff and making fire?   Hard green stuff and making fire? Icon_minitimeSun 8 Jun 2008 - 16:23

Thanks Tom Sir, yes sir!

I'll give that a try.

Thanks for the help guys.
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PostSubject: Re: Hard green stuff and making fire?   Hard green stuff and making fire? Icon_minitime

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