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 Where to get Green Stuff?

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PostSubject: Where to get Green Stuff?   Where to get Green Stuff? Icon_minitimeMon 12 May 2008 - 6:58

Hey guys,

So I'm breaking down and actually going to by something (or at least that's the idea) =)

I'm looking to get some Green Stuff/Modeling Clay.

I found this modeling epoxy from a link from deafnala:

is this worth it? Should I get the Ultra-fine epoxy (scroll down) for $6 more?

Where do you get yours from and how much?

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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: Where to get Green Stuff?   Where to get Green Stuff? Icon_minitimeMon 12 May 2008 - 8:23

I am using Green Stuff and though I have Milliput here as well I have never used that so far (because, well, I still do have GS). But unless I'm terribly mistaken I think that many people use milliput so I guess it's good. I'm sure I've seen it on a pic of Tom's workbench as well!

However, something in the back of my mind believes to remember having read something about Green Stuff being better and easier to work with. Could be wrong, though.
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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: Where to get Green Stuff?   Where to get Green Stuff? Icon_minitimeMon 12 May 2008 - 9:59

correct me if i'm wrong, but I believe milliput is more for the bases and stuff (cause it crumbles easier i believe) and GS is more for modelling, but that's just what I think.

..and by a roll of the dice you go under..
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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: Where to get Green Stuff?   Where to get Green Stuff? Icon_minitimeMon 12 May 2008 - 10:59

matt wrote:
correct me if i'm wrong, but I believe milliput is more for the bases and stuff (cause it crumbles easier i believe) and GS is more for modelling, but that's just what I think.

In this case that would be good to know. Thanks, Matt!
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PostSubject: Re: Where to get Green Stuff?   Where to get Green Stuff? Icon_minitimeMon 12 May 2008 - 11:03

Hey Ashton,
You can get Green Stuff, Brown Stuff, & sculpting tools from . They are also a great source for scenery items [they make custom scenery as their primary business]. Check out their gallery if you tune in, inspirational stuff.
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Exarch Thomo
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PostSubject: Re: Where to get Green Stuff?   Where to get Green Stuff? Icon_minitimeMon 12 May 2008 - 13:33

I use both Green Stuff and Miliput - although I'm not expert sculptor - but I have found the following.
Milliput is great for bulky work - filling out an armature, large gaps, bases and terrain. It is courser, harder and doesn't hold detail that well (fine detail that is).
Green Stuff, on the other hand, is great for fine detail, small gaps and small amounts. It holds the detail really well and is a lot easier to scultp - not to mention handle. You can get much finer strings of Green Stuff than Milliput, and they are much more manageable. The only thing is you have to allow for a bit longer curing time - especially for the bulkier work. I find that if I leave it for about 20/30 minutes that it has cured enough to do detail work without pushing the putty all over the place and wrecking it.
Green Stuff is also a tad more 'plasticy' than Miliput and can't be sanded as well - tending to clog up the file/paper.
So it really comes down to what you are planning to use it for as to to what you should buy. If it's detail work (Buckles, fur, hair etc) then Green Stuff is the way to go. If it's terrain/bases and bulking large areas out (I'm talking huge monstrous creatures and above) than Miliput might be more in line. I would, however, suggest Green Stuff.
It also pays to keep them in the fridge in a sealed bag as moisture significantly shortens the shelf life of them.
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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: Where to get Green Stuff?   Where to get Green Stuff? Icon_minitimeMon 12 May 2008 - 13:53

Thanks a lot, Thomo! Thanks! Exclamation
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PostSubject: Re: Where to get Green Stuff?   Where to get Green Stuff? Icon_minitimeMon 12 May 2008 - 17:21

Thanks a lot for all the great info! I feel well educated, now! I'll let you know how it goes.
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Exarch Thomo
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PostSubject: Re: Where to get Green Stuff?   Where to get Green Stuff? Icon_minitimeWed 14 May 2008 - 10:00

one other thing that I forgot to mention is to use plenty of water when sculpting. It prevents the Green Stuff from stiking to you sculpting tools and hands. Some people recommend coating your tool in vasaline - but I find this can leave a greasy residue on the putty. Keep dipping the tool in the water and you'll be right.
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PostSubject: Re: Where to get Green Stuff?   Where to get Green Stuff? Icon_minitimeWed 14 May 2008 - 17:29

Thanks for the tips. I have ordered 3.5 ounces (100g) of green stuff off of ebay for $15 (with shipping)

I also have read this tutorial 2-3 times =] (they also recommend using lots of water)

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