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 Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything

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Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything Empty
PostSubject: Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything   Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything Icon_minitimeFri 17 Dec 2010 - 19:24

When you can't get your hands in the Arab merchant miniature - You just have to make it your self...
This is one of my first attempts working with greenstuff... NOW I know how to remove the fingerprints... Rolling Eyes

[img]Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything 5264285914_60cec59fa2
[img]Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything 5263676047_01f39d747b
[img]Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything 5263676837_ce00141c25
[img]Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything 5264288450_720b20c4ac
[img]Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything 5263678379_3d7629893f

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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything   Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything Icon_minitimeFri 17 Dec 2010 - 19:30

I really like this. What model/parts did you use as the start? Is that the Dwarf backpack?
Also, what method do you use to remove the fingerprints?
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PostSubject: Re: Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything   Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything Icon_minitimeFri 17 Dec 2010 - 20:49

Hi Balrog.
Thanx for the reply.
Here's the bitz that I've used to assembled this little fellow.

The body's from the militia sprue
The head's from the Greatswords
The feather is from a High Elf archer sprue
The sword's from a Dark Elf Corsair - same with the dagger on pic 2
The small throwing knives's from the Mordheim accessory sprue
The little pouch's from the Pistolier sprue

[img] [img]Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything 5268861537_f17ea780be[/img][/img]

The backpack stuff:
As a base i used the half of a drum from the Bretonnia men-at-arms
Them I just started to throw as much as I could on the back of the poor fellow...
The backpack, rope, book, pouch and the scroll's from the mordheim accessory sprue
The bottles' (someone, correct me if I'm wrong) and the upper bag's from the pistoliers sprue
I couldn't find the little flask in my bitbox, nor the dead rat and beet, but the last item's from the Bretonnia men-at-arms, can't recall where's the flask's from....!?!?!?!

[img]Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything 5269472466_97063a1a38[/img]

Guess thats "all". Rest of it is greenstuff.
How I remove the fingerprints? With water and a flat modelling tool, just before it hardens... Good luck to you if you'll jump in to the project. Take your time... It pays!!!

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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything   Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything Icon_minitimeFri 17 Dec 2010 - 21:10

Wow, very nice. I wish I had the patience to kitbash that thoroughly.
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PostSubject: Re: Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything   Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything Icon_minitimeFri 17 Dec 2010 - 23:08

That is an EXTREME bit of kit-bashing & some EXCELLENT sculpting. With a FINE paint job thrown in, you have yourself one UBERCOOL mini. VERY WELL DONE! thumbsup
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything   Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything Icon_minitimeSun 19 Dec 2010 - 16:01

Excellent job! I like the dynamic pose as well. thumbsup
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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything   Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything Icon_minitimeTue 21 Dec 2010 - 13:09

Excellent work! Well thought out and executed. It sure is nice to have lots of bits... Your green stuffing is good too. Bravo!
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PostSubject: Re: Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything   Benji's Gallery - A little bit of everything Icon_minitime

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