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 Can a priest of Taal use light armour?

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3 posters
Captain Bernhardt
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Can a priest of Taal use light armour? Empty
PostSubject: Can a priest of Taal use light armour?   Can a priest of Taal use light armour? Icon_minitimeSun 30 May 2010 - 22:13

In the entry for a Priest of Taal it says he can't wear heavy armour So i concluded he can wear Light armour. (see pic 1) but now I discovered that in the lists of spells it says he can't wear any armour at all (see pic 2)
My gut tells me the entry in the rules take precedence but what is it exactly? Can my priest still use Light Armour?

Can a priest of Taal use light armour? Taal1_10

Can a priest of Taal use light armour? Taal2_11
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Can a priest of Taal use light armour? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can a priest of Taal use light armour?   Can a priest of Taal use light armour? Icon_minitimeMon 31 May 2010 - 1:06

I always played him as allowed to wear light armour and there didn't seem to be a problem with him.

I choose to believe that text in italics is flavour text Can a priest of Taal use light armour? Icon_razz.
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Can a priest of Taal use light armour? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can a priest of Taal use light armour?   Can a priest of Taal use light armour? Icon_minitimeMon 31 May 2010 - 4:18

I think light armor should be OK - see if the people you play with are agreeable.
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PostSubject: Re: Can a priest of Taal use light armour?   Can a priest of Taal use light armour? Icon_minitime

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Can a priest of Taal use light armour?
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