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 What does a Gold Crown look like?

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Pathfinder Dubstyles
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PostSubject: What does a Gold Crown look like?   What does a Gold Crown look like? Icon_minitimeTue 16 Feb 2010 - 4:55

Just to satisfy my curiosity, what does a gold crown of the Empire look like? I can't find an image anywhere that depicts what currency of the Empire looks like, much less what in looked like in the League of Ostermark circa 1999...

A large coin would make an amazing base for a diorama, but I can't figure out what to sculpt on it, or what the diorama should be about... but that's beside the point!

Was currency standardized throughout the Empire at that time? I would imagine each province would have it's own mark, with the respective leader's image.

If i were to guess, the "heads" would probably be the count of Ostermark (if such a thing exists), and the "tails" would be the twin tailed comet of Sigmar.

What slogans might one find on the coin?

If this simply an area of detail GW has not established? Maybe it is detailed in the RPG books, or novels...
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PostSubject: Re: What does a Gold Crown look like?   What does a Gold Crown look like? Icon_minitimeTue 16 Feb 2010 - 10:14

From the original WFRP rule book
What does a Gold Crown look like? TimberframedBuildings051
not very clear but does confirm that individual states and cities often minted their own coins so could do a Mordhiem crown
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What does a Gold Crown look like? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What does a Gold Crown look like?   What does a Gold Crown look like? Icon_minitimeTue 16 Feb 2010 - 10:44

When I worked in GW Bristol the store was sent a small number of limited edition metal Warhammer coins. I've been trying to find images of them as I'm sure they would have been sent to all UK GW stores at the time (it was the sort of fun stuff that they did from time to time, back in the day!)

They looked a lot like the drawings above but I think they had similar "tails" designs to Empire shields - crowned skulls, eagles, "templar" crosses, scroll-work, etc. They had a profile of Karl Franz on the "heads" side, so obviously Mordheim coins wouldn't have that, they would have one of the three Emperors of the period.


Last edited by WarbossKurgan on Tue 16 Feb 2010 - 20:03; edited 1 time in total
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What does a Gold Crown look like? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What does a Gold Crown look like?   What does a Gold Crown look like? Icon_minitimeTue 16 Feb 2010 - 18:27

I think on the old WFRP site there was a pdf of coins. I'm pretty sure there was an ostermark one with a bulls head on it.
I havn't got the pdf though What does a Gold Crown look like? Kopfschuettel
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Pathfinder Dubstyles
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PostSubject: Re: What does a Gold Crown look like?   What does a Gold Crown look like? Icon_minitimeTue 16 Feb 2010 - 21:04

Thanks for the quick response everyone! I'd love to see some of those coins they sent out to the stores, GW used to be such a cool company, giving out sample models and card stock terrain all the time... but lets not let this turn into a GW bashing fest!

I find it interesting they use the British pound (crown) shilling and pence, when the empire is so largely Germanic in flavor. I assume the 1:20:240 denominations make things natural for British gamers, much like D&D uses 1:10:100 for American gamers.

I just found a great gallery which should give plenty of inspiration for me and anyone else wondering what Empire coins might look like: link

A lot of medieval German coins have the double headed eagle symbol because we all know originallity does not exist in the game industry What does a Gold Crown look like? Icon_lol What does a Gold Crown look like? Reg-2kr-1563
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What does a Gold Crown look like? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What does a Gold Crown look like?   What does a Gold Crown look like? Icon_minitimeTue 16 Feb 2010 - 23:25

Pathfinder Dubstyles wrote:
I find it interesting they use the British pound (crown) shilling and pence, when the empire is so largely Germanic in flavor. I assume the 1:20:240 denominations make things natural for British gamers, much like D&D uses 1:10:100 for American gamers.
Not really - we dropped the 240 pence in the pound system in 1971! Laughing
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Pathfinder Dubstyles
Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: What does a Gold Crown look like?   What does a Gold Crown look like? Icon_minitimeThu 18 Feb 2010 - 3:56

shows how much i know!
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What does a Gold Crown look like? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What does a Gold Crown look like?   What does a Gold Crown look like? Icon_minitimeThu 18 Feb 2010 - 8:14

I think the new'ish WFRP got some pictures/explanations in one of the extra books, I think I got it at home and will try to find somthing when I get home later.

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What does a Gold Crown look like? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What does a Gold Crown look like?   What does a Gold Crown look like? Icon_minitimeThu 18 Feb 2010 - 10:46

Pathfinder Dubstyles wrote:
shows how much i know!

Hehehehe Razz

Skavenslayer wrote:
I think the new'ish WFRP got some pictures/explanations in one of the extra books, I think I got it at home and will try to find somthing when I get home later.


Interesting! I look forward to seeing that. study
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PostSubject: Re: What does a Gold Crown look like?   What does a Gold Crown look like? Icon_minitime

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