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 Nemesis Crown

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PostSubject: Nemesis Crown   Nemesis Crown Icon_minitimeThu 24 Jan 2008 - 12:13

How do you think about the Nemisis Crown campaign and the rules in there?

Are they balanced?

Bandits, have a few iffy skills from the Shadow elf list, the nuln list seems a bit insane with extra range and super cheap black powder weapons.

and so on...
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Honour Guard
Honour Guard

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PostSubject: Re: Nemesis Crown   Nemesis Crown Icon_minitimeThu 24 Jan 2008 - 18:25

I'd say play the lists before judging them because they do have been playtested, which I know for sure. However, many deem the Black Orc list to be overpowered. The supplement was written by some professional people (check Mark Havener) and the Mordheim group 2500 was officially asked to produce this project so it is as official as you can ask for nowadays. In the end you'll just have to make sure your gaming group is fine with including them in your games.

At least you can apply the NC random happenings to your Empire in Flames games. There are also some great scenarios in there.

Anyways, I'm seriously interested in your feedback concerning anything your gaming group tries from the supplement. Feel free to post your conclusions here!
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PostSubject: Re: Nemesis Crown   Nemesis Crown Icon_minitimeFri 25 Jan 2008 - 11:02

Okay. Thanks alot for your feedback.

The reason Im asking is we are seriously thinking about revising every warband we can find, to make them more balanced.

Just small tweeks, but maybe not.

Got my ass handed to me in CC yesterday by a lizardman player (I play beastmen), and I think the 40GC saurus are a bit over the top, but thats just me...
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Honour Guard
Honour Guard

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PostSubject: Re: Nemesis Crown   Nemesis Crown Icon_minitimeFri 25 Jan 2008 - 11:22

Solinan wrote:
Got my ass handed to me in CC yesterday by a lizardman player (I play beastmen), and I think the 40GC saurus are a bit over the top, but thats just me...

Same experience in my group. Lizardmen prove to be not so fair.
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Admin Tom
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PostSubject: Re: Nemesis Crown   Nemesis Crown Icon_minitimeFri 25 Jan 2008 - 14:29

Solinan wrote:
Got my ass handed to me in CC yesterday by a lizardman player (I play beastmen), and I think the 40GC saurus are a bit over the top, but thats just me...

That's the reason why you shouldn't mix warbands from regular Mordheim (incl. EIF) with the "Lustria" or "Khemri" Supplements.

Lizardmen, Dark Elves etc are not "unfair" they are just more powerful compared to regular warbands because they are adapted to a more powerful environment, i.e. the Lustria setting Smile

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Honour Guard
Honour Guard

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PostSubject: Re: Nemesis Crown   Nemesis Crown Icon_minitimeFri 25 Jan 2008 - 15:23

I disagree. Of course you should be able to mix warbands so that everyone can play the warband they like best. What is a 'powerful environment'? The fact that all warbands of a specific setting are overpowered compared to the original ones is nothing but a sign of bad development IMO. Do you really want to play in Khemri, Lustria or *erm* Cathay with the therein presented few warbands? I don't think that is the intention of the designers. Purely fan-based products should be used with caution, that's for sure. But there is enough lack of balance in the Mordheim rulebook alone. There is no formula for creating balanced warbands and fans are not necessarily worse at it than the people who got money for it. What I want to say is that I think it is wrong to generate something like a rule of thumb that implies that fan-based settings are incompatible with the official ones in general.
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PostSubject: Re: Nemesis Crown   Nemesis Crown Icon_minitime

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