Hello. I go by ASEO. I have been playing D&D for years, and picking up Warhammer minis whenever I found them cheap. I never really had enough for Warhammer, and wasn't really into that type of gaming. I did find however that the squad level game of Mordheim appealed to me. I came here by way of Svenn and Tewfik's Mordheim page "Table top Geeks", and their recommendation of this site. I enjoy playing the game based on the equipment the mini's I already have are equipped with, and not maximizing them with all the same gear, even though this might not be tactically sound.
A buddy and I play by randomly rolling which of my warbands will fight, then rolling a scenario.
I live in the east bay (Tri-Valley) area of CA.
My warbands include:
Tomb Lords
Shadow Warriors
Chaos (from Letters of the Damned vol2)
I have been making scenery for years with Hirst Art blocks, but gave most of it away when I moved from OK a couple years back so I am starting over.
That's all I got for now.
ASEO out