Hey everyone, I'm Dulu.
I fell in love with Mordheim when it first released. I used to play at the White Marsh GW in Baltimore, MD if anyone here has been there. (Been to the HQ in Glen Burnie to play a few times, and been to a couple Games Day events)
I would really like to start playing again, I have a fully painted Sister of Sigmar warband that I may dust-off, or perhaps I will start a new warband. I'd really like another chance to paint/design a warband from the ground up.
I was wondering if anyone could link me to a post, or PDF that has the most up-to-date rules and lists of warbands.
I'm confident that the original rulebook I have from 2000 is severely out of date. (Just from browsing a bit, I've seen glimpes of Dwarves, Orcs and Carnival Freaks!?)
Also, are their any big all-day campaigns/tournaments coming up in the Baltimore or New York City region?
Thank you! I look forward to being an active poster and contributor on these boards, and will put up pics of some of my work if anyone is interested...