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 Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!

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Venerable Ancient
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 28 Jul 2009 - 13:14

Great conversions! The possessed warband was AWESOME! Something truly from your darkest nightmares. Keep em rollin'
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Pirates, Shadow walkers, Possessed, vampires and Averlanders   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 24 Aug 2009 - 23:55

Here's the Averlanders!

Captain and Sergant:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Aver_h10

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Aver_h11

Bearjeagers and Youngblood:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Aver_h12

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Aver_h13

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Aver_h14

Mountainguards with Sword & Shields:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Aver_s10

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Aver_s11

Mountainguards with Halberds:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Aver_h15

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Aver_h16

Marksman with Bows:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Aver_a10

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Aver_a11

Marksman with crossbow and a handgunner:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Aver_m10

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Aver_m11

They are pretty much done, on the photos, some details appear that I will try to do something about, and the bases is not quite done...but anyway, what do you think?
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Honour Guard
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009 - 8:25

They look really nice! Congrats for (nearly) completing your warband. thumbsup

They seem to be somewhat shiny - did you use a flash when taking the pictures? I was taking some photos yesterday and the light was really strange and it make the minis look as if they had a gloss varnish on them, which they don't. Or do you use the old GW washes maybe?
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009 - 10:32

VERY ATMOSPHERIC PIECES! The Lads look like the stepped out of a John Blanche illustration...PERFECT Mordheim denizens. WELL DONE! thumbsup
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009 - 20:58

The dog reminds me of Muttley from Wacky Races and Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines. Great job!
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 1 Sep 2009 - 18:38


Cianty: It's the stupid flash that make them shiny. My excuse is that I live in Sweden, and it get dark pretty early. Razz
The flash makes many details appear that is really hard to see, like all the green stuff that is looking green on the pictures, don't look as green IRL.

My project for now is to remake the elves on the first page, here some really bad WIP:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Dsc00910

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Dsc00911

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Dsc00912
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed 2 Dec 2009 - 18:20

Hey all!

Have been a while, much to do in the university and so. But now are my elves done...

Shadow Master, front:
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Leader10

Shadow Master, back:
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Leader11

Warrior with 2 hand weapon:
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 2_hand10

Elves with 2 hand weapon, and two-handed weapon:
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 2-hand10

Elves with bow:
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Bowman10
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Bowman12

The last two have a knife, and a bow on their back...maybe a shadow Weaver?
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Dolk10
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Dolk_b10

Last edited by Anast on Thu 3 Dec 2009 - 14:58; edited 1 time in total
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 3 Dec 2009 - 11:47

COOL STUFF! You get a GREAT sense of motion in your minis AND they are SO atmospheric. WELL DONE! elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 544694
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 3 Dec 2009 - 12:18

Really like the elf with the lantern. good idea using harlequins.
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Venerable Ancient
Venerable Ancient

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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 3 Dec 2009 - 20:00

Wow, this whole thread is just awesome! Really love your creativity here. Using Harlequin Eldar as a basis for Shadow Warriors is IMO brilliant - they're really cool looking, and much more sinister than any of the goody-two-shoes high elves or wood elves from the fantasy battle range. Nice work on those guys, and it looks like the renovated band is coming along very well.

I also have to point out the Possessed, really cool and very imaginitive. I absolutely love both possessed conversions, and the work on the rest of the band is excellent as well. The blank yellow eyes make them very creepy. Where did the bird-head on your first possessed come from? It's a really disturbing look! I like it.

And lastly, of course, the fishmen. I love all things lovecraftean, and these guys just scream "deep ones" to me! They're really cool, and I like the use of the bloodletter bodies. If I had time and money, I'd consider picking up a box and trying it out for myself. One note on the eyes - if you do decide to redo them then I wouldn't make them entirely pupilless (is that even a word?), instead I would give them a very large, circular pupil (as opposed to vertical) and have it in a similar, less contrasting color to the rest of the eye. This is generally the appearance that real fishes' eyes have. Since their skin is in a blue-green color, I would recomend a bright yellow eye with a light, pale shade of yellow for the pupil. Do a google image search for "hatchetfish" to get some ideas.
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri 11 Dec 2009 - 21:38

Looking really impressive keep it coming thick and fast
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 28 Jun 2011 - 13:24

Been a while since I made ​​a post here, but now I'm back!

I play most of the time Warhammer, rather then Mordheim. This because of my friends think it's more fun, but well, i don't, so I make every model in my army to potential be used in Mordheim (in case my friends change their minds Wink ) I'm really bad at making good bases, so almost none of them are painted...yet.

I didn't do every rank for every unit, it would be to many pictures, but if you want to see a close up of a model or unit, so let me know Smile

I'll begin with my Dark Elves army:


elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Darkel10

Elves with Crossbows

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Darkel11

Elves with Spears

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Darkel14

Dark riders

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Darkel12

Executioners (but use them as Black Guards in WH and elves with great weapon in Mordheim)

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Darkel13

Witch elves

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Darkel15

My homemade Lokhir Fellheart

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Darkel16
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 28 Jun 2011 - 13:42

Fellheart is a bit glossy, maybe time to re-paint him Smile

Well, next up, my Vampire army:

12 skeleton with hand weapon

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Vampir11

37 (with unit filler) skeletons with spears

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Vampir12

Skeleton commands

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Vampir13

Ghouls (one of few units I show rank for rank)

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Vampir14
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Vampir15
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Vampir16

17 Black Knights

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Vampir17

Black Knights standards

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Vampir18

Spirit hosts

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Vampir19

Wraiths with Banshee

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Vampir20


elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Vampir21

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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 28 Jun 2011 - 14:00

And my third army: Averland army with some Wissenland allies (and soon also allies with The Moot with a unit of Hafling archers)

Wisserland Archers

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire10
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire11
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire12
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire13

Averland Flagellants

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire14
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire15
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire16
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire17
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire18
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire19

Averland halberdies

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire20
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire21
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire22

Averland handgunners

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire23
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire24

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Posts : 60
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Achievements earned: none

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 28 Jun 2011 - 14:11

More empire:

Few more handgunners

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire26


elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire27
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire28
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire29

Warrior priest

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire30
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire31
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire32


elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire36
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire37

Work in progress:

Averland Swordsmen

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire33

Wissenland halberdies

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire34

Averland Greatweapons (Greatswords)

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire35
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 28 Jun 2011 - 14:48

WELCOME BACK! Your absence could be explained by the sheer volume of pieces you've churned ...EXCELLENT STUFF! It's going to take some time to check out everything. thumbsup
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 5 Jul 2011 - 21:02

Thank You! I'm glad to be back Smile

Here's a few more pictures

First my second Empire Wizard:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empire38

And some work in progress elves. Going to use them as shadow elves in Mordheim and as Shades in Warhammer:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Dark_e10
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Dark_e11
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Dark_e12
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Dark_e13
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Von Kurst
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 7 Jul 2011 - 18:28

Welcome back +1. Very nice empire army. I also really like the Black Knights.
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Captain Bernhardt
Venerable Ancient
Venerable Ancient
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri 29 Jul 2011 - 13:11

I really like your modelling ideas! It's just a pitty the paint job don't show well on your photo's. perhaps you could experiment with using a light box so you don't need that annoying flash
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PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! - Page 4 Icon_minitime

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