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 Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!

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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeSun 19 Apr 2009 - 14:52

Hey there!

This is my Swadow Walker warband. Them are only 7 at the moment, maybe them will be some more someday. The project for the moment is my Pirates!
I'm sorry for the blurry photos, my mobilephone is my camera.

Anyway, here's my whole Shadow Walker Warband:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Mordhe11

Here's a closer look at my guys:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Shadow10

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Shadow11

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Shadow12

The insperation to these came from V for Vendetta, you see the similarity?


Last edited by Anast on Thu 30 Jun 2011 - 1:56; edited 4 times in total
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeSun 19 Apr 2009 - 15:03

Cool idea to use Harlequins as Shadow Walkers. Do you have any pics of the individual fighters?

I'm looking forward to your pirates, being a Scurvy Dog myself Wink
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeSun 19 Apr 2009 - 15:15

Thanks! Smile I did actually edit my first post, it was a bit few pictures.

Well, when I'm still here and so, maybe I upload some pictures of the pirates i have this far!

First up an engineer, very fun to make Very Happy

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Engine10


elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Engine11

Pirate Swordmen
1:st rank:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Sworme10


elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Sweord10


elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Swordm10
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeSun 19 Apr 2009 - 15:22

Well, I proceed...

Handgunners, I have 13, this because I can either have 10 as a detechement (when I play WFB) or 10 with command. Rank by rank:
1:st rank:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Handgu10

(not really sure if I am done with the standard, but have no clue, nor insperation to proceed with that model - for the moment)

2:nd rank:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Handgu11

3:rd rank:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Handgu12

And a cannon crew (cannon not painted yet):

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Cannon10

I know the eyes looks f***d up, not really good with small details, so he's the only one that even got eyes Razz
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeSun 19 Apr 2009 - 15:29

Last thing for today then- some WIP pics on my fishmen Very Happy

First up; the heads:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Heads10

4 of 5 in my second rank:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Second10

The musican:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Musica10

And a 1:st rank warrior, front:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Front_10

same as above, from the side:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Fron_w10
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeSun 19 Apr 2009 - 15:47

ALL VERY COOL STUFF! The Shadow Warriors have made a fortuitous escape from the Dark Future. Like quite alot of the 40K thingys, they look GREAT as Fantasy Folk. I LOVE the Pirates; EXCELLENT use of the Empire stuff for some colorful characters. The Fishmen have definite potential. WONDERFUL STUFF; VERY WELL DONE! thumbsup
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeSun 19 Apr 2009 - 17:25

Cool pics! I really like the engineer. Do you use your pirates as Mordheim warband, too, or just as a WHFB army?
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeSun 19 Apr 2009 - 17:40

Thank's both of you!

Well, yes. I'm planing to use them to Mordheim as well. My "arch-rival" like to play WHB more then Mordheim, so I'm gonna kick his butt on both games with my pirates!! Karate
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeSun 19 Apr 2009 - 19:31

Nice Work! I especially love the fishmen sculpts. They remind me of Cthulhu, from "The Call of Cthulhu"
elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Cthulhu
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeSun 19 Apr 2009 - 19:43

Thanks! and Wow, have'nt seen that picture before. I have start painting my fishmen, but have not figure out how I should paint the tentacles, but that picture really gave me some insperation!

In a few days will some picture on painted fishmen be uploaded! Smile
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeSun 19 Apr 2009 - 19:49

Wow. That's some great greenstuffing! thumbsup
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Venerable Ancient
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeSun 19 Apr 2009 - 22:14

Nice stuff! I like your swivel-gun especially.
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeMon 20 Apr 2009 - 19:37

Thank you all for your great response Smile

Have started the painting of my fish-great swordmen..
The heads:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Heads11

1:st rank:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! 1st10

2:nd rank:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! 2nd10

They are not done yet as you can see, but it gives a good idea how the skins looks and so. I know that a few of the heds still have a khornemark on it's forehead, and it's beacause I totally forget to remove it before I start painting, but I'm gonna try to fix it, maybe even give the leader (the one with 7 tentacles) an eyepatch, what do you think?

Is it anything my fishboy is missing? Any funny detail or something that you think is missing?

Peace out /Anast
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeMon 20 Apr 2009 - 20:31

The eye patch sounds good; it would give him/her/it a Piratey feel.
All the original Mordheim Bands seemed to sport fish as part of their equipment; maybe you could have a couple of the Lads/Lasses/whatever carrying a semi-dismembered doll to return the favor. Suspect

BTW I forgot [Old Men are constantly forgetting things Deaf Nala Smiley ] to compliment you on the Engineer: VERY cool & unique conversion; that one legged coot is REALLY armed to the teeth. VERY WELL DONE! thumbsup
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeMon 20 Apr 2009 - 21:25

Yeah, it's the piratey feeling I want to make. A semi-dismembered doll, hm, will maybe be cool, thanks for the tips!

And thank you.
Have given the engineer (which likely will act as a gunner in Mordheim) all the equpiment a engineer can have according to the empire book. As you can see, he got a repeater pistol, a long rifle (or swivel gun) on his back, a granade launching blunderbuss (or a "normal" blunderbuss) in his hand plus a pigeon bomb..Very Happy
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeWed 22 Apr 2009 - 21:42

Her's a monk I made as a necromancer to my vampires. But think he's going to become human and join my pirates, in WHF as a wizard, and for mordheim, as a Priest of Morr maybe?

Know that the picture is pretty light, but it make's the glowing angel, even more glowing thumbsup

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Monk10
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Venerable Ancient
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeWed 22 Apr 2009 - 22:52

Good stuff! Just one question: how come the harlequins are no where near as good as the rest?
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeWed 22 Apr 2009 - 23:07

Thanks.Smile Haha, well, it was some time ago I painted the harlequins, so they are pretty high on the re-paint list. But for the moment I have my Pirate-project in focus, so the re-paint list is gonna wait till I'm satisfied with the mates and fishes. Karate
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeFri 24 Apr 2009 - 14:56

A small update on my fishheads. The leadet now have a eyepatch and the khornemarks (that I did forget before) is now gone.

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Heads_10
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeFri 24 Apr 2009 - 15:10

Pirates, Fishmen, Pirate Fishmen! Shocked

I think I love you! elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! 665330 elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Wub-2elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Fishman
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeFri 24 Apr 2009 - 17:33

Thanks mr. warboss, that's reciprocal, your orcs is da best!

Well, I think I'm pretty done with my fishes, just glue the heads on, and ofcourse paint and fix the bases (but haven't done that on anyone of my pirates yet, don't have any PVA glue left).
The heads is one post up, here's the bodys.
1:st rank:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Farsta10

2:nd rank:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Andra_10

Close-up on my champ:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Ledare10

Close-up on drum-boy and front warrior:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Trummi10

And a close-up on some of the second rank warriors:

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Nara_a10

You wanna a closer look at some warrior, just tell me!
And if you have any idea or thought for some improvement, please tell me and I will see what I can do Smile
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeFri 24 Apr 2009 - 17:59

Well, one last post then, just wanna show the next thing I think I'm gonna paint, the captain! Karate

elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Dsc00511


elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Dsc00512

Have I idea to give him a crossbow, just for make him a really pain in the ass for my opponent, is it worth it?
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeSat 25 Apr 2009 - 3:10

Wow. Everything is turning out really nicely. Keep up the progress!

May I ask where that delightful little frog on you champion's hook is from?

Your captain looks delightful, and yes, I highly recommend a crossbow whenever it is able to be taken. Can't argue with S4 at 30".
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeSat 25 Apr 2009 - 12:20

I LOVE the armed-to-the-teeth look of your Captain; he IS going to ROCK once he's all painted up.
The Fish Guys ARE excellent conversions. It isn't easy giving fish a bit of personality, but you managed it. The eye patch IS cool. WELL DONE! thumbsup
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitimeSat 25 Apr 2009 - 13:04

Wow! I am impressed. The Elves are a bit glossy but the Pirates are great and your "monster'" looking things look great so far also.
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elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen!   elves - Elves, humans, possesed, vampires and Fishmen! Icon_minitime

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