So finished the first half of my warband which is holding its own so far in the campaign despite not actually winning any games.....
So there are my three mountain guards and I've just realized the trouble is I can now see some flaws....damn my new monitors clarity! The heavy inking is to try and create a dirty, sooty stained look to their clothing which I think is more appropriate for someone picking through the ruins of a city. Below are three of my heroes. From Left to right my youngblood, Sergeant and Captain. All of these models have been made from the state troops bow with only the addition of a holstered pistol for the captain. The bases are all brown to blend in with the advanced heroquest board sections which the models will also be used for.
I've tried to make the Sgt and the Mountain Guards look like a unit whilst the Captain and youngblood I've tried to make more individual. Sorry about all the white space at the top but I couldn't get photshop to svae the new versions! Any comments? I'm now starting the 2 bergjaegers (Lord of the rings Gondor rangers) and my halflings (Fighting Cocks models).