Good morning everyone!
Alright, so I used to post on the Specialist Games forums back in the day, but have been out of the hobby for... about a year... year and a half maybe?
Since people care about the hobby here I'll start there! I've been into WHFB since I was in middle school and stumbled upon a Games Workshop in a mall. So I've been hooked for about... 10 years? Off and on of course.
I play Orcs and Goblins in WHFB (but haven't even bought the new edition since I've been out of it) with plans of adding Dwarves to the roster as soon as I can afford it.
I got into WH40K about 4 years ago, working on building a Tyranid army there.
Mordheim is something that I've tried continually to get into but been constantly stopped at every turn. The nail in the coffin was when my local GW store closed and I would have had to drive 2 hours in order to play so I dropped out of the hobby all together for... as I said a year and half.
Recently I moved and my current fiancee was interested in BFG, which lead me to the new GW website... which by the way... sucks... It's slow and poorly designed in my opinion. However this brought Mordheim up into my face again and I'm interested in attempting to find or form a group to play... only issue is is that I'm once again most likely going to have to drive 2 hours @_@
Alright, the name, Emoge, is one I rarely use for games such as this, it is based off a DnD joke character and kind of stuck. Emoge the Emo-mage, the necromancer that could only find love in the dead. Normally my generals and leaders of the orc variety go by the name of Teethhammer, and I contemplated using that as my avatar, but... decided it gave off the wrong vibe.
Mordheim-wise, I prefer to play Orcs and Goblins (although I've never been able to play for mor than 3 weeks at a time... which puts a damper on the whole campaign experience... Darn the Old Gods for giving me horrible luck with finding groups!) However, if I ever found a steady group I am positive I would build a possessed warband as a secondary warband.
Well, I suppose that's long enough of a description, and I hope there aren't too many typos since I'm typing this in IE so no auto spellchecker... oh well! Nice to meet you all.