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 Couple of Potential Players

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PostSubject: Couple of Potential Players   Couple of Potential Players Icon_minitimeSat 3 Jan 2009 - 21:26

Well, it's been ages since I last played a game of Mordheim. Hell, I rarely seem to have time to paint even. As I'm probably close to getting kicked off here for lack of hobbying (?), I thought I'd toss up a few things here.

I might just have a few friends interested in playing the game, so I am throwing a few warbands together for them. Haven't put anything on paper yet, but one is interested in Beastmen Raiders, the other Dark Elves. So... here's what I tossed together so far, dependant upon what they hire of course.

Here's the Dark Elves. Did them in a rush, and it shows. Oh well. Using Mengil's Manflayers for starters, though I do have a fair supply of Dark Elves for him to choose from.

Couple of Potential Players Pictur11

Here's the Beastmen Raiders I did up. Most are old minis, and I am still working on an Elephantaur (just painted the flesh today). Again, with the models available, WYSIWYG is going to be a little loose here (yes, flails will have to be clubs).

Couple of Potential Players Pictur12

Well, that's all I've got for now.

Have a DP I'm working on (AENUR), but I'll throw him up in another thread for opinions perhaps.

Thanks for taking the time to look.

The beauty of the internet is that I can't hear you folks swallowing your vomit when you look at my minis. Smile
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Da Bank
Rules Guru
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PostSubject: Re: Couple of Potential Players   Couple of Potential Players Icon_minitimeSat 3 Jan 2009 - 21:58

Nice work and I really like the Beastmen
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Venerable Ancient
Venerable Ancient

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PostSubject: Re: Couple of Potential Players   Couple of Potential Players Icon_minitimeSat 3 Jan 2009 - 21:59

I second that, the Minotaur looks cool, always loved those big huge mythological bad guys Twisted Evil
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PostSubject: Re: Couple of Potential Players   Couple of Potential Players Icon_minitimeSun 4 Jan 2009 - 11:14

Over here what you'd detect is the pitter-patter of drool hitting the keyboard [with a bit of electrical discharge Suspect ] & the thud of my jaw hitting the now sloppy-wet keys. Those ARE some REALLY Ubercool minis AND BEAUTIFULLY painted. EXCELLENT WORK! thumbsup

Don't feel bad about the gaming. it's been over thirty years since my last proper wargame. AND as far as contributing to the Forum, ALL your posts have weight & substance which MORE then makes up for any lack in numbers. You ARE a valued Forumite. Sir, yes sir!
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Join date : 2008-09-04
Age : 44
Location : Calgary, AB

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PostSubject: Re: Couple of Potential Players   Couple of Potential Players Icon_minitimeSun 4 Jan 2009 - 16:34

Wow, thanks for all the kind words folks!
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PostSubject: Re: Couple of Potential Players   Couple of Potential Players Icon_minitime

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