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 [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers

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Honour Guard
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeMon 3 Dec 2007 - 19:22

Some of you may have heard of the Border Town Burning supplement. One of the main features of the BTB campaigns is the special objectives that the warbands pursue. One way or another most participants are hunting four cursed Chaos artefacts. These can be represented using the following template.

[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Marker10

What we are going to do, however, is convert small counters. Here you can see the miniatures for the Chaos Broadsword of Damnation and the Liber Chaotica as WIP.
NOTE: I'm sorry the pictures are of such a bad quality. I'll post better pics later.

[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Broads10

[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Broads11

[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Broads12

[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Book110

[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Book210
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeMon 3 Dec 2007 - 19:26


The flamming sword looks absolutly cool and the name fits perfectly!

Can't wait to see them painted Wink
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Honour Guard
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeMon 3 Dec 2007 - 21:24

Thanks, Erkwin!

Border Town Burning supplement wrote:

Chaos Broadsword of Damnation
The Chaos Broadsword counts as a double-handed weapon. Whenever a henchman is taken out of action through this sword, roll for Serious Injury immediately. If the model dies permanently he mutates and becomes a Condemned under the control of the chaos player instead (see the Marauders' of Chaos Heroes section for rules). After the battle the model dies of the Chaotic powers that took over his body.

Note that this weapon cannot be destroyed through the Sword Breaker's Trap blade special rule or any other circumstances that would normally cause weapons/equipment to break. Same applies to the Whip's Disarm rule.

That's where the name stems from.
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeMon 3 Dec 2007 - 22:05

A very good weapon-rules.
Do I understand it correct that any warband can find one of these items during the campaign?
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Honour Guard
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeMon 3 Dec 2007 - 22:59

Erkwin wrote:
A very good weapon-rules.
Do I understand it correct that any warband can find one of these items during the campaign?


Border Town Burning supplement wrote:

Chaos Artefact Special Rules
If a Norse, Marauder or Beastman warband finds one of the following Chaos Artefacts they will always be used by the warband's leader as those are the only ones worth these powerful gifts of Chaos.

Any model other than a Marauder, Beastman, Norse, Dark Elf, Undead or Chaos Dwarf Hero equipped with a Chaos Artefact is subject to stupidity for it cannot bear the item’s Chaotic influence. In addition, the A thousand Voices spell counts as permanently cast upon the unworthy model reducing its Leadership by 4. The spell cannot be dispelled.

Note that an Artefact of Chaos is much too important and dangerous to be left in the warband's camp or hideout. Therefore these artefacts may never be stored in the warband's stored equipment field but must be given to a Hero (the leader in case of a Chaotic warband, see above). The only exception to this rule is the Tilean Merchant Caravan who may keep the item in their Trade Cart.

Losing a Chaos Artefact
The Chaos Artefacts are protected by the Chaos Gods themselves and cannot be destroyed. If a model with one of these items is taken out of action place a marker. Any model may pick the item up by moving in contact with the marker. If the marker is not taken, the model out of action keeps the artefact and if it dies from its Serious Injuries it is given to the new warband leader, who took it from his unlucky predecessor’s remains.

If the leader dies after the battle (e.g. in the Exploration phase) the artefact will be given to the new leader.

In case a Chaos Artefact is lost and no new owner can be determined, the next time a warband finds a Lesser Artefact it finds that Chaos Artefact instead.

The "Losing a Chaos Artefact" section is the reason why the markers are even necessary.
For the rules of the other three Chaos items you'll have to check out the Border Town Burning supplement. tongue
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeWed 5 Dec 2007 - 21:21

Great work cianty, can't wait to see them when they're finished!

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Honour Guard
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeWed 5 Dec 2007 - 21:46

Rich wrote:
Great work cianty, can't wait to see them when they're finished!


Thanks, Rich! I'll post pictures once I have them finished.
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeSat 8 Dec 2007 - 6:58

I love it! Great Job Cianty! I love the idea of those artefacts and I love your counters.

*wanders off to check out the rules on BTB*
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeSat 8 Dec 2007 - 11:38

Nicely done the flaming sword affraid But Still a question, what will those artefacts do Very Happy ?
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Honour Guard
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeSat 8 Dec 2007 - 12:11

Tagnator wrote:
Nicely done the flaming sword affraid But Still a question, what will those artefacts do Very Happy ?

Well, let me quote myself again:

cianty wrote:
For the rules of the other three Chaos items you'll have to check out the Border Town Burning supplement. tongue

The BTB supplement provdes rules for playing a narrative yet non-linear campaign with each warband having its own objective/goal and achievements. Thus certain events and special unique scenarios can be unlocked and the mighty Chaos Artefacts will be found. Check out the website to find out what there is already. We are working on it still and I will inform you guys on this board once we have a "stable" first version of the whole project available.
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeSat 8 Dec 2007 - 12:12

Ahh ok sounds good Smile thanks!
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeWed 30 Apr 2008 - 12:58

Hey cianty,
Nice piece of work; I love the face in the flames & the hand emerging from the top. It looks possessed to me. Well done, Foul Minion of Evil. Have you painted it yet? A pic of the finished piece would be cool [hint, hint].

What other types of markers are there? Doing up a bunch of these thingys could be a really cool little project; just the sort of thing I could get into, although I do have a tendency to get carried away. It's a perfect way of utilizing some of those extra bits & bob I've been hording for decades.
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Honour Guard
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeWed 30 Apr 2008 - 13:12

In BTB (some) warbands are searching four powerful Chaos Artefacts.

- Chaos Broadsword of Damnation
- Ghartok’s Skull
- Chaos Dragon Scale Armour
- Liber Chaotica

Since models that are taken out of action drop these items so others can pick them up markers are sometimes needed to represent the artefacts.

Oh, I did paint the Broadsword of Damnation but I'm not really satisfied with it...
[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Broads10
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeWed 30 Apr 2008 - 13:46

Thanks for the photo. Possibly the only thing I love as much as thingys for mini games are photos of thingys for mini games. It turned out very nicely, maybe a bit more white in the highlighting on the face & hand would make them stand out a bit, but it's nice as is.

You've got my feeble old mind churning with possibilities. Thanks for the inspiration.

Hey, this is almost a conversation. COOL! lol!
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Honour Guard
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeWed 30 Apr 2008 - 14:08

DeafNala wrote:
Thanks for the photo. Possibly the only thing I love as much as thingys for mini games are photos of thingys for mini games. It turned out very nicely, maybe a bit more white in the highlighting on the face & hand would make them stand out a bit, but it's nice as is.

Thank YOU, for the kind words!

DeafNala wrote:

You've got my feeble old mind churning with possibilities. Thanks for the inspiration.

I'm glad to inspire you. Hopefully you'll start working on some nice thingies and - even more hopefully - you get your Chaos camera of condemnation to work and take some pics of the items.

DeafNala wrote:

Hey, this is almost a conversation. COOL! lol!

He he.
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeMon 12 May 2008 - 13:22

wow cianty - that is very nice. I quite like the lighting effect you have done on the rock and surrounding terrain.
The only criticism I would make - and this is a personal thing (not saying anything bad because god knows you paint so much better than I can) - is that it may be a little too blue. I feel that the almost solid blue (it could be the photo too) detracts from the overall appearance as everything kind of fades together. I feel that further highlighting - especially of the face and hands - as well as a touch more white on certain details would really bring out the marker a lot more. Perhaps working up to a white in the middle - kind of like lightning, or a gas flame (the visible, darker blue is along the edges of the flame). It's kind of hard to explain what I mean.
That aside - it truly is a great piece, and I would love to see what you do with the floating book (hint, hint).
As Deafnala said - it is inspiring.
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeMon 12 May 2008 - 15:02

I like the effect on the sword, looks good Wink Smile
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeMon 12 May 2008 - 17:45

Ha! That's freaking sweet. I love the effect.

I also do think it would benefit from a couple varieties in color (white on the face/hand is a great idea) and maybe red for the eyes =).

But as alway,s great work, and execution.
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeMon 12 May 2008 - 23:01

Thomo and Ashton, I think you are right. Probably that's why I feel do uncomfortable with the sword. I will definately apply a lighter blue and see how it ends. Thanks a lot for the comments!
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeTue 13 May 2008 - 5:08

I like the blue, It actually looks very good in the 2nd pic, almost like you turned the sword on with a the flick of a switch between shots!

If you are unhappy with the flames, why not try multi-color flames. Alternate the tongues blue, green, yellow, red, green, purple, whatever. It might take a while and it might make the source highlation (i made up a word) on the rock impossible but I think it would look cool!
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitimeTue 13 May 2008 - 12:36

I agree with pathfinder; the way the sword looks in the second photo is very cool just as it is. Ultimately, you are the only one whose opinion matters; i.e., if you like it, you've achieved your goal.

The multi-color thingy would, however, not only be really cool, but also very chaotic. I've GOT TO try that one out [I love stealing ideas]. Cool
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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers   [BTB] Chaos Artefact markers Icon_minitime

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[BTB] Chaos Artefact markers
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