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 Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed

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Join date : 2020-08-25
Age : 32

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Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed Empty
PostSubject: Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed   Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed Icon_minitimeMon 31 Aug 2020 - 3:01

Hi people! I wanted to share my firsts attemps on ZBrush inspired in Mordheim! Some of them better than others, and of course still a lot to learn  (thx youtube tutorials, you rock Cool )

Most of them are part of a new warband my group is working on: "The survivers". Citizens of Mordheim that decided to stay in the city and go mad! They are:

-Puppet old man ----------->1º model i made
-The rat guy (still looking a good name for him)----------->2º
- "The end is coming guy". He will let you paint the message you like the most in his poster. Mine will say "Free hugs here".--------->3º
- King of fingers, the warband leader!----------->4º

Then you will find a Possesed (based on Carpenter's "The Thing") and a random armored mercenary.

Advices and possitive criticism is always welcome, but please consider this is just a hobby not a professional attemp

Hope you like them. If anyone has any suggestion on lore or units for Survivers i will thx you a lot!!

Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed Aldean10
Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed Aldean11
Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed Aldean12
Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed Aldean14
Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed Aldean13
Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed Aldean15

Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed Aldean16
Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed Aldean17
Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed Aldean18

Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed Poseid10
Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed Poseid11
Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed Poseid12
Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed Guerre10
Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed Guerre11
Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed Guerre12
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PostSubject: Re: Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed   Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed Icon_minitimeWed 2 Sep 2020 - 12:45

I like the idea of "rat guy" but I think his hat needs to be bigger (taller and broader) and his eye patch is too small. I think in printing that will look like a badly cast eye.

The style of face on the first 2 (with eyelids) looks much better than the bulging eyes of the others.
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Survivers warband and others models waiting to be printed
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