Here are some rough unpainted WIP's from my Orcish warband.
Notes: The Warboss is under some heavy conversion at a friends house. We're trying to take a 40k Warboss who came equipped with a flamethrower and a chained Squig, and replace the flamer with a 2-handed weapon. The Shaman also needs alot of work. I'm trying to mount a figure I found in the local RPG shop's bitbox onto the boar mount seen below but taking the legs off and making a suitable gluebase on him is a slow process
Shaman Warmount & VolfBoth figurines are from the Fantasy Warboss kit. I only really wanted the mount but there were parts for an extra figure in the box so I decided to make a savage orc with it. His left arm looks abit ackward but seen from the side it looks like he's charging with it.
Gobbo with a SteinScouring my local Warhammer shop's bitbox I found a collection of goblins that caught my eye. I'm told they are Bloodbowl models but I'm going to use them anyway. We're not exactly huge on WYSIWYG in our club so I decided to find some random bits and pieces and stick them onto him. I think the stein really adds character to the little git'.
D' Big'UnzTo be honest, I'm not too happy about these two. Their armours are abit too heavy for Mordheim imo and the style and theme I was going for. They might end up as temporary models until I can find some others to replace them.
Pip the Piper and his band of SquigsI love the bagpipe playing goblin that comes with the new Squigs. I even added a rat to his base to give it that fairytale kind of feeling. Nothing much to say about the squigs. I prefer the old versions ?
That's all I have for now. I'm trying to get the rest of the band assembled so I can start picking out some colours, but the moolah is running low.