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 Mordheim and BTB battle matts

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PostSubject: Mordheim and BTB battle matts   Mordheim and BTB battle matts Icon_minitimeSat 27 Aug 2016 - 18:57

Hello everyone. After a couple years hiatus, the members of Monday Night Mordheim are going adventuring to grand Cathay once again. I was wondering if anyone here had any experience using battle matts? If so, which battle matts are most appropriate for Mordheim and the BTB setting? Does anyone have any recommendations?

Thank you!
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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim and BTB battle matts   Mordheim and BTB battle matts Icon_minitimeSun 28 Aug 2016 - 16:28

I really like Deep Cut Studio's mats. Would recommend either the mousepad or the cloth, as the PVC has a slight glossy sheen to it that looks a little weird. Mousepad is sturdier and higher quality, but the cloth is cheaper and easier to transport and store.

I've got their cobblestone mat in 4x4 for normal Mordheim, which is great, but their new Medieval Ruins would also work for classic. For BtB almost anything goes, since you'll be playing in the Mountains of Mourn, in Cathayan towns, deep into the mutating Chaos Wastes, and everything in between. I could see any of the following working for various scenarios: Frost-grave, Plains, Swamp, Wasteland, Inferno, Badlands, Alien Planet, Red Planet, Tundra, Muddy Field, Winter, Snow Fields, Asteroid.

Really, pick based on what would match the terrain you've got. If you've got a wide variety of terrain (and a big enough budget) it would be cool to get one classic Mordheim style mat, one snowy one for the mountains, blizzard scenarios, one generic outdoors (Plains, Tundra, Muddy Field), and one more exotic one for the Wastes. If you're only going to get one I'd stick with one of the generic outdoors.

Last edited by NoisyAssassin on Tue 30 Aug 2016 - 19:11; edited 1 time in total
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Wyrdstone Dave
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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim and BTB battle matts   Mordheim and BTB battle matts Icon_minitimeTue 30 Aug 2016 - 3:27

I've got Deep Cut Studio's 4x4 cobblestone street mat for regular Mordheim. Its a great addition to the table and sits well because it is mousepad material.
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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim and BTB battle matts   Mordheim and BTB battle matts Icon_minitimeTue 30 Aug 2016 - 19:41

On my blog you can find reviews for:

UrbanMatZ' Cobblestone Mat
Deep Cut's Cobblestone Mat
Kraken Mat' Cobblestone Mat

With Frostgrave being all the rage these days you can also find some very nice snowy mat designs.

The cool thing about mats is that for relatively little money you can play on very different gaming boards (the terrain aside). I would recommend a generic cobblestone mat from Deep Cut or UrbanMatZ because they can be used in so many different settings. But for BTB a snow-clad one would be best:

Snowy city:




Snow territory:

There are also some other nice designs out there but I would definitely go with mousepad material as it is just perfect.
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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim and BTB battle matts   Mordheim and BTB battle matts Icon_minitimeTue 30 Aug 2016 - 22:29

Ohh, thanks for the links. Someone who can speak from experience on most of the matts that are out there. Will bookmark these and read through them in the next couple of days.
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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim and BTB battle matts   Mordheim and BTB battle matts Icon_minitimeSun 23 Oct 2016 - 23:31

I personally love the Kraken mat. It has an awesome layout and has a nice loomy blueish grey color, likeif the battle is fought under moon light or under clouds during dawn.

In my oppinion it is perfect for Mortheim ( the stone size seems to be to big, but on the other hand visually true scale minis also do not work very well on 28 mm, so this hero scale copple stone works great)
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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim and BTB battle matts   Mordheim and BTB battle matts Icon_minitimeFri 25 Nov 2016 - 17:34


I just come from the Deep-Cut Studio website. They have a 10% discount code "BLACKFRIDAY" and a few mats are even reduced by 50%! Check out the "Wooden Floor" mat for those "Last Orders" games.
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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim and BTB battle matts   Mordheim and BTB battle matts Icon_minitime

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