As I promised my
ESTEEMED fellow Forumite, cianty, a listing of the Mini Makers who bear a
PORTION of the blame for the above:
N.B., the SOT# refers to the Shards of Tharion game#.
Nimlinor's Camel: Ral Partha
Figg & Frali, hill giants: Reaper
The ghoul Habrescorn: Reaper
Kolbolds on rust monsters: unknown
Trog Tyrant: Reaper
Thameera Ffleudder" tomb: Ral Partha
The Iron Coffer Adventuring Company:
- Skydyn: Rackham with a GW Empire Militia head
- Moxirth the Mad: Rackham
- The rest of the company: Free Booter
Knights of the Lance Unbroken:
- Furian & Beroth: Reaper
- the rest of the company: GW Mordheim & Empire Militia
Orcs of the Battle of the Tower: Reaper bug bears & ogre [center guy]
Orc Maulers: Rackham
The blue wyrm Malstyrx: MacFarlane
Malstyrx's wyrmlings: Reaper
Flinds: Rackham
Aulmpiter's beholder: WoCD&D, bloodooze: Reaper, & 3 skulking cysts: GW 40K Spore Mines & various Empire Militia & Zombie parts
The Abishaim warriors: Rackham
Queen Dulpae of Viscahun: converted Rackham, & Devilish retinue: GW
The pit fiend Mulemox: Reaper
The Mulcibim Farcluun: GW Inquisitor, & Dandaru: converted Red Lancer
Orc Prowlers: Rackham
Eagle: Reaper, & progeny: GW
Pernoctara remorhaz: Ral Partha
The rakshasae Imul-Dudi: Reaper, & Chanadis: WoCD&D
The Minister Shaledaggun: Masquerade 60mm
Maxirith the Mad [Rackham] atop the Grandal Device: the Grandal Device is a bit of home made terrain by moi, 2'X2'
Heroes of the Golden Key:
- griffon: Reaper
- satyr: unknown
- centaur: Rackham
- dwarf wizard: GW
- boy Neren: Free Booter
- treant: GW
- pixie: Reaper
Frog King & Prince: Dark Sword
Blister: MacFarlane