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 M2TW Inspired Marienburgers

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PostSubject: M2TW Inspired Marienburgers   M2TW Inspired Marienburgers Icon_minitimeSun 26 Apr 2015 - 15:58

So I figured it'd be fun for my new marienburg warband to paint them in the colour scheme of england from medieval 2 total war. Lots of fun reds and yellows but of course first i had to have some fun procuring and creating some models for it. The warband so far is a mix of reaper mini's bones, pathfinder and of course games workshop empire models. Still working on a name for my warband and my characters but anyway here's what i have:

(Sorry about some of the photos being blurry, I'm using my housemates camera and its a bit finnicky with its auto zoom for close up photos so i have to try and use manual)

First we have the Mercenary Captain!

Captain Mary the Brave: (Both mounted and dismounted)

M2TW Inspired Marienburgers Tumblr_nnf2aa255R1rq9f0uo2_1280

M2TW Inspired Marienburgers Tumblr_nnf2aa255R1rq9f0uo3_1280

(And a close up of the head)
M2TW Inspired Marienburgers Tumblr_nnf2aa255R1rq9f0uo1_1280

She will be running through this campaign with a trusty spear, shield and sword (i know the sword model is technically a 2 hander but it looks lovely and was the only sword in the empire general set so it will count as a normal sword, albeit a very big one)

Next We have the champions:
William the Sly and Alice the Swift:

M2TW Inspired Marienburgers Tumblr_nnf2aa255R1rq9f0uo4_1280
M2TW Inspired Marienburgers Tumblr_nnf2aa255R1rq9f0uo6_1280
M2TW Inspired Marienburgers Tumblr_nnf2qokOUt1rq9f0uo2_1280
M2TW Inspired Marienburgers Tumblr_nnf2aa255R1rq9f0uo5_1280
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Posts : 69
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Join date : 2012-10-02
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PostSubject: Re: M2TW Inspired Marienburgers   M2TW Inspired Marienburgers Icon_minitimeSun 26 Apr 2015 - 16:06

And Now the Youngbloods:
Henry & Isabella (They'll have to earn their titles in game due to their youngblood status)

M2TW Inspired Marienburgers Tumblr_nnf2qokOUt1rq9f0uo5_1280
M2TW Inspired Marienburgers Tumblr_nnf2qokOUt1rq9f0uo3_1280
M2TW Inspired Marienburgers Tumblr_nnf2qokOUt1rq9f0uo4_1280
M2TW Inspired Marienburgers Tumblr_nnf2qokOUt1rq9f0uo6_1280

Also we can't forget the trusty war griffon (will probably count as a warhound) I felt he needed a truly fearsome name (to fit the reputation he will gain) the swort of name that will inspire terror deep within the heart of the enemy and so the name i have chosen to carry his legacy... is Florence

M2TW Inspired Marienburgers Tumblr_nnf32tDzf91rq9f0uo1_1280

And finally i shall also show off 2 henchman that have the finished colour scheme: A marksman and a swordsman

M2TW Inspired Marienburgers Tumblr_nnf32tDzf91rq9f0uo2_1280
M2TW Inspired Marienburgers Tumblr_nnf32tDzf91rq9f0uo3_1280

I shall make sure to add in new pictures of henchman and hired swords as they are made and new pictures as more models are painted. For added fun within campaigns the hero's titles may be subject to change depending on their actions within the campaign. For example if i end up routing at every opportunity an actively avoid combat then captain Mary will probably lose her title of brave.
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PostSubject: Re: M2TW Inspired Marienburgers   M2TW Inspired Marienburgers Icon_minitimeSun 26 Apr 2015 - 16:51

COOL LOOKIN' STUFF! It all has possibilities & a definite Marienburg chic to it. Have FUN with the project!   thumbsup
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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: M2TW Inspired Marienburgers   M2TW Inspired Marienburgers Icon_minitimeSun 26 Apr 2015 - 19:41

very flamboyant looking mercs. It will be nice to see them painted up in bright colours
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PostSubject: Re: M2TW Inspired Marienburgers   M2TW Inspired Marienburgers Icon_minitime

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