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 Mordheim 8th Rules

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PostSubject: Mordheim 8th Rules   Mordheim 8th Rules Icon_minitimeTue 10 Jun 2014 - 18:44

These ideas have been floating around the forums, let's see:

Random Charges

Charging distance is [Base Movement] + [Roll 2D6, Add Highest] = Total distance moved.

E.g. Human = 4" + [Rolls 2 and 4] = 4 + 4 = Charges 8".

Strike Order
No 'Strikes First' for charging.
Instead, +1 I for Charging.

Spears / Halberds: +2 in all I first round of combat.
Great Weapons: -2 I in all round of combat.


6+ Ward save if combined with one-handed Club/Axe/Sword.


What do you guys think? Add your own!
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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim 8th Rules   Mordheim 8th Rules Icon_minitimeTue 10 Jun 2014 - 21:02

shotguncoffee wrote:
Charging distance is [Base Movement] + [Roll 2D6, Add Highest] = Total distance moved.

We've been experimenting with charges of 2D3+M for Movement scores upto 5, and 2D6+M for Movement scores of 6 or more. So far I like the results. The challenge being dealing with D3s. Dividing a normal die result, while not difficult, takes away from the exciting pace of your turn (unless you buy D3 dice). I like being able to measure at all times.

shotguncoffee wrote:
Strike Order
No 'Strikes First' for charging.
Instead, +1 I for Charging.

I like the Strike First rule for charging! It really makes the charge attempt worth it and keeps the game dynamic. I would like to fix the confusion that arrises from all the different First Strike rules that are out there. Spears suck the way things are now.

shotguncoffee wrote:
Spears / Halberds: +2 in all I first round of combat.
Great Weapons: -2 I in all round of combat.


6+ Ward save if combined with one-handed Club/Axe/Sword.

I am in the process of a major revamp of all weapon lists, trying to balance them (not easy). I'll post it when it's done (maybe sometime later this summer).
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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim 8th Rules   Mordheim 8th Rules Icon_minitimeTue 10 Jun 2014 - 23:03

I love the idea of scrapping the "Strike First" rules and replacing them with Initiative bonuses or penalties.
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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim 8th Rules   Mordheim 8th Rules Icon_minitimeWed 11 Jun 2014 - 16:18

I've gotten used to random charges (and always being able to measure) in Warhammer Fantasy, so I'd love to see something similar in Mordheim. I rather like your approach to it. Only thing you'd need to iron out is how Sprint works, likely either 2d6 pick the highest + 2x Movement or 3d6 pick the two highest + Movement (the latter would make sprint less reliable and powerful for already fast warbands like Skaven, which is probably a feature rather than a bug).

Not a huge fan of the rest of your change suggestions though. Setting I penalties and bonuses would put too much emphasis on the I characteristic, and make other sources of ASF too powerful. I agree with Thespian though that ASF needs to be less layered/confusing, although I'd probably go for a very simple route there. Something along the lines of:

- Charging, spears, that one skill, and the one Orc spell, plus anything else I forgot: grants ASF (always strikes first).
- Standing up from knocked down, two-handed weapons, plus anything else I forgot: grants ASL (always strikes last).

- If two models in a combat both have ASF or ASL, they cancel out and strike at I order [ex. a knocked down model stands up while fighting against a model with a two-handed weapon. Since they both have ASL, they strike in I order].

- If a model has both ASF and ASL they cancel out and the model strikes in I order [ex. a model with a two-handed weapon strikes in I order when it charges].

- Multiple instances of ASF or ASL can stack with each other [ex. a model with a two-handed weapon stands up from knocked down, so they have two instances of ASL, meaning they will strike last against another model with a two-handed weapon].

This would certainly shift the balances between two-handed weapons, spears, and other weapons, but dear dark gods would it be simpler than remembering which ASFs and ASLs override each other. (as a side note, I'd also likey want to change spears to straight always grant ASF, not just in the first round of combat)
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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim 8th Rules   Mordheim 8th Rules Icon_minitimeFri 13 Jun 2014 - 17:07

Here's some of the house rules we use in 8th ed to throw into the mix....

Charge distance is amended to M+1D6 (M+2D6 take the highest for fast cavalry)

If a unit with spears has not moved, are not already engaged in a fight and are charged from the front by cavalry; They gain 'Always strikes first' on the first round.

Panic test
Panic tests are taken if a unit loses a round of combat and has lost at least 25% of their current strength.

Break test
When a unit breaks it’s opponent get a “free hack”
If a unit is caught by pursuers, the pursuers get a “free hack”; The unit is not automatically destroyed
They do count as being in combat again, with defender having WS 1 and 'Always strikes last' on the next round to represent the confusion of being caught while trying to flee

Free Hack
This is a single attack per model, hitting against WS1, rolling to wound and save as normal (Parry saves are not allowed)


Armour Save modifiers:
Change to starting at Strength 5:
Strength Armour Modifier
5 -1
6 -2
7 -3
8 -4
9 -5
10 -6

Special Rules
Always Strikes First: Changes to applies on first turn of combat if charged from the front only.

On failing a fear test, victims gain Ialways Stikes Last as well as reduction to WS 1
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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim 8th Rules   Mordheim 8th Rules Icon_minitimeFri 27 Jun 2014 - 20:45

Adopting random movement and allowing measuring would be fine with me. Those both seem to fit the random and lax nature of Mordheim. I'd probably make it M + 1D6 for all models except mounted ones which would get M + 2D6.

On the other hand, some of my friends seem to be permanently scorned by the dice gods and adding more rolls would further handicap them. They'd have to always set up for 6" changes  Smile 

I agree with others about not endorsing the Initiative penalty / bonus system. This would entirely change the game for too many armies. It would remove the incentive to change in many cases. Personally, my group has never had any issues with the strike first rules. Chargers go first. Spears trump. Great weapons go last always. This does not seem that difficult. If I'm missing some of the more convoluted issues then our group just paved over them with simplicity and we sleep at night because of it.

I would like to see an expanded role of Leadership in this game. There is room for a Mordheim-ized 'Panic' system. Perhaps those within 6" of a hero taken out of action would be required to take test. Models in combat only test if the fallen hero was in the same combat.
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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim 8th Rules   Mordheim 8th Rules Icon_minitime

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