An interview with one of the gamedesigners: games movement and combat are dictated by a units movement and attack points respectively play style of turns. can you explain the turn based game system you will be using a little more ?
The pacing of our video game is slightly different to the pacing of the table top. With Player versus Player, we need something more engaging than playing 10 units for 20 minutes and then wait 20 minutes for your next turn! We parted ways with the alternate Player turns for an Initiative ladder. The initiative of each unit is based on their unit type (Leader, Henchman, Heroes and Impressive unit) along with their equipment and their skills. From there you play your units as based on the initiative ladder’s order. It ensures a more dynamic game-play that suits perfectly with the fog of war and line of sight game mechanics.
Will war-bands have experience points ? if so how will this add to to game ?
There are multiple level of experience gain
Your units are levelling up, your warband is levelling up as well (used to allow the player to recruit certain type of units..) and finally, you as a player will benefits an experience points system
What Races will feature in Mordheim the digial game? Once it is released?
On release, we will have the four following warbands: Skavens of clan Eshin, Human Mercenaries, Sisters of Sigmar and Cult of the Possessed. Some monsters will also roam the gloomy streets of Mordheim… but we can’t give away more details on that matter though, so stay tuned.
What was your favourite part of working on this game?
Being a devoted player of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay for the last decade (if not more), I feel right at home on this project. The best part is to incorporate new material to Mordheim, which is not necessarily new to the Warhammer universe, but adds some very cool twists. Bringing such a great game to the digital format is a challenge rewarding in itself!
Were there any unexpected difficulty’s or challenges in the development of Mordheim?
Indeed. I think difficulties and challenges follow the sun and rise in front of us every day, haha! But there’s nothing we can’t tackle. This is a grim and perilous world after all, so it wouldn’t be Mordheim without some challenges on our way, right? I think we can blame Tzeentch for the small bumps in the road
Were there any large changes you had to make to the rules of the board game?
As mentioned in the introduction, there’s the player turn by turn rules we modified. Among other rules we changed, units will have new statistics (Alertness for example). We are also bringing enchantment to equipment. All War bands will have 7 units to select from and are capped at 10 units, 1 Leader, 3 Heroes, 1 Impressive unit (like the Rat Ogre) and 5 Henchmen. There’re more changes, most of them are related to mechanic tweaking and pacing.
What’s it like working with Games-workshop ? They seem to have a lot of trust in the focus studio.
Rogue Factor’s relationship with Games-workshop is amazing! A lot of back and forth and sharing of ideas are done. We also have a lot of freedom to create new stuff and modify the rules, while on the other hand we definitely stay within the lore of Warhammer (don’t worry though, we are among Warhammer’s biggest fans and we remain very faithful to it!).
How much input are getting from Games work shop them regarding Mordheim rules and story lines ?
Since we are developing an adaptation that is not a direct digital port per se, we have plenty of leeway and inputs from GW. As for the story line, Mordheim being a special place required a special story that we developed with GW and one of their official Black Library writer.
What was it like working with a iconic part of the grim Warhammer World ?
Personally speaking, it’s like going home (although none of my characters went to Mordheim in any WRFP games I played). On our team we have fans of every GW products available, from Warhammer fantasy to Warhammer 40k to the Lord of the Ring setting they released as well, so we are all pretty happy working on this project.
Mordheim in Warhammer is a massive derelict city of the damned made of many streets and buildings in which death lurks behind every corner, and in every alley, how important was it in capturing this atmosphere?
This was one of our main challenge, and we are still working hard to make this even more accurate every day. We’ll keep working on this until the game is released to bring the best vision of Mordheim we can. Be careful of the mad stuff you’ll find in the maps, it could be dangerous for your health!
Mordheim the board game still has a good number of fans,but what kind digitail Gamer do you think will get the most out of Mordheim , Warhammer fans, fans of the board game, or fans of turn based games?
I think there is something for everyone to enjoy to be honest. Mordheim is a great representation of the world of Warhammer, it is still true to the table top in its core and it is a fun turn based game with challenges of its own.
Do you feel Mordheim the digial game will live up to the great game play of the Mordheim board game and gain new fans from the digital game ?
I am very confident we will gain new fans, especially those from the Turn-Base strategy game crowd that never played a Warhammer game in any shape or form. I sure hope our adaptation will live up to what the fans would expect from a Mordheim digital adaptation, even if it’s not a direct representation of all the rules.
Do you have plans to adapt the other original expansions set for Mordheim like Empire in Flames ?
Right now we are focusing our time and work on the original Mordheim, but it also includes some aspects of Empire in Flames if I can say so. For now I won’t point out what exactly, but we had enough freedom to get elements from Empire in Flames.
What races do you plan to include in later DLC and expansions for Mordheim ?
Unfortunately I can’t comment on that matter at this stage, but we will listen very carefully to the community on this topic. However, I can assure you that we do have plans for the future and they will be influenced by the success of our early access
How much room do you think you have to expand the game outside of the original board game and expansions (if you were inclined to do so)?
It’s hard to say exactly without getting in details or revealing anything, but we do expand outside of what was released for the table top game.
And finally will there be a guild style multi-player part to Mordheim the digital game may be a town crier steam group for setting up campaigns ??
That is an excellent question! We will make sure to look into this and see what we can do! We really want to deliver the players an awesome and well-rounded multi-player experience, so a lot of work will be done on that matter.
p.s any chance of a necrumunda version too ?
Who knows what the future holds for us… It’s another project we would enjoy working on, that’s for sure!
cheers dan
Thanks for your interest in Mordheim: City of the Damned!
Bruno Parenteau and the Rogue Factor team
maybe it’s that energy drink… back to work I go!