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 Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim?

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Venerable Ancient
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Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim? Empty
PostSubject: Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim?   Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim? Icon_minitimeMon 12 Aug 2013 - 7:15

Was talking with a couple of guys at my LGS earlier today, and one of them told me that GW is shifting a lot of their Specialist Games to FF or FW for future use. He seemed to think that this might lead to a re-imagining of Mordheim with Forge World handling the sculpting of new Mordheim minis. Has anyone else heard about this? I know rumors fly around all the time, so I'm not really sure what to think.
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Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim?   Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim? Icon_minitimeWed 30 Apr 2014 - 8:13

I have recently heard (about a month ago, Feb 2014) from a friend of mine that he thinks that FFG is going to re-imagine Mordheim. Necromunda as well is a possibility.
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Captain Bernhardt
Venerable Ancient
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Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim?   Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim? Icon_minitimeWed 30 Apr 2014 - 8:40

cuchulain23 wrote:
I have recently heard (about a month ago, Feb 2014) from a friend of mine that he thinks that FFG is going to re-imagine Mordheim. Necromunda as well is a possibility.

give us some form of proof
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Venerable Ancient
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Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim?   Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim? Icon_minitimeWed 30 Apr 2014 - 11:09

I'm with the captain on this.

Unless FFG re-imagine Mordheim and Necromunda as either card games, board games (like Relic and Talisman) or rpg books. GW will not let them make a miniature game using the warhammer (40k) IP, ever.

Maybe they got it confused with the upcoming computer game?
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Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim?   Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim? Icon_minitimeThu 1 May 2014 - 6:03

I have no actual proof, only that as a former GW freelancer he thought that FFG may be doing a remake of Mordheim and Necromunda.

I agree that GW would probably not allow its IP to be used for a miniature game. However what if FFG made a hybrid board / mini game like Gears of War perhaps?

The computer game will hopefully be fun.
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Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim?   Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim? Icon_minitimeFri 2 May 2014 - 1:07

To add some fuel to this fire, I went on the GW website with my mobile phone and tablet last week and I noticed that the specialist games was no longer on their site. I wander if this is just their mobile site. If not, the redoing of the specialist games might be true.

I think it would be awesome if Forge World took over Mordheim and Necromunda. They would make new no-metal models and new sorce books. And at least in my GW stores, I can get the mail orders for FW at my store and make the payment in the store. Here's hoping.
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Venerable Ancient
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Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim?   Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim? Icon_minitimeFri 2 May 2014 - 9:05

Specialist games disappeared during the relaunch of the GW site. My guess is that it was just a routine clean up to avoid having loose ends. The specialist part of the GW site had been empty for months.

At the moment I just can't see Forge World taking any interest in Specialist games. They just do not have the resources. The Horus Heresy is taking up all their time.

I would, of course, be thrilled to get some new Mordheim and Necromunda miniatures but as already stated elsewhere I am skeptical that the current rules team could do Mordheim justices. Not to mention other beloved games like Inquisitor.
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Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim?   Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim? Icon_minitimeFri 2 May 2014 - 9:09

Forge World woun't even continue their support of Warhammer Forge so I think it's unlikely they will take over MH and Nec. And the SG not being on the website can just mean it's truly gone. On the other hand I would never have imagined that anything would ever happen with the MH-IP again and now we have a pc-game in the making, so...
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PostSubject: Re: Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim?   Fantasy Flight/Forgeworld Mordheim? Icon_minitime

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