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 W.Mordheim H.Lots Fantasy.Random

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Marius Black
Marius Black

Posts : 9
Trading Reputation : 0
Join date : 2009-11-11
Age : 36
Location : Massachuessetts

Personal Info
Primary Warband played: Witch Hunters Witch Hunters
Achievements earned: none

W.Mordheim H.Lots Fantasy.Random Empty
PostSubject: W.Mordheim H.Lots Fantasy.Random   W.Mordheim H.Lots Fantasy.Random Icon_minitimeMon 23 Nov 2009 - 0:15

Hey Guys I have Some Stuff thats Just sitting around Unused So i figured Id Make One More Attempt to Trade It Off My Main Want Is the witch Hunter Warband Ill Trade What ever you Want within Reason And in your Favor For it bitz Wise I have Lots of Other Stuff Only fantasy though So Let Me Know what your looking for

Im Located In Usa
I will only ship to US and Canada
Im Not Buying Atm only Trades

What needs to go
1. WoC Bitz
2. dark Elf Assassin
3. Ogre Hunter
4. 2x Metal Giants
5. 40x Bretonnia Peasent Bowmen
6. Ogre Bitz
7. Samurai Swords Board Game(Like Risk)
8. Dawn of War Gold ED Had DoW1 and Winter Assault Both Disks
9. Work and I have the CD Key
10. Old High Elf Army Book
11. Bretonnia Questing knights
12. Tau fire Warrior for ps2
13. 1x Mounted Yeoman
14. 8x Ogre Bulls

My List of Needs now
1.) MordHeim Witch Hunter Warband (Top Priority)
2.)Empire Crossbowmen I only need like 4 of these
3.)New Plastic Great Swords
4.)Metal Warrior Priest With 2 Hammers
5.)Old Metal Flaggelants
6.)Empire Hero With Gory Sword
7.)Empire Pistoleers Plastic ones
8.)Teutugen Guard Models
9.)Various Empire Bits, Crossbows, Pistols, Backpacks, Barrels Ext
10.)Empire Captain with Hammer and Pistol
11.)Empire Warrior Priest with Great Weapon
12.)Carnival Of Chaos Warband
13.)Possessed Warband
13.)Any empire MordHeim Warband
I really Want the Witch Hunter Warband i Will trade Generously In your Favor For it!!!
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W.Mordheim H.Lots Fantasy.Random
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