I'm currently painting a Master of horror warband and I need your opinions about a few thing. It seems an interesting concept but I feel like there are a few things that need to be clarified or changed.
1 - Should the warband be counted as a an UNDEAD warband in the matter of re-buying the leader if he dies? This seems pretty logical to me. The Thrall taking control over while you don't have scientist and the warband being destroyed if he also dies.
2- Should the Flesh construct be a LARGE creature ? It also seems a bit too cheap for its power ... any opinions?
3- Tough I like the concept of the bittens, I think its pretty annoying to have to roll each turn in order to transform. I think to modify the BITTENS into YOUNG WEREWOLVE instead. Removing them the random effect, the frenzy and the sprint and the access to weapons/armours, adding them +1 A, +1WS and increasing their cost to 50 GP. They should also have the possibility to have equipment if they become heroes (no weapon & armor however).
4 - I also have a very cool Undead werewolf miniature and I wondered to change the wolfman for him. Keeping the stat line/maximum but giving him the undead attribute (No running, immunities, cause fear) and increase his cost to 75 GP.
5 - Max stats for werewolves : With such low maximum in WS/BS this is more an advantage than a disadvantage as you increase dramatically your chances to get S/T/A increases... I thought about giving them Max 6 WS an 5 BS.
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