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 Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)

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Ram Rock Ed First
Ram Rock Ed First

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carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeSat 3 Jan 2009 - 5:36


Captain (145) Cathayan Longsword (75) Iron Fist (15) - 235gc
Mountain Guide (145) 2 Cleavers (10) - 155gc
Youngblood (45) 2 Cleavers (10) - 55gc
Youngblood (45) 2 Cleavers (10) - 55gc
Total Warband Cost - 500gc.

Aim: To add 2 Bull's as separate henchmen, get Lookout Gnoblars and Luck Gnoblars all around. Lucky Rabbits Feeta nd Lucky Charms as standard first few purchases as with any warband.

Maneater Skill to bring in soem tactical flexibility, namely 'Hunch' on the leader so as 3 members can set up within 12 inches of the enemy inside a building, that or Tactician, not sure which is the better skill to choose just yet in the case of the Ogres, Hunch is one of those skills I tend to give a good solid ranged warband to get in close and rip apart the enemy early on as you close with the rest of the band but yeah. The shooting skills are limited in how effective you can be as you can't get say pistolier and be able to use any pistols at all so that's limiting, but can deal none the less as weapons expert and a crossbow pistol would be a nice little addition to the surprisingly large amount of attacks an ogre band can churn out. Hunter will likely end up with a 2 handed hammer and a Harpoon Crossbow with the 'Maneater' skill to take either Hunter or Nimble. Resilient seems like a standard sklill same with step aside, anything to keep them on the board for longer so they can dish out the pain. A couple of Ithilmar spears would also be useful later on in a campaign.

Any feedback is appreciated,

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Lord Xi
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carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeWed 7 Jan 2009 - 9:21

Witch Hunter Warband

Witch Hunter Captain 60
Brace of pistols, light armour, dagger 50

Warrior Priest 40
Two maces, light armour, dagger 26

Witch Hunter 25
Pistol, dagger 25

3 Flagellants 120
Flail 45

3 Zealots 60
Mace, dagger 9

3 Warhounds 45

Any thoughts?
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Venerable Ancient
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carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeWed 7 Jan 2009 - 10:03

I think you need some missile fire in there (pistols don't count) as well as more heroes. Dropping the light armour and Zealots should get you another Witch Hunter or 2 with crossbow (don't have my book to hand to check costs). This will give you some covering fire as your close combat troops charge in, as well as having more dice to roll for exploration. Maximising heroes is pretty much a necessity if you want to get cash.
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Venerable Ancient
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carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeSun 18 Jan 2009 - 12:18

It's amazing. The contrast in the considered observational posts which Ram Rock has left on this thread, by comparison to the horrendous, thoughtless, and downright offensive drivel which was left floating elsewhere!

Quote :
Captain (145) Cathayan Longsword (75) Iron Fist (15) - 235gc
Mountain Guide (145) 2 Cleavers (10) - 155gc
Youngblood (45) 2 Cleavers (10) - 55gc
Youngblood (45) 2 Cleavers (10) - 55gc
Total Warband Cost - 500gc.

This starting warband list is what I would consider bold, if not foolish. Kicking off a campaign with only 4 men on the pitch is not really an option. By dropping the Captain's luxury purchase of a longsword, a 5th model can be fielded, thus 2 casualties required before the rout checks begin. This could be a 3rd Youngblood allowing 5x starting Heroes.

I say bold because taking a Mountain Guide from the off is a difficult call to make. If you like him then fair one. He could be swapped for 2x cheap henchmen in the form of Half-growns. While it's evident that Bulls and the Mountain Guide are the hot property that every Captain will seek in his employ for a campaign, they cost a lot of coin. Half-growns offer a fairly priced means of starting a decent henchman group. When a Half-grown bites the dust it hurts (the wallet) a heck of a lot less than having to bury a Bull.

Double cleavers on each Youngblood sounds reasonable. Gives the calves a fighting chances. Wink


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carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeSun 18 Jan 2009 - 14:28

Hi Guys.

Here is my current planned loadout for a possessed warband:

Magister – Joseph Van Heigel.

Possessed – Dieter ( D’margh) Van Heigel.

Possessed – Alitair (A’mect) Van Heigel.

Mutant – Rufus Schmitt

Beastmen x2 – The Lambs

Brethren x1 – The Angelen

Darksoul – The Dispossessed

Note: We’ve houseruled that both Possessed and Carnival of Chaos can buy mutations instead of skills in the same way as Beastmen. – I’m still not 100% on this rule game balance wise, but time will out.

Rational: I plan on breaking the group up into two ‘squads’ squad 1 consisting of the Magister, both possessed and the bretheren. Squad two consisting of the mutant, beastmen and darksoul. This will allow me to maximise the potential of my fear causing and multiple wound statted beasties/monstrosities.

Fluff: Joseph went and got himself all enamoured with evil & whatnot. Then sacraficed his two children to create possessed. What a lovely chap!
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carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeWed 21 Jan 2009 - 21:36

Starting Kislevite Warband: 500gc Total Used


Druzhina Captain - 150gc Total
Free Dagger
Inherited Heavy Armor (25gc)
Shield (5gc)
Brace of Duelling Pistols (50gc)
Sword (10gc)

Bear Tamer - 75gc Total
Free Dagger
Light Armor (20gc)
Shield (5gc)
Bow (10gc)
Axe (5gc)

Esaul - 75gc Total
Light Armor (20gc)
Shield (5gc)
Bow (10gc)
Axe (5gc)

Youth - 25gc Total
Free Dagger
Shortbow (5gc)
Axe (5gc)

Youth - 25gc Total
Free Dagger
Shortbow (5gc)
Axe (5gc)


Streltsi - 70gc Total
Free Dagger
Handgun (35gc)
Halberd (10gc)

Streltsi - 40gc total
Free Dagger
Bow (10gc)
Axe (5gc)

Streltsi - 40gc total
Free Dagger
Bow (10gc)
Axe (5gc)

Now for the concept.

Leader - I decided to go with the Heavy Armor and Shield combo for the 4+ Armor Save. I feel I am going to need that with them going against Dwarves and Reiklanders, and plenty of shooting. Yes, slower movement, but thye are only chasing dwarves, lol. Eventually, to counter this, I would go with Sprint as a skill selection, and not have too much to worry about. I like the sword and shield combo, for parry and reroll. Brace of Duelling Pistols, able to fire once every round, and make use of them in close combat if need be.

Bear Tamer - Again, Light armor and Shield combo for the movevemnt AND protection. With the decent balistic skill, I gave him a bow, so that he can take pot shots and an axe to use in close combat. First skill to get would probably be Sprint as well, so that he can keep up with the bear he will eventually tame and use.

Esaul - Same concept as the Bear Tamer. Better Weapon Skill, so I might consider changing out the shield for a secondary weapon for two attacks. Not sure yet though.

Youths - These are dirt cheap. I figure send them out, run them to the enemy, and see if they survive. If they survive, then I will spend some funds to gear them up better. If they don't, they are cheap enough to replace.

Streltsi with Handgun and Halberd - First one is a fully capable henchman, able to use the handgun and halberd for the Gunrest Skill. Yes, move or shoot, but with handguns being every other round, this works well enough to use accordingly. He will stay out of close combat and hopefully live long enough to get some advancement rolls worth using.

Streltsi Duo - Ok, the last two Streltsi will be in groups of 1 each. Yes, this means three henchman groups of 1 each. Reason = Lad's Got Talent availability. I want one of these to get that Advancement roll, and with having three groups, I have a better chance to get it. If I don't, no worries. If I do, then all the better! A Hero Streltsi with access to the skills he needs is one awesome Hero to have.

In all, I go for max heroes to start with, for the income rolls. I am in it for the long haul. I decided NOT to go with the Bear this time, as I usually do, because I can always buy him later on. Yes, he's great for the starting warband, with his wounds and attacks, but with the cost, I would rather go for this setup. Besides, the Bear Tamer would have a hard time keeping up with the Bear's 12 inch running, as the bear usually runs around the board as much as possible. Until the Bear Tamer gets Sprint, I will keep the bear on reserve.

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carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Jan 2009 - 2:21

Randomtask - You're at 8 models now, which makes your route test after 2 losses. Dropping the hideous on your mutant will give you enough gold to hire a second mutant, thus reaching a 9 model (3 loss route test) warband. You will also have maxed out your heroes, an extremely rare luxury for a starting possessed warband. I think you will find if you're playing a longer campaign that being allowed to purchase mutations is going to be extremely powerful.

PitFighterTrainer - In my opinion, your starting band is geared exactly opposite how it should be vs. dwarves and Reiklanders. You have expensive shooty henchmen, but not really any melee to back them up. Dwarves are notorious for not caring about being shot at (unless you roll a 6 to injure, they'll just slowly get back up). Shooting at humans is very effective, but the reiklanders will be content to sit back and return fire, probably cutting you down with their superior BS and cheaper armament (thus greater numbers). From a numbers standpoint, you have to start route testing after 2 losses; adding one more member will bump that up to 3. Right now, the streltsi are probably going to be shooting, so your losses each battle are going to be heroes, a big problem for your income.

I am not sure if you group plays with any armor houserules, but unless they do, armor is extremely cost-inefficient in a starting warband (and often just as useless later in a campaign). For the 25 gold you spend for a 5+ armor save, you'll get a 6+ armor save vs crossbows. For just three more gold, you could get another henchman with two weapons. Dropping the light armors, duelling pistols, and hand gun would net you four more henchmen with cash left over.

Anyways, you are a very experienced Mordheim player, and it seems like you have constructed this warband for its flavor rather than its battle prowess. This is completely fine (especially if your opponents are doing the same), but balance-wise I just don't see you having much of a fighting chance vs those other 2 warbands. They will out-shoot you, and your melee lineup is quite feeble for its cost. I speak from experience with playing Ostlanders that putting expensive equipment on baseline humans does not make them very capable fighters. I would strongly urge your to get the bear (or at least a few more henchmen) because as it stands, you're facing a band (which will possibly outnumber you) of entirely toughness 4 with only 2 attacks of your own greater than strength 3.
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carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu 22 Jan 2009 - 17:28

Lol, yeah, they are geared differently, as I tend to go with max heroes, bear, and the rest with stretlsi with low gear. Usually, I tend to get about 9 models with the bear included, and be ok. This time, I thought I would try to go with something different. Test out a warband without the bear in the beginning.

Also, the good thing is that should this warband come against the dwarf and reiklander opposition, my Pit Fighter warband would ally with my Kislev. Hence, they complement each other perfectly. That's the other reason I went with this option.

For the tough dwarf warriors, all I have to do is knock one down, and get someone else to put them out of their misery. I find that it's easier to knock 'em down, and double up with someone else.

Rout test, I am not too worried about, as even if I rout, it's best to do so with fewer losses, correct? If I lose 2 units, then so be it. I am intent on getting the max potential out of the Streltsi, and hoping to fill up that last hero slot as soon as possible.

I do see your point on the Heavy Armor and it's ineffectiveness, so I might reconsider removing all armor, and gearing down the Streltsi with the handgun and halberd to only having bow and axe. That would get me around 120gc to get more guys with. That's 2 or 3 warriors, depending on gear.

Question - (As I am having a moment of total loss of rules) Can a model have two weapons, (Axe and Dagger) and still use a shield? Or should I drop the shields as well?

My model for the Kislev Captain has pistol, sword, and I can place a shield on his back, for protection against those missile weapons like bows. Is that something worth considering?
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carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeFri 23 Jan 2009 - 2:19

First up:

Quote :
I like the sword and shield combo, for parry and reroll.
That would be Sword and Buckler combo there bud, shields only add armour save bonus...


Quote :
Question - (As I am having a moment of total loss of rules) Can a model have two weapons, (Axe and Dagger) and still use a shield? Or should I drop the shields as well?
A model may be equipped with all of those, but in combat he must choose between weapon + weapon or weapon and shield. However, you may claim a +1 armour save bonus against shooting attacks with a shield and still fight with an axe and dagger in combat.
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carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeFri 23 Jan 2009 - 2:25

Fallen wrote:
First up:
That would be Sword and Buckler combo there bud, shields only add armour save bonus...

OOPS, my mistake. I knew that. Mental Lapse.

A model may be equipped with all of those, but in combat he must choose between weapon + weapon or weapon and shield. However, you may claim a +1 armour save bonus against shooting attacks with a shield and still fight with an axe and dagger in combat.[/quote]

Ah, that's what I remembered, just not sure if it was correct. Another question. Let's say first round, you choose to go with two axes, and shield on your back. Second round, does anyone have house rules regarding allowing or disallowing the choice to go with Axe and Shield next round possibly?

It's something I always wondered if people allowed, or ruled against.
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PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeFri 23 Jan 2009 - 6:06

A model can't change weapons if engaged in combat.

If he/she/it is NOT engaged, the model can choose the weapons he/she/it will use next from all weapons available.

Hope that helps
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carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeFri 23 Jan 2009 - 17:03

Identity wrote:
Randomtask - You're at 8 models now, which makes your route test after 2 losses. Dropping the hideous on your mutant will give you enough gold to hire a second mutant, thus reaching a 9 model (3 loss route test) warband. You will also have maxed out your heroes, an extremely rare luxury for a starting possessed warband. I think you will find if you're playing a longer campaign that being allowed to purchase mutations is going to be extremely powerful.

I wish I could, unfortunately the mutant must start off with one choice from the mutation lists (possessed can choose) I've toyed with a 5 hero warband, but the roughly 60-70 minimum cost of the mutant (base plus cheapest mutation) means that I'd be dropping brethren and darksouls as I'd be loathe to lose the beastmen. Essentially I plan on using my multiple wound characters as battering rams, whilst keeping my weak links out of the way.

The first battles will be fraught with peril! But thats the way they should be!! Very Happy
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Death Jester
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carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeMon 26 Jan 2009 - 14:43

Here's my starting Reiklander Warband for your consideration.

Sven Kreigor Mercenary Captain
Dueling Pistol
Helmet 105 GC

Manfred Albrecht Mercenary Champion
Halberd 45 GC

Piotr Richemann Mercenary Champion
Shield 65 GC

Kiltren Lordred Mercenary Youngblood
Spear 25 GC

2 x Mercenary Marksmen
2 x Daggers
2 x Bows 70 GC

2 x Mercenary Marskmen
2 x Daggers
2 x Crossbows 100 GC

2 x Mercenary Swordsmen
2 x Daggers
2 X Swords 90 GC
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Honour Guard
Honour Guard

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carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeMon 26 Jan 2009 - 15:15

Sven Kreigor Mercenary Captain
Dueling Pistol
Helmet 105 GC
not too bad, if you need some gold for other items can drop helm

Manfred Albrecht Mercenary Champion
Halberd 45 GC
assume halberd = spear rules?

Piotr Richemann Mercenary Champion
Shield 65 GC
Fine, remove shield maybe to save gold as it is not really as useful as another attack

Kiltren Lordred Mercenary Youngblood
Spear 25 GC

2 x Mercenary Marksmen
2 x Daggers
2 x Bows 70 GC
maybe get a mace each for the marksmen so the get two attacks incase have to HTH

2 x Mercenary Marskmen
2 x Daggers
2 x Crossbows 100 GC
Same as other marksmen

2 x Mercenary Swordsmen
2 x Daggers
2 X Swords 90 GC

I notice only one youngblood in the warband, is this correct as their pretty cheap and become good once leveled up.

another option to suggest which you can cinsider only advice is to get everyone 2 clubs so they get two attacks, including as i said the marksmen.

The changes are just suggestions, if your modeling the warband to look nice and have fun thats fine.

Let's leave red for changes made by mods or the admin Smile

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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeMon 26 Jan 2009 - 15:48

I second the add a youngblood call! Always start with the maximum heroes.

2 daggers give you 2 attacks for 1 gold less than a club, but the club gives you stun. I wouldn't start with 2 clubs until I had sorted out the youngblood issue... (I'd stick with 2 daggers...but I'm cheap.)

I'm assuming the spear and the halberd are modeled on the figure? I'd drop them until later and replace with a cheaper weapon for each. Clubs are good.

Otherwise a nice list.
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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeMon 26 Jan 2009 - 16:04

but 2 clubs means 2 chances to stun right? thats worth the extra gold if so, and the dagger has a save which the club does not (if i remember correctly)

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Death Jester
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PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeMon 26 Jan 2009 - 17:51

The plan of attack is that my Shooters dont plan on getting into HtH. The shield is put on the Champion as I think the model looks cool and the Halberd makes my Champion hit with ST4 with WS4.

Hopefully after the first game I will get enough GC to buy all the shooters a hand weapon. Seeing as the first battle will be against other starting warbands Iam hoping they survive without getting clobbered!
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Death Jester
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PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeTue 10 Feb 2009 - 18:27

This is my fluffy Middenheimers warband.

Merc Capt with dagger, Hammer and Pistol - 78 gc - 2 x CC attacks and can shoot
Merc Champ with dagger, Hammer and pistol - 53 gc 2 x CC attacks and can shoot
Merc Champ with dagger, Hammer and pistol - 53 gc 2 x CC attacks and can shoot
Merc Youngblood with dagger and Hammer and Axe -23 gc 2 x CC attacks
Merc Youngblood with dagger and Hammer and Axe - 23 gc 2 x CC attacks
2 x Merc Swordsmen with daggers, Swords and Hammers - 96 gc 2 x CC attacks, parry and re-roll failed hit on charge
2 x Merc Swordsmen with daggers, Swords and Hammers - 96 gc 2 x CC attacks, parry and re-roll failed hit on charge
2 x Merc Marksmen with daggers, Bows and Hammers - 76 gc move and shoot and CC attack

Complete at 498 gc
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PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Feb 2009 - 2:06

My Merchant Warband:

Merchant 50gc
Sword, 10gc
Apprentice 15gc
Trade Wagon 180gc
Knight Vanguard 45gc
Hammer, 3gc
Knight Vanguard 45gc
Hammer, 3gc
Magician 40gc
Staff ( counts as Hammer) 3gc


3xHalberds 30gc


Lemme Know what you guys think!
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Von Kurst
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carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Feb 2009 - 5:05

I believe to start the sell swords would be better armed with hammers, then someone could be armed with missile weapons to slow attackers down...
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carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Feb 2009 - 14:22

Since I still have some undead and infantery bits in that old box of mine, which hasn't been touched in like ... six years or so, I decided to construct an undead warband first. Construction will start once the remaining minis arrive at my place (Blessed be the internet ...) and once I get my hands on a suitable necromancer model.

Anyways, here's the list:

Vampire - with Dagger (free) & Sword

Necromancer - with Dagger (free) & Sword

Servant (Dreg) # 1 - with Dagger (free), Hammer & Bow

Servant (Dreg) # 2 - with Dagger (free),Sword, Heavy Armour & Shield

Servant (Dreg) # 3 - with Dagger (free) & Bow

Ghouls - 2 models

Zombies - 5 models

Hireling: One Warlock w. staff and 2 spells

Makes for 498 gold in total.

While I am aware that armour / shields are not really as powerful in a starting warband (or at all ), I’m looking forwards to have at least one model with a bit of protection and one armoured miniature to paint (love chainmail and greaves …). Also, should I ever field this warband at all I hope to be able to aquire a horse or warhorse for the good servant. 

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carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu 12 Feb 2009 - 14:30

FrostyLobster wrote:
My Merchant Warband:

Merchant 50gc
Sword, 10gc
Apprentice 15gc
Trade Wagon 180gc
Knight Vanguard 45gc
Hammer, 3gc
Knight Vanguard 45gc
Hammer, 3gc
Magician 40gc
Staff ( counts as Hammer) 3gc


3xHalberds 30gc


Lemme Know what you guys think!

I don't know bout the sword for your merchant. I usually give swords to those models that I want to survive longer. Is the merchant one of the models that needs the additional protection in form of the parry roll? Maybe this would work better for the Knights Vanguards...

Also I wouldn't use Halberds (ever actually). You could think about saving the money and instread try to squeeze in a 9th member so you don't start routing after the first two losses.

Speaking of money: Are you aware that the Caravan starts with 600 gc?
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Death Jester
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carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeFri 13 Feb 2009 - 2:31

Another starting warband, this time Skaven.

1 x Assassin with Dagger and 2 x Swords and Throwing Stars = 95 gc

1 x Eshin Sorcerer with Dagger and Spear = 55 gc

2 x Black Skaven with Daggers, 1 x Sword & Buckler and Sling, 1 x Fighting Claws = 132 gc

2 x Nightrunners with Daggers, Swords and Slings = 64 gc

6 x Vermin Kin splint into two groups of 3 with Daggers, Clubs and Slings = 150 gc

Total 499 gc

Last edited by Death Jester on Fri 13 Feb 2009 - 6:42; edited 1 time in total
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carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeFri 13 Feb 2009 - 2:49

Death Jester wrote:
Another starting warband, this time Skaven.

Are you using a modified warband list? Cause none of your numbers add up properly from the original list.
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carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitimeFri 13 Feb 2009 - 4:00

cianty wrote:
FrostyLobster wrote:
My Merchant Warband:

Merchant 50gc
Sword, 10gc
Apprentice 15gc
Trade Wagon 180gc
Knight Vanguard 45gc
Hammer, 3gc
Knight Vanguard 45gc
Hammer, 3gc
Magician 40gc
Staff ( counts as Hammer) 3gc


3xHalberds 30gc


Lemme Know what you guys think!

I don't know bout the sword for your merchant. I usually give swords to those models that I want to survive longer. Is the merchant one of the models that needs the additional protection in form of the parry roll? Maybe this would work better for the Knights Vanguards...

Also I wouldn't use Halberds (ever actually). You could think about saving the money and instread try to squeeze in a 9th member so you don't start routing after the first two losses.

Speaking of money: Are you aware that the Caravan starts with 600 gc?

My Merchant Warband:

Merchant 50gc
Hammer 3gc
Apprentice 15gc
Trade Wagon 180gc
Knight Vanguard 45gc
Hammer,Shield 8gc
Knight Vanguard 45gc
Hammer,Shield 8gc
Magician 40gc
Staff ( counts as Hammer) 3gc


3xHammers 9gc

2xCrossbows 50gc


Hows this =)?

I totally forgot that they get 600gc, was so use to Marinburgers....=P
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PostSubject: Re: Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz)   carnival - Starting warbands - Post them here! (Read first post, plz) - Page 20 Icon_minitime

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