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 Restless Dead from BTB warband

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restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Empty
PostSubject: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeMon 17 Sep 2012 - 10:56

Hey guys,
I recently got the "new warband"-itch and want to create a Restless Dead warband from the BTB supplement.

As being rather novice to the fantasy world, I'm in quite a dilemma as to what the difference is, between wights and skeletons...

I've bought these models to represent either Grave Guards, Skelletons or wights , and bought the wight king from GW as well.

restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband MGKWU76-1

restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband MGKWU76-1a

restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband 99070207004

restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband M1184708_99120207011_VCGraveGuardMain_873x627

I just fail to see the difference between, grave guards, wigths and skeletons... Both grave guards and the wight king really resembles eachother a lot - and my imagination can't seem to get a hold of what the difference is..

How can I distinguish them between eachother?

Please help me out hehe
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PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeMon 17 Sep 2012 - 13:49

The way G.W. does their Wights there isn't much difference between them & the Grave Guard; of course the G.G. carry Wight blades so that might account for it...or not. Wights are supposed to be ethereal creatures; usually they are portrayed in miniature as ghostly pieces with either empty cowls & such, or haunted features. Undead
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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeMon 17 Sep 2012 - 14:53

As I understand it, a Wight is just a powerful undead warrior, while a Wraith is an ethereal "ghost". A skeleton is simply an animated pile of bones with no self-awareness and once the animating powers are stopped, it collapses. A Wight is also technically a skeleton, but has such a powerful will that it remains animated without the aid of a necromancer's will/sorcery. Usually they are the souls of some warlord or hero that have been corrupted or cursed, and thus are very powerful foes, even after death.
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restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeMon 17 Sep 2012 - 20:29

Ahh I see... Thanks alot for the explaination. The models is still on its way, but as soon I get to work with them, I'll post some WIP pics! Stay tuned!
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PostSubject: Finally began assembly   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeSun 11 Nov 2012 - 14:16

Hey guys,
Finally I had the time to begin assembling the models. One thing I was a bit disappointed about these models was that I think they scale a bit smaller than GW models. Though I let my self believe that the reason to the smaller models was they have their flesh removed, and hereby the smaller size Wink

Sorry for the underexposed pictures, I hope they'll do Smile

Anyway, this is my first 3 grave guards. I decided to use the Mantic Revernants as grave guards and think they turned out pretty ok!

restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband 121D21A1-orig

I sculpted a cape to every Grave guard to distinguish then from the skeletons which I will create from the rest of the Mantic Revernants on the sprue. I'm not totally satisfied about the capes, but that will do for now. Then I have something to improve for later projects Smile

restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband 90052D72-orig

restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband DD9657FC-orig

I aimed for a worn cape with holes inspired by the GW Wight King which I've got as a TLGT Wight for later use.

Lastly what I've assembled so far, ready to be primed.

restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband CB83D96A-orig

I've thought about painting glow effects from the joints of the skeletons, and the liche animating the surfacing skeleton on the base to resemble a kind of magic bounding agent. I'm very exited about how it'll turn out Smile

Tell me what you think, C & C are more than welcome!

Last edited by Zero2Hero-DK on Sun 11 Nov 2012 - 17:05; edited 1 time in total
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restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeSun 11 Nov 2012 - 14:31

LOOKIN' GOOD! The long flowing capes add to the ghostly feel of the minis...NICE TOUCH. I'm not familiar with the Mantic minis, but they really look cool. GREAT WORK! thumbsup
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeSun 11 Nov 2012 - 15:36

I suppose the Mantic models have a retro appeal. I don't see it. They are certainly cheap. I love all the free Mantic ghouls I've gotten. The green stuff work on the capes is very good.
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restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeSun 11 Nov 2012 - 18:19

The ghouls and Zombies IMO are pretty damned good, I think the zombies are better than GW's. However I was also majorly dissapointed with the Skeletons, they are way on the small side.
I#ve been using thier legs combined with GW torsos and arms, that works much better IMO.
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restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeSun 11 Nov 2012 - 19:34

Thanks a lot for the comments!

Yes, I absolutely love the mantic zombies and ghouls.! I actually used the ghouls for my vampire undead warband I've played some time back.
I've made like 10 GW zombies atm and I think they lack the grotesque posture that the mantic zombies offer. The next thing on the buy list is the zombies - they are awesome!
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restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeMon 12 Nov 2012 - 21:09

So awesome!
You're very talented:-)
Keep up the amazing job!
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restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeSat 17 Nov 2012 - 21:29

I dont know if you played the warband yet but I'll give a few advice...

1- Dont keep your liche behind: equip it with a good armor and get the wraith touch skill. spend 1D3 treasure by game to upgrade his wounds. It will become fast an incredible warrior that is nearly impossible to put down.

2- Death speaker: summoning 2D3 free zombie each game is very useful. Hide your permanent zombies, grave guards, wights behind them as cover for shooting to compensate your slow movement.

3- Keep scarecrows behind: scarecrows are useful but expensive and very easy to put OOA. keep them behind for charge and kill the opponents KD and Stunned models.

4- Zombie pack: dont waste money on skeletons , go for zombies. They are a bit weaker but they are much cheaper.

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restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeThu 13 Dec 2012 - 19:02

Goglutin wrote:
I dont know if you played the warband yet but I'll give a few advice...

1- Dont keep your liche behind: equip it with a good armor and get the wraith touch skill. spend 1D3 treasure by game to upgrade his wounds. It will become fast an incredible warrior that is nearly impossible to put down.

2- Death speaker: summoning 2D3 free zombie each game is very useful. Hide your permanent zombies, grave guards, wights behind them as cover for shooting to compensate your slow movement.

3- Keep scarecrows behind: scarecrows are useful but expensive and very easy to put OOA. keep them behind for charge and kill the opponents KD and Stunned models.

4- Zombie pack: dont waste money on skeletons , go for zombies. They are a bit weaker but they are much cheaper.

awesome thanks a lot for the pointers! really appreciated!

I've played two games so far and arming the liche with heavy armor and shield, and even though he only has toughness 2, he really is able to take some beatings! I'll aim for the zombies skill as soon as possible since it's free cannon fodder. let's see how it turns out Smile I've only painted the base colours on the models so they are not much to look at atm but will post progress as soon I'll have the time to paint some more
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restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeFri 14 Dec 2012 - 13:45

You're welcome...
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restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeTue 11 Mar 2014 - 13:53

Alrighty, long time since I've posted last time. I haven't really had the time or motivationto continue my project, since i've recently moved to another city away from my usual gaming group.

Buuuut we might have an arrangement planned in the easter holidays, so why not try to complete the warband till that time - or certainly try to!

A small update is in order and i've completed my first Grave Guard for the warband. As stated previously, I've used the GW model, the wigth king, and here's my result... I hope you like it!

Warned: Sorry for the marginally blurry pictures - better photos including setup will be present in the future!

restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband 2014-02-23191558

restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband 2014-02-23191606

restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband 2014-02-23191611

restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband 2014-02-23191622

More to come! C & C are more than welcome!!!
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restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeTue 11 Mar 2014 - 14:52

WELCOME BACK! I'm glad the upcoming gaming session has rekindled your motivation.
The very slight blurriness does not detract from your BEAUTIFULLY painted mini at all. The stained cloak is an especially attractive feature. VERY WELL DONE!   thumbsup 

Please don't center your photos; re, it spreads out the text too widely to be easily read.   What a Face
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restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeTue 11 Mar 2014 - 14:59

Thank you so much for your kind reply! I'll keep in mind about the centering!
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Von Kurst
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restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeThu 13 Mar 2014 - 3:32

Good to see you posting again. Glad you can get some games in again.

Nice work on the Grave Guard  thumbsup 
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restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeSat 15 Mar 2014 - 9:05

Thank you so much! It is really nice to be back in the hobby and this forum - you guys are always so nice Razz 

In my quest for completing the warband i think theres something missing modelwise; namely yet another grave guard / wight. I've thought about it and i think that the revanents models is too small compared to the rest of the warband it'll look silly placing them along with the others and dont serve the rest justice beauty and size wise Imo.  So i've been looking for some models which is dual wielding swords, but i havent had the luck finding the right model. My thoughts game wise was to have eigher a TLGT wight or grave guard dual wielding swords to abuse the wraith blades ( treated as coated with  black lotus) combined with the expert swordman skill (reroll failed hits) to deal with those besky high toughness opponents.
The only one I've found so far is the model below which meets my sinister dramatic pose i want for the warband - sadly this model is in the 28mm range which i still think is too small for the warband, but perhaps i could elevate him from the base with a tombstone or something?

restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband 03653_g_1

I need some help finding the right model - could you guys help me out with other alternatives??
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restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeSat 15 Mar 2014 - 11:15

About the only two sword Living Impair Lads I know of or come to mind at the moment are Wyrd's Samurai-Punk Zombies. They're tall enough, but on the thin side. They have a plastic version, but it's part of the Nicodemus set. Her's what they look like (followed by a link to their site):

restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Zombies-grey

Having the mini you have pictured perched in a swashbuckling matter on some rumble/tombstone/etc, would look cool AND add the necessary height; adding a second sword would be easy enough considering his hand is open...decisions, decisions.   What a Face
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restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeSun 16 Mar 2014 - 9:02

You're absolutely right - it's all about decisions! I had a peek towards the wyrd miniatures and they have seriously been considered. The only downside with those miniatures as you point it oout is the slimness of the miniatures. I'm not a big fan of the steampunk style wyrd a lot of the wyrd miniatures is a style of - unless you streamline the warband to a steampunk style, that could be cool.

Am i so unlucky that there absolutely a lack of undead models which is dual wielding swords or able to convert to one?
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Von Kurst
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restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeSun 16 Mar 2014 - 14:09

Reaper has a mummy dual weilder.restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband 14064_G
14064: Khadath, Nefsokar Captain ($4.99)
Bob Ridolfi

And there is this guyrestless - Restless Dead from BTB warband 14026_G
14026: Nakhti, Nefsokar Captain ($4.99)
10 in stock
Bob Ridolfi

Scale: 28 versus 32 versus heroic versus whatever...

Not getting the scale concerns.  In my world Reaper scales perfectly with GW.  Wyrd seem a bit small by comparison, part of the new frail and skinny casts that seem to be favored by McVey and Wyrd, Mantic and Coolmini.  If you are using Mantic models then using Reaper should be no problem.

GWs models are not a consistent scale even within ranges.  The new plastic goblins are all smaller than the metal/finecast goblins sold in blisters.   The new skeletons, ghouls and such don't scale with the old zombies.  And the vampire models are all huge compared to the rank and file.
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restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitimeSun 16 Mar 2014 - 19:47

Thank you so much for your input von kurst! I'll keep those two models in mind for future reference!

Perhaps its just me with regards to the scaling, I just think it look cooler when they match in size and width... I'll keep looking for models to complete my warband
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PostSubject: Re: Restless Dead from BTB warband   restless - Restless Dead from BTB warband Icon_minitime

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