So essentially, until I can figure out what Models to use for My Knights warband I want to work on a Marauders Warband for BTB. What I'm looking for is A box of Chaos Warriors and a box of Marauders. Make me an offer, we'll see wat we can do. Oh, and I do accept Paypal.
What I have:
15 tactical marines on sprue
2 (or 3 I need to look) Squad command sprues.
Dark Angels Veteran Parts (Missing a few pieces)
Enough bits partially on sprue for 4 terminators.
Rhino still on sprue.
5 sets of kneely Space Marine legs. (they dont come on the sprue anymore i think)
1 chaos heavy bolter
4 Black Templar SM helmets (the ones with the metal studs)
Anywho, if anyone feels that they want any of this stuff, I'd really like to trade, but if not, I'd willingly sell. is $50 USD too much for this stuff?
Thanks for looking!