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 Healing a Vampire...

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PostSubject: Healing a Vampire...   Healing a Vampire... Icon_minitimeTue 17 Jan 2012 - 8:52

Hey everyone!
I was wondering whether healing herbs can restore lost Vampire wounds? it sounds silly that herbs would be able to mend undead wounds...

Do you guys play it that healing herbs heal vampires?

Another thougt, it could be nice to add this sentence to the item text:

"additionally, when standing in BTB-contact with a friendly model and both models is out of combat and standing, the healing herbs carring model can use the herbs to cure the friendly model."

What do you guys think?
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PostSubject: Re: Healing a Vampire...   Healing a Vampire... Icon_minitimeTue 17 Jan 2012 - 9:05

Call it a Blood Phiole or something like that. Herbs and Vampires seem a bit odd, yes. But it makes perfect sense that a Vamp should have some healing ability. I wouldn't worry about terms too much, our Vamps can use "Healing herbs" just like everyone else.

The additional text: makes it more powerful of course, because you are more flexible in use. But the actual problem is: why stop there? If models could swap herbs, why not every other item? I'd keep my hands off of this, because it would open a whole gateway of possibilities that might make the game more complex, but not necessarily that much more fun to play.
That's just mho of course.
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PostSubject: Re: Healing a Vampire...   Healing a Vampire... Icon_minitimeTue 17 Jan 2012 - 9:49

well healing could be done that way, as your warrior think if that model dies his in really bad position, so he helps him, but he will never give his special items because he can run away with them and never come back, equipment is a tresure for everyone Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Healing a Vampire...   Healing a Vampire... Icon_minitimeTue 17 Jan 2012 - 12:32

Yes, I see the problem, but in fact the owner of the healing herbs, WILL remain the owner, even though he/she has used it for another warrior in the warband.

I agree that the game would be more complex if any warrior could swap equipment, weapons ect., but the healing herbs option, would only have effect when in BTB-contact and hereby the item would be destroyed after use like normal (we play that the healing herbs is one-use-only)

Just a thought, and thanks about the vampire thing - I'd better get some for the next future battles Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Healing a Vampire...   Healing a Vampire... Icon_minitimeTue 17 Jan 2012 - 12:55

Zero2Hero-DK wrote:

I agree that the game would be more complex if any warrior could swap equipment, weapons ect., but the healing herbs option, would only have effect when in BTB-contact and hereby the item would be destroyed after use like normal (we play that the healing herbs is one-use-only)

Even if in the description of the item isn't stated if the healing herbs are one-use-only item or not, in the annual is suggested that they are.

So in the wizard mansion scenery, in the wizard's treasur table chart there is the entry:
D3 doses of healing herbs
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PostSubject: Re: Healing a Vampire...   Healing a Vampire... Icon_minitimeTue 17 Jan 2012 - 13:30

"So in the wizard mansion scenery, in the wizard's treasur table chart there is the entry:
D3 doses of healing herbs"

That phrasing doesn't particularly imply that HH are one use only - just that you may find up to three packets of the herbs.

We played for years that they were one use only, and people rarely invested in them since 2-wound models, as often as not, went OOA in a single turn anyway. They have become a bit more popular since we became convinced (from a discussion here at Tom's) that they were a renewable resource. We do play that they can be used once per scenario only.

For the vamp, don't think of it as HH - he has a vial of fresh maiden blood, should he receive an owie.

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PostSubject: Re: Healing a Vampire...   Healing a Vampire... Icon_minitimeTue 17 Jan 2012 - 14:06

Almost in the italian language (I'm italian) "doses" imply that, even if it's a very overpriced item for a one-use-only item.

Last edited by Gherma on Tue 17 Jan 2012 - 19:08; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Healing a Vampire...   Healing a Vampire... Icon_minitimeTue 17 Jan 2012 - 18:41

mweaver wrote:

We played for years that they were one use only, and people rarely invested in them since 2-wound models, as often as not, went OOA in a single turn anyway. W

Really? I find it that usually only if a crit is scored against a 2-wound character, that there is a threat of going OOA in a single turn (EDIT: Unless he/she is outnumbered)... I must admit that I've been lucky with my vampire in this campaign, since he hasn't received a single crit yet - but I've been reluctant to by the healing herbs, hence to their healing powers on mortals. But I will indeed empathize the fact that it could be worded as "conserved" blood of some sort...

mweaver wrote:

We do play that they can be used once per scenario only.

Wauw, then I must agree with Gherma, that the Healing herbs will be overpriced in this instance, unless you have 3+ wounds on your character.. cheers
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PostSubject: Re: Healing a Vampire...   Healing a Vampire... Icon_minitimeTue 17 Jan 2012 - 20:30

They should be one use only! And lost from campaign stash when used!
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PostSubject: Re: Healing a Vampire...   Healing a Vampire... Icon_minitimeFri 20 Jan 2012 - 13:46

RAW they are mulit-use. Anything that is limited use explicity says so (e.g. poisons, blessed water) and anything that does not say so is not used up (e.g. hunting arrows). Healing herbs do not have to be taken internally to work - it could just as easily be a healing root that is applied to the wound.

I have had no problem with vampires being healed by them. Just imagine that the vampire is being healed by the magical bloodroot rather than the magical lifeweed if it makes you feel better.

Besides, it only heals your wounds - it doesn't stand you up or anything. If you KD or Stun someone and then they full heal you still take them OOA if you get an unsaved wound or automatically take them out respectively.

In my group we are quite competitive and have always played with them RAW and they just aren't an issue. Even multi-use there are better things to spend your money on. YMMV.
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PostSubject: Re: Healing a Vampire...   Healing a Vampire... Icon_minitime

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