Hello, my name is LAZtheinfamous, its a long story involving Steve Martin. Don't ask.
I've been playing Mordheim since its release on and off, here and there. I got into it originally because I am a sucker for starter boxes. Right now, I am in the middle of a campaign that I am playing at work on Saturdays when the boss isn't looking. However, that isn't what has really brought me here.
I really came here because of the recent GW price increases. My beloved Imperial Guard are now much out of my price range to be competitive, but Mordheim fits right in. So I've given myself the blue sky project of eventually over the next few years buying or making everything Mordheim. Should keep me going for a bit.
I currently am playing Skaven, since the Isle of Blood basically came with a whole warband's worth (told you I was a sucker for starters). However, I also have viable Undead, Possessed (full conversion), Orcs and Goblins, and Dwarf warbands.
I prefer a the tactical side of things and thinking about the game mechanics, however, I'm not a big fan of the homebrew so much, so I'm not sure how well that I'll fit in here, there seems to be a quite a bit of that. However, I've been a forum rat for a few years now, and am a mod on a 40K forum, but with my really giving up on 40K, I was looking for another place to hang my virtual hat.
Sorry about the long winded intro, but I really hate those intros that are "I'm soandso and I play dwarfs!". I'm always like "Great dude! Nice, I like dwarfs...to eat!" which really doesn't tell anyone about the new member or the forum itself. So I might be around if I get along well with everyone. If not, well, that's five minutes of reading that you are never going to get back, so I win.