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 Duce's Reiklander Warband

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Admin Tom
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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Duce's Reiklander Warband   Duce's Reiklander Warband Icon_minitimeThu 3 Jul 2008 - 11:49

Here's a few WIP shots of my warband. sorry for blurryness, the cameras not the best but you get an ides so far of how their coming.

Various shots of my 4 archers with longbows

Duce's Reiklander Warband DSC01034

Duce's Reiklander Warband DSC01036

Duce's Reiklander Warband DSC01045

The Captain who will have sword / hammer / brace of dueling pistols

Duce's Reiklander Warband DSC01047

Duce's Reiklander Warband DSC01040

Young bloods which will both have spears

Duce's Reiklander Warband DSC01046

comments welcome, just be gentle... i lost my soul earier to cianty Razz
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Admin Tom
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PostSubject: Re: Duce's Reiklander Warband   Duce's Reiklander Warband Icon_minitimeThu 3 Jul 2008 - 15:25

Thanks for taking the time of uploading those pics Duce!

I like the "croatian" archer you made Smile (the guy with the red/white checkers on his sleeve).

However I'm afraid your pics are terribly blurry and it's very hard to make out anything apart from the background.

If you find some time, could you maybe re-upload them? Here you'll find some VERY usefull info on how to take proper pics of your minis.

Just as a quick summary:
- Activate Macro mode (flower icon on most cams)
- Give the camera some time to focus (if it is an automatic focus). You can always keep the button gently pressed and move the cam back and forth till you think the mini is sharp and the background "distant" as it should be.
- Even in Macro mode, you won't be able to take a proper picture at anything closer than roughly 15cm.

Duce's Reiklander Warband Banner10
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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: Duce's Reiklander Warband   Duce's Reiklander Warband Icon_minitimeThu 3 Jul 2008 - 16:12

Duce wrote:
i lost my soul earier to cianty Razz

Muahaha!! Twisted Evil

I was going to say the same as Tom: checkers always a winner! The colour scheme looks good for anything else you should take some time and try to take bette pics. So far I can confidently say that I like that window silk and the plants in the background! Great Lustrian flavour! Razz
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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: Duce's Reiklander Warband   Duce's Reiklander Warband Icon_minitimeThu 3 Jul 2008 - 16:30

I shall refrain from showing the rest of it. Or you'll go hyper. Room is basically packed with Battletech / Warhammer empire / spacehulk / mordhheim / loads of old items i loved and kept, and pc games.

And hero gladiators which can be seen in the pics on the window.

plants outside my window rock. their bushy but if i drop a model out they dont hide it from me. its a little we dont hide your models you dont pour your used paint water on us alliance we have. works well...
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PostSubject: Re: Duce's Reiklander Warband   Duce's Reiklander Warband Icon_minitimeThu 3 Jul 2008 - 20:09

nice! keep it coming Smile but some sharper pictures would be great Wink
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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: Duce's Reiklander Warband   Duce's Reiklander Warband Icon_minitimeFri 4 Jul 2008 - 10:04

Grr tried last night but I can't seem to make them unblurry and I'd like to least make the models semi close up so peopel can make them out.

Tried each mode on the camera and no luck.

Below is probabily the best one I got fomr the bunch

Duce's Reiklander Warband DSC01054
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Admin Tom
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PostSubject: Re: Duce's Reiklander Warband   Duce's Reiklander Warband Icon_minitimeFri 4 Jul 2008 - 10:23

Thanks for your patience Duce!

Did you use the little crosshair to focus? When you do, try moving the camera back and forth until the mini appears sharp on your display. Don't worry, it takes a little practice, but as you can see on the forum, it IS possible to take sharp pics of minis Wink

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PostSubject: Re: Duce's Reiklander Warband   Duce's Reiklander Warband Icon_minitimeFri 4 Jul 2008 - 11:54

COOL STUFF! thumbsup

I'm in the Pro Checker [AND Stripe] camp myself. Now with subdue chic, I don't often see the check/stripey thing [not to mention hound's tooth Suspect ]. Looks good.
As a Photographically Challenged person with a Demonically Possessed Camera I can empathize with the problems of getting really good pic. I'm sure your photos will get clearer as you play with it. AT LEAST you can post your own photos WITHOUT Tom's assistence, unlike moi Suspect .

Keep 'em coming; following the progress of a War-Band is COOL!
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Exarch Thomo
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PostSubject: Re: Duce's Reiklander Warband   Duce's Reiklander Warband Icon_minitimeMon 7 Jul 2008 - 23:44

Hey Duce,

Can I offer a tip regarding the camera? What I often do when my camera doesn't want to focus (damned demons) is place something small in front of the mini - like a bottle top or something roughly 5 cm or so in front. Focus the camera on this and it will be all blurry but the shot of your mini should be a lot clearer - also it helps if you can take it in some kind of blank background - what I do is put a couple of pieces of white paper up and underneath it - this helps take all the extra background away.
Other than that, the colour scheme looks good Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Duce's Reiklander Warband   Duce's Reiklander Warband Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jul 2008 - 6:13

well, aside from the pics, I think you have painted them as talabheim soldiers rather than reikland. From memory reikland is all white, with altdorf being red and blue. But that's just me.

the bases aren't that great, an easy way to make a mini look better is to have a nice base. If these guys are mordheim themed, I'd expect rubble. This could be anything from just plain dirt, to wooden planks, cobblestones, bricks, burnt stuff, discarded weapons and bottles, even small pieces of wyrdstone. Anything that you may expect in a ruined city.

have a go at shading and highlighting. It's not too diffiicult if you take your time, be neat and be subtle. Try doing one area on one mini, then when you get that right, two areas on the next and so on. Don't neccessarily add white or black to make a highlight or shade, other colours work way better. Have a look on the internet and gw masterclasses and you'll find out.

The new inks range may be an easy way to add depth of colour if you have trouble with the above techniques. I suppose the most important thing to remember when trying washes, shading or highlighting, is to start with less. It is easier to add more than it is to remove layers of paint.

good luck and i hope you figure out your camera soon enough
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PostSubject: Re: Duce's Reiklander Warband   Duce's Reiklander Warband Icon_minitimeSat 4 Oct 2008 - 11:18


How are the ReikLanders coming along,eh? As the Self Appointed Prodder of Procrastinating Painters, I MAY have to apply the Boot of Miraculous Motivation here! affraid Suspect
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PostSubject: Re: Duce's Reiklander Warband   Duce's Reiklander Warband Icon_minitime

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