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 Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr?

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Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Empty
PostSubject: Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr?   Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Icon_minitimeFri 8 Apr 2011 - 19:39

So, I was sitting and reading the rules for the Zombie Pirates to be used in my future Warhammer Army. They utterly suck, there is no question what so ever about that, but... they are way cool in so many ways its unresistable!
I need undead pirates... I dont want them, I surely and truely need them, period.
The question is, how do I get them in to a Mordheim setting? I have tried to find something on the net, but alas, no luck so far.

I have also been thinking about a Warband of Morr for Mordheim, is this possible? I know that there are some rules for at least a priest, and I went down town today and got the old White Dwarfs for that campaign. I havent read all of the magazines yet, 3 of them covers the campaign, so hence I am wondering a bit about this.
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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr?   Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Icon_minitimeFri 8 Apr 2011 - 21:53

What is the Morr Knightly order? Order of the Raven? They were covered in the Empire book for Warhammer FRPG. If you are unable to find more on them PM me and I can try to write out some of the details if you need!
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PostSubject: Re: Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr?   Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Icon_minitimeFri 8 Apr 2011 - 22:38

What is it you're looking for specifically? Warband lists devoted specifically to zombie pirates and Morr followers? You'll have to write your own for that methinks.

What is it in these concepts that you feel aren't properly represented by currently existing warband lists? The easy answer to "How do I get zombie pirates into a Mordheim Setting?" would be "Use the Undead list from the core rules". Do note that there's nothing in the dire wolves' rules that prevents them from climbing, so you could easily make them undead apes or something.

As for Morr Knights, how about making them a regular Mercenary band, and add a Morr priest by the same rules Middenheimers can add an Ulric priest?

If you do write your own, remember not to go too heavy on the flavouring - Mordheim as a game isn't known for following the movers and shakers in the world. This is a game where a two-bit upstart has scraped together some unlucky scum and gone out chasing rumours of treasure in a desperate attempt not to starve to death.

Or, well, that's my opinion of it at least Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr?   Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Icon_minitimeFri 8 Apr 2011 - 23:44

FKSN wrote:
What is it you're looking for specifically? Warband lists devoted specifically to zombie pirates and Morr followers? You'll have to write your own for that methinks.

What is it in these concepts that you feel aren't properly represented by currently existing warband lists? The easy answer to "How do I get zombie pirates into a Mordheim Setting?" would be "Use the Undead list from the core rules". Do note that there's nothing in the dire wolves' rules that prevents them from climbing, so you could easily make them undead apes or something.

As for Morr Knights, how about making them a regular Mercenary band, and add a Morr priest by the same rules Middenheimers can add an Ulric priest?

If you do write your own, remember not to go too heavy on the flavouring - Mordheim as a game isn't known for following the movers and shakers in the world. This is a game where a two-bit upstart has scraped together some unlucky scum and gone out chasing rumours of treasure in a desperate attempt not to starve to death.

Or, well, that's my opinion of it at least Smile

I am not sure I understand what you are trying to tell me here. I think my questions where rather simple. The undead pirates of the vampire coast are (suffering hehe) under some rather special rules, at least when it comes to undeads. It is mainly a sucky pirat captain that is a vampire, with no special abiltities and a crew mainly consisting of zombies with guns, lots and lots of guns. As a warhammer army, its propably one of the worst one if winning is your forte. However, the looks and awsomeness is fantastic.
I dont understand what you mean with not going heavily on the flavouring, see... thats the point, you would want this kind of warband for the flavour alone. With that in mind I wonder if you mean that I should go easy on the heavy stuff, ie. not making them too tough or mean. That would be easy enough, the zombies have 0 BS hehe.

When it comes to the Morr warband, it was a bit the same thing, it was all about the setting.
I am quite sure I have read about something like this, and even seen some pics of at least the start of a warband, or maybe, it was just the lone Morr priest.
I could make a witchhunter gang of course, and change the style, but that would be a bit to easy ;-)
Ah well I will keep searching, and see if there are any others with a lust for a morbid and gloomy Morr warband Very Happy
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Venerable Ancient
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Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr?   Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Icon_minitimeSat 9 Apr 2011 - 0:05

What about modifying the Protectorate of Sigmar for Morr warband? Still simple but using the Morr magic list and maybe modifying some of the hammer theme to a special scythe weapon?
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PostSubject: Re: Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr?   Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Icon_minitimeSat 9 Apr 2011 - 0:29

Hmm thats not a bad idea actually. I will think more about this. Too many projects in the air right now I think. But... I cant get those zombies out of my head :S
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Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr?   Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Icon_minitimeSat 9 Apr 2011 - 1:10

Sorry I was so unclear. Your answer is precisely what I was looking for Smile
Didn't know they were so into blackpowder weapons - that does complicate things.

With "Heavy on the flavour" I mean that it's so easy to cherrypick all the coolest choices from a warhammer army and boil 'em down to a warband, resulting in a mish-mashed army in miniature. 'Beware of making things too epic' might be a better way to put it.

Best of luck!
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Von Kurst
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Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr?   Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Icon_minitimeSat 9 Apr 2011 - 1:36

For scenarios written with zombie pirates in mind I (shamelessly) suggest The Haunted Wreck and Fell Cargo. Both can be found in the Sartosa Add On from StyrofoamKing.

Also for an Undead pirate warband there is always Styro's Ghost Pirates and Werekin has been making some references to shambling pirates that may turn out to be something as well.

If you do pursue the Zombie Pirates as a warband, please do post your progress. Our group just got back from the Vampire Coast, but we'd be up to do it again.
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Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr?   Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Icon_minitimeSat 9 Apr 2011 - 1:44

Aha! Some good stuff coming out of this post!


I think we where talking about the same thing, and both of us suffering a bit from using a foreign language. But what you are saying is something that I also think is common, and a dangerous path to walk, and I have been careful about that part, but it was kind of easy, when lookig at the rules for these poor poor pirates =)

@ von Kurst

I will take another look at the Sartosa add on. We have been determined from the very beginning of this project to keep it in a Sartoosan setting, so we where very happy when we found this!
I will keep you updated with my progress regarding the zombies.
I decided to actually try to make a Warhammer army, using this list, and I will put this on....

Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? DSCN6563

... when I play it... so loosing doesnt hurt too much Very Happy
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr?   Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Icon_minitimeSat 9 Apr 2011 - 2:38

Excellent! I stopped playing my Zombie Pirate list back in 7th. They were fun for a bit and then everyone figured out that the list was pants and the zombie killing began in ernest. So I switched to a counts as list as long as I could use Dogs of War cannon and then gave it up as a bad job for 8th.
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PostSubject: Re: Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr?   Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Icon_minitimeSat 9 Apr 2011 - 9:19

Sorry to side track...
Nice suit Tintin, rather large cod piece there, reminds me of Henry the VIII armour in the tower of london
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PostSubject: Re: Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr?   Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Icon_minitimeSat 9 Apr 2011 - 15:55

@ von Kurst

Yes the army is propably the worst they have ever made, and the guy that wrote it seems to think that army lists where the units is worse for the owner than the opponent is the way to go :S

@ smokezombie

Yeah its a nice set of armour. A friend made it for me, and the inspiration was a german set of armour from around 1520 or so. I have used it for fighting (SCA heavy fighting) and its quite different from my normal armour that I wear. It looks cool though, but is way to heavy for effective fighting.
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PostSubject: Re: Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr?   Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Icon_minitimeMon 11 Apr 2011 - 22:05

Ghost Pirates: The Ghost Pirates Kurst mentioned on are on the Styroheim site (completely unofficial). Be sure to get the "Errata" & Add-on documents too, as they now have improved Gibbets and an optional skill list.

Priests of Morr:

You got three options:

1. Priest of Morr substitute hero - found in Town Cryer 12 - This is a hero that can join a Mercenary warband, replacing a hero. Not a WARBAND full of flavor, but pretty easy. You can find the Town Cryer at

2. Vampire Hunter Warband - Found in Letters of the Damned 5 - Brahm's list, that resembles the Witch Hunters. Very fair (although the hounds are WAY too cheap at 15gc!)

3. Vampire Hunter Warband - Killer Shrike - slightly stronger than Brahms, but if handled by a fair player, can be fun. The funnest / closest to broken character is a Dhampire character that is as strong as a vampire. Make sure you get group approval.
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PostSubject: Re: Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr?   Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Icon_minitimeTue 12 Apr 2011 - 0:09

In our WHFRPG campaign, we have a Master of Ceremonies from the Cult of Morr (its an NPC btw), and he is more undead than actuall living, very morbid and consumed by his work for the temple. He has entered a state where his body have started to seriously decay, and he is forced to use a silver mask, to hide his hideous appearance from the living. The undead fear him, since he is also the "communicator", the one that talks to the dead, I am sure you can imagine with what means and tools he does this gruesome work.
I very much would love to make a warband like this. Centered around a strong priest from the temple of Morr, set out to lay rest to the wicked undead, and administer the rites and services for the dying and of course... the dead.
With him, there should be some lower ranks of priests and the like, that do the daily chores and also help the Master with his needs. Along with these there should be a few Raven Templars, perhaps a brother monk that deals with the more mundane stuff.
It is getting fleshed out, slowly I might say, since I have so many projects going on at the moment.
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PostSubject: Re: Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr?   Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Icon_minitimeTue 12 Apr 2011 - 18:25

Cult of Morr - Well, I wouldn't get too attached to the Undead good priest (not many show up in WH), but sounds like fun. Start a eparate thread, see what develops.
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PostSubject: Re: Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr?   Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Icon_minitimeTue 12 Apr 2011 - 20:02

@styro :I think in the LOD5 Vampire slayer list is a misprint regarding the wolf hounds.

I think they should clearly have the wardog stats of the witch hunter list and not the stats of theilgrims.

If i play the Vampire hunters some day i will play them wirh the war dogs stats.
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PostSubject: Re: Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr?   Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast and Priests of Morr? Icon_minitimeTue 12 Apr 2011 - 22:49

StyrofoamKing wrote:
Cult of Morr - Well, I wouldn't get too attached to the Undead good priest (not many show up in WH), but sounds like fun. Start a eparate thread, see what develops.

I was just showing you an example of what I would like my warband to be like. The WHRPG campaign have been running for a good 15 years now, with essentially the same players and GM. I would say that we are quite at home with the warhammer lore, but perhaps a bit on the "old" side. I dont think we use much of the newer lore, especially the stuff that have come out in some of the less cool warhammer FB army books.

The church of Morr is refered to as the Cult of Morr, same as the Cult of Sigmar etc. It is a decription of a specific cult belonging to one diety in the pantheon, not as a "cult" per se.
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