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 Miniatures of the east...

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Miniatures of the east... Empty
PostSubject: Miniatures of the east...   Miniatures of the east... Icon_minitimeTue 8 Mar 2011 - 7:43

Hello all I have skimmed through this board for ages but only just decided to register for an account tonight.

I am just working on the photo aspect of the hobby so don't expect much out of the pictures for the time being.

I've got alot of Samurai/Japanese style miniatures I have converted and think people may be interested in seeing. So to start things off here is an old goblin sculpt by Bob Ollie I painted a while back I believe it was originally for the L5R system but I may be wrong...
Miniatures of the east... 5508687320_18a359c0db
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Miniatures of the east... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Miniatures of the east...   Miniatures of the east... Icon_minitimeTue 8 Mar 2011 - 8:14

Here are some others....

This is one of the Nippon Rocket crew citadel produced in the late eights. I added a straw hat and a bow..
Miniatures of the east... 5508137039_97c69aa9d8

This is one of the yakuza miniatures fro the "oriental heroes" range, again produced by citadel circa late eighties..
Miniatures of the east... 5508137019_6af1bc8c69_m

Finally another L5R goblin, this one war originally perched on top of another goblin, because of this I had to remake his feet as you can see.

Miniatures of the east... 5508137059_33b724fedb.

The bases on the last two could probably do with some more work.

Again I apologize for the relative photo ineptitude, I am currently re-reading the how to take photos of your miniatures thread...

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Miniatures of the east... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Miniatures of the east...   Miniatures of the east... Icon_minitimeTue 8 Mar 2011 - 13:18

VERY COOL STUFF! This is one of those rare times that I can admire "classic" minis for their merits rather than through the veil of nostalgia...I haven't seen this little treasures before. Being a Goblin Guy, I especially like the Samurai Goblins. All are very nicely painted...WELL DONE! thumbsup
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Miniatures of the east... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Miniatures of the east...   Miniatures of the east... Icon_minitimeTue 8 Mar 2011 - 13:38

Yes...well done! last mini is the better one!
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Miniatures of the east... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Miniatures of the east...   Miniatures of the east... Icon_minitimeTue 8 Mar 2011 - 22:17

Yay for Clan War minis! Smile

I'm using my version of the first Shadowlands Goblin as Pokku - Goblin Warmonger from Far-Off Nippon, one of my 100 semi-Dramatis Personae.
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PostSubject: Re: Miniatures of the east...   Miniatures of the east... Icon_minitime

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