- Pathfinder Dubstyles wrote:
I was going to suggest the same if starting with the ratling gun, keep it out of the fight until you have accumulated enough warpstone and advances to make it worth fielding. Sadly you cannot start with tokens, they are refined from wyrdstone at a rate of d3 as a post game action for an apprentice. I'm not an expert on warband creation so i cant say whether it is better to take the ratling gun or wait and search for it later. Upside of buying at the start is you don't have to search with it, downside is a smaller starting warband.
Since i too am planning of using this rare warband, i'll see if i can find the preliminary list i made a few months ago when i started the project for comparisons...
Looking at your lists, i would drop the gas masks on any models not throwing globes (unless your playing strict wysiwyg, I'd argue their just broken until you can afford to fix them!)
I tend to arm my heroes all differently based on what models i have available and what looks good, so i cringe when i see "youngblood" types all armed identically, but when gold is as tight as it is in this warband, i can tolerate it!
Although it looks like we think alike when it comes to henchmen, cheap slaves and as many specialists as you can afford to maximize that BS advance potential!. Remember, specialists should be organized into groups of two (i asked the creator, he said the same group can be equipped differently to facilitate the loader and the firer). I'm not sure if it's beardy to take six groups of one as opposed to three groups of two... I do know it takes up a lot of space on the warband list. I'm undecided how I'll handle these groups
Once you get the ratling gun into the action do you plan on saving up for another weapon? I was going to dedicate the remaining specialists to poison wind globe duty until i can afford a warp fore thrower or jezzial.
Sorry, I totally overlooked that post due to the extinction of my former mordheim group.
With some new players reviving the old group, I'm going to field the following warband in our current campaign:
Warlock engineer (70): Dagger (0), Spear (10), Warp blades (40) = 120 WT
Overseer (45): Dagger (0), Shield (6), Steel Whip (10) = 61 WT
Apprentice warlock (20): 2 Daggers (2), Poison wind globes (15) = 37 WT
Apprentice warlock (20): 2 Daggers (2), Poison wind globes (15) = 37 WT
Apprentice warlock (20): 2 Daggers (2), Poison wind globes (15) = 37 WT
Weapon specialist(20): Dagger(0), Warpflame thrower(65) = 85 WT
Weapon specialist(20): Dagger(0), Wapstone pump = 60 WT
6 Skaven Slaves (60): Dagger (0) = 60 WT
=497 WT
I tested some starting warbands with ratling and flamer. The flamer proved to be better - even without tokens.
Of course I use slaves as living shields with the flamer right behind them. As soon as the slaves are in cc, I usually toast them along with their opponents. The list contains enough slaves, so it's more important to keep the overseer alive. The shield costs 20% more in our campaign and gives +2 on the armour save in cc, whereas attacks from a second cc weapon suffer -1 to hit.
I want to buy a ratling later in the campaign, so it starts with tokens and BS4.
In our campaign, we are allowed to choose a wizard's first spell on warband creation instead of rolling that D6 - which one would you choose? No shooting attack I assume, so there are curse, giant rats and fury left?