Session 4 Started with them exploring the mansion. Every time they opened a shut door (other than the kitchen and dining room) the spear flew at the offending PC. Also whenever they committed vandalism.
This was a sadly uneventful game as it was mostly exploring, traps and trying to figure out what the various magic items did. Finally (in the LAST room they searched) they found the lore of metal key that disarmed the traps and unlocked the wizards bedroom and workshop. In the workshop they found texts indicating the wizard was into alchemy and dabbling in necromancy. They encountered the wizard's storeroom for magical items and were unable to pick the lock, and their mage was not strong enough. So the Merc took out an axe and spent five minutes hacking the door apart. Inside they found a suit of plate and chain crafted with Dhar. The wearer had to always turn every die into a reckless die. Which was useful. But also it was noisy. Also was a magic jewelry box that never seemed to get heavier due to what was in it and would never fall open unless the latch was used. But it was small. The Thief found a very nice dagger that seemed to shift balance so it could be used as a melee or throwing dagger (and would return to her) They found gauntlets that made whatever metal weapon held in them count as a magical weapon, but no bonuses (but they could not figure out what it did). They found a helm that gave minor resistance to magic. And they found a Silver Human Hand that was a necromantic focus. And last was a small simple cube that when fiddled with would open a secret passage in the basement. Down there they found a necromantic workspace and a metal throne with the dead wizard. A Banshee was floating in front of him sobbing. The large chunk of Wyrdstone was there on the man's lap. The stone was in the shape and size of a screaming woman's head.
The final session started with the team trying to deal with the Banshee. They tried to use magic to distract the banshee but the wizard wasn't skilled enough to pull of the spell under such conditions. Tension and stress rising the party decided to simply sneak in and steal it. The thief was successful (some very fine rolls) however the banshee noticed shortly after. Turning and screaming her Banshee Cry they started a fighting retreat down the secret passage. After a short fight and some spectacularlly BAD dice rolls the fight ended with the Mage unscathed, the Theif DEAD and the Merc passed out from mental and physical exhaustion and terror. The Mage dragged the passed out Merc outside the mansion and then locked the door. He went upstairs with the Wyrdstone and began his ritual.
This was the single WORST dice roll I have seen in years. He was trying a ritual to forcibly mutate himself back to normal. But had NEGATIVE SEVEN successes. Which is absurd. After thinking about it for a minute or two we all agreed he would either become a spawn or be blessed by a Daemon. Due to the size and potency of the wyrdstone chunk and other shards used I decided he would be 'blessed'. He became fused with a Daemon and grew to eight feet tall, massive strength, claws, and incredible endurance. However he was very unstable.
The backup character I had ready in case of a PC death was a Mordheim survivor. He was strong, tough, totally insane and packing a flail with a censer with sigmar blessed incense. He revived and force fed healing herbs to the Merc and the two of them decided to destroy the daemon before it could become more powerful. The merc agreed but mostly for vengence.
The fight started with the Merc swinging hard with his greatsword. The Mage/Daemon swatted the Merc aside and then tore his throat out with a powerful swipe of his claw. The survivor managed to get a few good hits in before falling to repeated strikes. Unknown to all was that the fight would only last 5 rounds before the Daemon would fade from instability. So the 'winner' of our campaign was the Mage. Who sort of completed his goal. The Mage/Daemon then went walked off towards The Pit to find his master...
The End!
We spent some time doing a backstory for this new Dramatis Personae daemon. But that will be in a different post. I hope you enjoyed the story as I wrote it!