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 Glossy Paint

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Venerable Ancient
Venerable Ancient

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PostSubject: Glossy Paint   Glossy Paint Icon_minitimeMon 9 Aug 2010 - 16:13

Has anyone ever used glossy paint for their miniatures? I picked up some glossy black the other day with the idea of using it to paint black leather. After painting it on it looks a bit too shiny, more like latex than leather.

However, I did have another idea. I wonder how it would look if I were to drybrush the black gloss on top of the flat black to create natural shiny highlights. I'm going to test it out tonight I think. I can't tell if it will just look really weird or really cool.

Anyone else have ideas on how to use glossy paint?
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PostSubject: Re: Glossy Paint   Glossy Paint Icon_minitimeMon 9 Aug 2010 - 16:45

For glossy areas I usually apply a brush on gloss finish after the matte spray. Areas that get the gloss have to have somewhat more subdued highlighting or the effect s too garish. BTW there are a couple of gloss finishes that have sparkly thingies in them for an interesting effect. Glossy Paint Fresse
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