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 Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon

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Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon Empty
PostSubject: Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon   Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon Icon_minitimeSun 11 Jul 2010 - 5:02

i wrote this as some backround for a scenario my friend wrote. What happens is, on the docks of Mordheim this epic battle between two warbands happened, and in the Scenario based around said battle(s) a particular Dramatis Personae could be found. And for fun he wanted the warband who found this Special Character (named Calico Thom, after Calico Jack the real pirate) to have this journal as a reward. If you want the easier to read, better looking copy, put down your email or something.

The Diarty of Sebastion Pieterzoon

Harbormaster of the City of Mordheim

26th day of Morning Star, the year 1999 of our Lord Sigmar

1 bell

Today, I was visited by Captain Heinrich Blackthorne of the ship Devil’s Rose. She’s a beautiful ship, Tilean craft. Best there ever was. She’s a fast sloop, 2 ½ foot keel, 3 tons without any cargo or crew. Can hold ten guns and is damn fast, I’d hate to be chased by it. A dozen hands can easily man her. He paid is docking fee, 3 crowns a day. He paid for the whole month! I never was twenty paces near the College in Nuln but I recon that’s a sum of money to not scoff at! He’s asked me to inspect his ship, as I properly should, at 4 bells for him. He seems anxious to get out; most people have been since the Comet fell. With Sigmar’s grace this will all be sorted out and everything will be rebuilt. Many people are leaving, they say that the crater is gathering unnatural fog, but I think it’s just superstition in the hands of peasants.


26th night of Morning Star, the year 1999 of our lord Sigmar


They attacked us! I was late to checking the Devil’s Rose, closer to five bells than four, when, as I was crossing the gang plank, screams from the bay-side buildings erupted. People were scattering from the entrance of Burk’s Cooper and a woman was hurled out the window, taking glass and wood as she went. Captain Blackthorne cocked his pistol and ran down the wharf, calling out to his crew of a dozen or so, armed and ready. Their Bosun, a good man named Jacque, threw me a brace and an arm and I followed. As we ran towards the now even more ruined shop, a horde of small, vicious rat-men burst out of the door. I’d never seen such creatures; later Heinrich explained them to be Skaven, which he has fought many a-time in the sewers of Altdorf. These vicious rats charged anyone close by. Heinrich bravely charged the vermin, discharging his pistol on the nearest rat and slicing into another. Sigmar, what I wouldn’t give to fight like that devil! The rest of us fired our weapons into throng, taking down whatever beast we could. That Bosun Jacque is a damned shot; he killed two rat-beasts with that silver blunderbuss of his. By the time we were in shot range, the rat men and recovered and charged us, the crew of Devil’s Rose fought with their native Kislevite cunning and ferocity. The three-quarter score of rat-men we faced was cut down to a dozen in a matter of seconds, and they tried to escape but we cut them down left and right. Three managed to escape the crew, and I couldn’t keep up with the quick rat-beast. My lungs aren’t what they used to be. Heinrich raised a hurrah in victory, but too soon. As we turned to go, 2 and half dozen or more rat-men burst out of the cooper. The crew men spun back around and all tried to reload our weapons. Four sailors, nameless to my knowledge, were overrun by several rat-beasts’ vicious little blades. We fired out volley and hit what we could. We turned tail and ran. We are holed up in a shattered tavern, praying and waiting. We need a way back to Heinrich’s ship. Soon.

Sigmar be with us,



27th day of Morning Star, the year 1999 of our Lord Sigmar


Early, I was awoken by the last man on watch, Baucus VanTassel, a strong, tall man who wields his sledge with blurring speed. The cabin boy, a young blood by the name of Calico Thom picked up camp and nodded to me. He’s a mute, but he fights like a madman with those knives he constantly fondles. He must be the son of one of the many Kislev drunks and rogues, but I shan’t judge. I may need this boy with me more than even Heinrich. Sigmar forbid we lose anymore, the eight crew and myself only makes a band of 7 men, a boy and my weak bones. We are lucky to be alive, if it weren’t for the crew’s total loyalty to Captain Blackthorne and their cunning and bravery, I’d surely be a nameless corpse in the gutter. Calico Thom picked up the camp and Jacque and Baucus took positions in the top story of the inn, to try to find a safe and clear route to the Harbor. We fled at night, finding any landmarks then in the heat of battle and the mindless flight away from death surely ruined any chance of finding our way back. We could be here for some time, and if we are here too long we will certainly be fish in the net. I think the plan is to make out way southeast, you can almost always get to the harbor by going south on any street in this city. We need the luck.

Sigmar Protect and Watch Over Us


28th? Early morning of Morning Star, the year 1999 of Our Lord Sigmar. Blackthorne, Baucus, Thom, I and Two crewmen are left

I am on watch and I need to stay awake. We were not allowed a campfire tonight, in case the rat-men see the fire. They found us, on our way out of the old inn. One of the crew hadn’t taken a step out of the door before his head exploded in a sizzle of green flames. Calico threw himself and me to the floor as more bullets ripped through the windows and pierced Baucus’ leg. The rest of the crew hit the deck but Jacque and Blackthorne kicked out a barrel and scrambled to the window. Behind the barrel, Heinrich tore out his spyglass and searched the city. His eyes went wide and he dropped his head behind the barricade as a bullet shattered the spyglass in his hand. “Jezzail!” Jacque yelled and ducked out of his spot and lined up a shot. He took it, and the sound of a body hitting the cobble stones made my skin crawl. I looked to where Thom had been and was surprised to not see him at all. I asked the other crew where he’d gone, but he said he didn’t see him leave. The fire kept exchanging, and by the sound of the bullets being fired I figured Jacque and taken another cruel, vermin life. All I could do was watch at this point, no one dared go upstairs and Heinrich was coordinating with Jacque. As Blackthorne lifted his head for the hundredth time his face went pale and he screamed “Move!” He jumped for cover into the inn as a several bullets tore holes in his barrel and Jacque tried to jump, but a bullet took his foot as he crouched to spring. His jump became a fall and he smacked against the cobblestones. He picked himself up only to have bullets shatterd his cover and shred through his leg and hand. Once more he tried to crawl to the safety of the inn. A crewman and Captain Blackthorne ran over to him to help drag him in when more bullets erupted from the chest of the crewman and into the belly of Jacque. Another crew dove and took Heinrich in the side, dropping him to the floor, below the stream of emerald flames. I dragged Jacque back into the inn, only to watch him die with uncountable bullet wounds in his body. The great marksman finally met his match. In fury I took his long rifle and his blunderbuss and made my way up the stairs. As hidden as I could be, I searched for the killer. Heinrich tried to stop me, but he had no power over me as I wasn’t his crew. I saw our enemy, what appeared to be a crew of two rat-men, holding a single, huge, multi-barreled handgun. They laughed and evil and malevolent laugh as I raised my rifle to take a life. As my finger eased on to the trigger, Calico Thom sprang out of nowhere. Nimble as a cat, a silver blur sprang from his hand into the spin of the rat holding the barrel and the heavy weight dropped to the roof top. The other rat couldn’t bear the weight himself, try as he might, and charged into him. Thom tackled the rat and shoved one of his barbed knives into the side of the beast as they both fell from the rooftops. When the bodies hit the ground with a sickening noise, I nearly fell over as Thom rolled off the Skaven corpse and made a mad dash for the Inn. We still need all the men we can have; we are down to five and me. We are still holed up in this Inn, we’ve gone nowhere. The clock is ticking, but the bells are no longer heard from the Church of Sigmar. Silence and the smell of death, nothing else.

Sigmar, I pray: save us this terrible fate


29th Night of Morning Star, the year 1999 of Our Lord Sigmar

Calico and I remain.

A ll is lost, a final battle was fought, and Calico Thom and I are all that is left. When morning came, we made a mad dash south as far as we could go before we all nearly fainted. The night went by, things looked good. But when morning came, the sun went down for good. The brewery we made camp in seemed secure, heavy stone walls and a basement, only a wooden roof and few windows. They found us anyways, they are hunting us, and they want us. I don’t know why. All we wanted was to make it to the Devil’s Rose and escape. It’d be suicide with only half minimum crew to man it, but the sea is a preferable fate to being eaten by the foul Skaven. We thought we were safe, but no where is safe in this city. Not any more. Before we even awoke, the basement hatch blew open and rat-men poured in. I didn’t have time to count. We sprang from beds to defend ourselves and two crewmen were slaughtered in seconds. Heinrich, Baucus, Thom and I fired our braces and tore out our weapons, ready to make a last stand. The rats dashed at us with their mind numbing speed and we fought and struggled to survive. There were two for every one of us and we fought. Those Kislevites were better fighters than I ever was, and between Calico and I we took our four on together. Wounded and beaten, we tried to breathe and Heinrich bent down to catch his breath and ordered Calico to check the hatch. The boy did has he was bid and screamed “Sigmar damn you!” as a rat-man flew up the stairs to only tumbled back down by a kick from the rogue-child. Heinrich set his face with determination and drew another pistol and brought his sword to bear. He had not taken a single step when the wall behind him blew into fragments and a colossal arm crashed into the arm and beat the captain in the skull. The brave Kislevite was thrown like a ragdoll against the far wall and his head exploded and every bone was shattered. Baucus spun about and screamed for me to help Thom on the stairs and I ran to the base and did my best to help the agile boy. Baucus charged the beast as brave and as best he could with his wounded leg, the bullet still not totally removed nor the wound healed. The great rat ogre swung his massive fists at Baucus and he smashed them out of the way with his heavy sledge. The huge rat kicked out Baucus’ legs and he went down, the heavy slash down I never saw. Tom barreled down the stairs into three rats and I jumped in after him. On a small platform in the expansive Dwarf built basement we took five rat men that remained and charged back up to help Baucus. When we arrived at the top, we saw the strong sailor wield his great hammer the best he could with one arm, the other severed on the ground. His arm gave out and the sledge fell to the floor. He looked up, his face bloodstained and swollen. Every patch of skin bruised and snarled as the massive rat bore down upon him. He yanked a dagger from his boot and stabbed up at the looming, taunting muzzle. A gout of blood spurted from its throat as its arm slashed in for the kill, taking Baucus’ body apart from the waist and sending the torso skittering across the floor. Three more daggers flew from behind me, taking the beast in both its eyes and again in the throat. It tried to step towards Thom and me and crumpled on the floor. Sigmar guide the lives lost and protect the child and I. Praise be to Him for saving our lives this day. Save us, anyone, save us. We make for the docks tonight, we are nearly there. We’re a street down from when we fought at the Cooper. Calico is a good hand, so he says and I am the harbor master, surely we can sail up the coast. We have to. Tilea is our only chance. The Devil’s Rose is our only hope, our only chance. And we need to get out. Tonight.

This is the last journal entry, hope is lost, yet we still may have a chance. We saw rat men lurking around the cooper. If we can sneak past them and make a dash for the docks, the certainly can’t catch us once we are on the skiff, Calico says the Skaven cannot swim. I hope he is right.

Sigmar Save Us, I beg, Sigmar save us. I will read the Book of the Hammer every night and become a priest in your name if you deliver us. I will show bravery to prove I am a worthy life. So many…rats…rats….everywhere…so many…..the bells……. night…the chattering… the smell of death…the moon…it…haunts us….shadows on the stone…

[ the writing becomes frustrated and shaky scratches on the page]
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Von Kurst
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Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon   Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon Icon_minitimeThu 15 Jul 2010 - 15:33

A scenario involving Calico Jack? Very interested in that!

Now to make this easier to read, you could just edit it back to the default font and we could at least SEE it. Black on dark grey means invisible to me....
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lord siwoc
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PostSubject: Re: Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon   Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon Icon_minitimeThu 15 Jul 2010 - 15:55

Mark it, and it will become blue on white.

I like the story, accursed ratmen!!!
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon   Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon Icon_minitimeThu 15 Jul 2010 - 16:38

That is better. Thanks.

The story--The plot assumes that the ruined Mordheim is still inhabited, which is kind of questionable but not a big deal.

Also the ship is given a Kislevite origin, yet none of the names of crew or captain are particularly Kislevite sounding. Finally Tilea is given as the source of refuge. Why would an Imperial harbor master run to Tilea with a bunch of Kislevites? One would have to pass through the whole of the Empire to reach the sea, then sail past Bretonia and Estalia to reach Tilea. There are plenty of ports to take refuge in without leaving the Empire.

Now if the story were set in Sartosa...

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Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon   Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon Icon_minitimeThu 15 Jul 2010 - 17:12

Once more a bit slow on the uptake...among MANY other things Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon Suspect , I took the liberty of changing the font color to something that doesn't leave the reader blind or with a pounding migraine. Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon Fresse
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Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon   Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon Icon_minitimeFri 16 Jul 2010 - 0:46

i will do that. And i apologize for inconsistancies and the color.Thanks for changing the font DeafNala. I hope despite it's down falls (feel free to use it, or put it in Sartosa or whatever you please) And i will see if i can't get ahold of the scenario. Thanks for the comments
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Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon   Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon Icon_minitimeFri 16 Jul 2010 - 2:19

A FINE TALE despite the original font color. Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon 544694
NOW, if Kislev is supposedly modeled on Russia...supposed as Winged Hussars would be Polish Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon Suspect ...having a Foreign crew would be correct, at least in the commissioned officers & petty officers. Journal of Sebastion Pieterzoon Suspect
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