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 WIP Possessed Warband

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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeSun 13 Apr 2008 - 19:22

While I wait for my magnets to arrive so that I can make the heads and arms modular, I am converting my Magister and Possessed.

My Magister
WIP Possessed Warband FSCN1180
WIP Possessed Warband FSCN1178
WIP Possessed Warband FSCN1179
He is pretty much done except or a magnet arm and some clean up around his neck. Why is he so dashingly handsome rather than malformed and hunched? Well I figure as a cult leader he has great charisma.

The Possessed
WIP Possessed Warband FSCN1177
I am going with a different look for my possessed inspired by deamonhosts in the warhammer 40k universe. I think the official models are a little cartoonish (no offense) and the new spawn are too beastly. He will be floating off the ground dragging huge flails grafted to his arms to represent his great claw, or whatever other mutations I decide to use.

Last edited by Pathfinder Dubstyles on Sun 13 Apr 2008 - 20:47; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeSun 13 Apr 2008 - 19:38

Wow! these are awesome! Great work, and I love your fluff/thoughts.

I don't think I've seen magnets used on Mordheim miniatures, before. Do you have a plan for how you are going to do it? I think it's a great idea. Esp if you restart warbands a lot.

Keep the pics coming Wink
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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeSun 13 Apr 2008 - 20:13

Very good work so far, I'm looking forward to seeing the progress of your warband.
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeSun 13 Apr 2008 - 20:15

looks great! some nice skills!
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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeSun 13 Apr 2008 - 20:34

The idea of magnet arms with different weapons is amazing! Man, this would be so cool. If anyone finds appropriate magnets please let me know!! I this used be quite possible with plastic models.
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Pathfinder Dubstyles
Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeSun 13 Apr 2008 - 20:45

I have never tried the magnets but I figure it will be great for upgrading weapons (giving my mutants swords rather than clubs) and replacing brethren when they die with new weapon combos.

I ordered from, 1/16" and 1/8" diameter discs, 100 each!

Now I need to get back to my possessed...
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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeSun 13 Apr 2008 - 21:09

Cool. Let us know once you have any experience with them. I'll probably try to find a few on ebay...
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeSun 13 Apr 2008 - 21:30

Pathfinder Dubstyles wrote:
/16" and 1/8" diameter discs, 100 each!

Awesome. I've been very curious about these. You'll have to do a full product review post to give us the low down on them Wink

Talk soon,
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Pathfinder Dubstyles
Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeTue 15 Apr 2008 - 1:01

I have yesterday's converting to update you guys on. I mainly focused on how the hell I was going to achieve the floating possessed, and I think despite the thickness of the chains I was able to get them to bundle and appear to hang well enough.
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1185
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1186
Looks like the flash went off for this photo and I didn't notice at the time, excuse the shiny. If you can't tell the difference, I added the left (his) shoulder collar and pendent. Right now he looks like he is directing traffic, but hopefully when I paint his palm red it will look like he is casting a spell.
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1183
Last we have a Beastman, you can barely see where I fixed the hair. If you have ever put these models together you know how one must definitely use putty to fix up the horn gap.
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1187
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeTue 15 Apr 2008 - 1:05

Very cool. I like the floating possessed Smile

WIP Possessed Warband Banner10
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeTue 15 Apr 2008 - 2:45

You have a freaking awesome imagination. That possessed is so original and awesome.

Good modeling work. Can't wait for the next update Wink
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeTue 15 Apr 2008 - 14:38

I wonder how the levitating possessed will enter buildings... Smile

excellent idea and nice conversions!!
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lord siwoc
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeTue 15 Apr 2008 - 14:44

Can I steal that idea with the possesed? Want to use it in wh40k.

It is great!!!!!!
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Pathfinder Dubstyles
Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeWed 16 Apr 2008 - 3:03

Yes he would easily double as a deamonhost, basically the same thing and the source of my original inspiration! No permission needed. He walks most of the time, I imagine. With base he is 2 and 1/8th inches so 2" ceilings will be trouble!

Today I have hit a converting snag, I require a smaller drill to continue my magister and mutant arms, but the possessed himself is basically done except for a base. I had to sculpt a few chain links, nothing worth taking a picture of. I might give him base feet, if any of my models should have them it'd be him.

I am stuck on a paint scheme. I don't want to evoke any particular chaos god so putrid green, pink, blue and blood red are out. White/tan robes are too monastic, so I'll use gray/black browns. There are 3 basic cloth areas on each flagellant brethren body, so I can use 3 base colors shuffled around for variety. Narrowed it down to these options:

Gray, dark brown, and dark crimson
Back, light brown, deep purple
Back, light brown, midnight blue

More flamboyant you say?
How about ruby red robes with yellow sunbursts like the cultists in TES4:Oblivion?

Painting starts in force tomorrow...
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lord siwoc
Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeWed 16 Apr 2008 - 6:34

Magister can be flamboyant.

The others I would go with option two.
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeWed 16 Apr 2008 - 7:59

wow! brilliant! Very Happy
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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeWed 16 Apr 2008 - 8:18

Why not use all of the options?
It might look quite nice if you have some variation in the warband.

I would definitly add some chaos black to the "richer" colours of the robes(the dark crimson, purple...) to give them a dirty and worn look.
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Pathfinder Dubstyles
Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeSun 20 Apr 2008 - 18:42


My magnets finally arrived, so I have been spending my time drilling, scraping and gluing. The small magnets I used for heads are a perfect fit, but the hardest part is widening the hole for the 1/8" from the 1/32 size drill bit I have. Sometimes on the bare arms i poke through the shoulder, so I'll have to fill the gaps later.

I am really pleased with the results, this is the best investment I have ever made for my gaming. There are enough arms in the flagellant set to have any weapon combo I want. The only downside is that I must paint all the sleeves the same color as well as the adjoining robes.

WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1202
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1190
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1191
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1192
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1195
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1197
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1196
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1201

I am hiring a Marksmen, but rather being from Tilea, he is a former resident of Mordheim who fled the comet and lived off the land for years. Hunting for survival has made him an excellent shot and now he has returned to claim his birthright. Little does he know the green rock he found in the countryside which he uses as a good luck charm has actually corrupted his soul... I will magnetize the weapons simply b/c I can, and I like the original model a lot.
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1194

Here is a head shot (ha):
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1203

What I love the most is that I can replace losses with new heads! Here is a pile of heads from the flagellants and bretonian bowmen. These two sets have the perfect selection of ugly bastards for my heartless band of killers!
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1204
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeSun 20 Apr 2008 - 18:56

Shocked nice idea man! nice nice and nice! Smile
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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeSun 20 Apr 2008 - 19:02

This is so fucking brilliant! You, my good Sir, hereby get the Tabletop Nobel price for Innovation from me.


Congrats for that and thanks for showing me incredible new possibilities for tabletop miniatures I am definately going to explore in the semi-near future. Oh, and this thread is claimed for an upcoming issue of Cianty's Heresy for the Letters of the Damned (like a few others on this board).
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeSun 20 Apr 2008 - 19:15

cianty wrote:

*joins in*

I don't even really believe you just did that.
Freaking amazing.
Freaking amazing....
I don't believe it...
I don't believe it...
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Pathfinder Dubstyles
Venerable Ancient
Venerable Ancient
Pathfinder Dubstyles

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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeMon 21 Apr 2008 - 16:39

Ow shucks it weren't nothin' People have been doing this magnet thing with Space Marines for years.

I have yet to check out Letters of the Damned, I need to get on that pronto!

Cainty if you would like I can write an article in word format with these pictures, either after or instead of what you plan to do. I will even make a step-by-step guide to installing the magnets with pretty pictures. Give me a time frame to work with and If I have a week or so I can do a painting guide as well.

Updates on the painting should drop on Thursday...
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeMon 21 Apr 2008 - 19:36

I'd love to read a "how to" about the magnet thingy. If you like you can write it and send it to the LoD editor yourself rather than being just one of numerous features of a Heresy. Your choice really..

(So that's what I get for not caring for Warhammer 40k oh well...)
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Pathfinder Dubstyles
Venerable Ancient
Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeWed 30 Apr 2008 - 2:27

I started painting and stopped middle of last week. I didn't like how slow it was taking or the results I got. So here are some pictures, you'll see what I mean...

I first painted the beastman. He turned our better than I could have hoped, and I am very pleased with the tan, blue/grey color scheme. there are six shades of brown on this model! At first I did not like the way the loincloth turned out b/c it looks pink, but then i realized it looked like human skin!Twisted Evil
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1212
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1213

Next is the only other complete model. Everything i said about dark colors I apparently threw out the window, and while he looks nice, I don't like the skin. It is mixed through Beasty brown/tanned flesh/dwarf flesh/bleached bone. I then drybrushed it rotten flesh and ruined it! I think I'm using too many colors...
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1214

the shield looks a lot better in person.
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1215

So I decided to cut down on the amount of skin tones i used and my next few are experiments. This guy has his chest done just like the first mutant, only I stopped after the tanned flesh. His face on the other hand is beasty brown/tanned flesh/rotten flesh which I like a lot more.
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1216

Next is the same method on the chest and that bad drybrush of rotting flesh (i did them all at once) with an unfinished head and a crap arm. I tried to drybrush the whole arm grey/flesh/bone but it looks horrible!
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1217\

I finally mastered a blue that was dark and rich enough on my Magister, but his skin is basic beasty though bone like the original skin seen on everyone's chest, minus that infamous drybrushing. Oh well, back to the mixing pallet! I need to repaint a lot, I need to try to get all the skin tones the same so arm swapping is no issue...
WIP Possessed Warband DSCN1211
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitimeWed 30 Apr 2008 - 11:05

I think they do look very good! I particularly like the Gor (maybe because I'm a huge beastman fan).
May I ask for one thing: Since your models can have their arms in different positions due to the magnets, could you take some more shots of the Gor with only his arms being different, ie. the left one a little lower here and the other a lifted a little more up. You know, to show how flexible they are. Do you have different arms for the Gor already? I'd really love to see a photos series of one model with different arms atached and diferent positions. That would be really cool.
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PostSubject: Re: WIP Possessed Warband   WIP Possessed Warband Icon_minitime

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